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Chapter 1980 1980. Becoming Grand

However, there was something that many had noticed. The potion in the cauldron was rapidly reducing. But along with that, it was also resisting the influence of the old monster alchemist and of Remey.

Ignus\'s eyes focused more on this fact than he had focused on things before. Onyx could sense the worry that was coming from Ignus. Specifically because of the flames growing.

Since he and Remey had taken these steps to become dominator dragon together, Ignus could sense the unique flames that lived within her heart. They were growing and the mana was spreading even more through her.

His heart beat made him feel the same. When he had attempted to use flames and controlled them beyond what he was able to right this second, he had noticed that a burning feeling pulsed through him.

This was not a simple burn. Burning was hot and painful. A stinging that went deeper. However, this burning was like an abrasive acid melting through something. People could even compare it to feeling something white hot melt through their skin. Intense pain that rivaled what many people would be able to handle.

Because of Ignus\'s understanding, he was ready to leap in. but what stopped him was Remey. She was still working. She was overexerting herself to force this potion to break the limit of the high potions that she had made before. Desiring this to take that step and break that ceiling was her entire focus.

Due to this, she did not worry whatsoever when it came to the fact that her body\'s fire resistance was no longer keeping up to the same level. She had not fully incorporated the unique new existence that she was yet. She was still more human than anything. Therefore, she still had some weakness to fire, even though it was a very hard to show damage from flames at all.

Nothing ceased though. Remey continued to increase the heat. She had to be able to condense all the high value herbs they had added. Some had fire resistance that was becoming much stronger due to being mixed properly. This meant that Remey had to bring the heat higher to remove impurities. Even the tiniest impurity would ruin the batch.

The impurities were what could force the potion to be in greater volume. All the added liquid of whatever kind could make the potion had side effects. Make the potion fail overall. Or even make the potion just a high potion that was made with expensive herbs.

Some of the herbs used might not get found for many years. Even lifetimes for some races!

With a grunt, Remey pushed for more control. The result was a large increase in steam coming from the cauldron. Even as it cracked, the cauldron did not release the liquid within. It had been made with multiple layers of runes and of metals. This allowed it to survive this process while it would be completely useless afterwards.

Many of the alchemy guild members wept when they heard the cost of a cauldron that would be considered as a one time use item. However, they also felt extreme jealousy because they knew that such a high quality cauldron was more than what they might ever be able to see in a lifetime, let alone use.

"I need to move-"

"No you don\'t. They are fine." Ignus had started to tell Onyx that he would help Remey. The flames had gone out of control in his eyes. He could even feel the chaotic manas within Remey\'s heart because his hummed in response. They were linked very deeply now.

Yet, with Onyx taking a larger size to halt Ignus enough that Ignus looked more carefully, he realized that he did not need to move at all.

"Really? You are letting it control you. I wanted to complete the best potion of my life with my daughter before I retired and just gave lectures. But you tried to make this old man fail by putting it all on yourself?"

The old master alchemist reached a hand out and grabbed Remey\'s. His skin burned because he could in no way handle the heat of flames he would never be able to resist or control. However, Remey felt his touch and the calming voice that had spoken to him when she was the worst off.

Many days when she feared not to have the medicine for the other young orphans she had taken charge of, this same voice had come to her rescue. Talked her in to sleeping within an alchemy lab since she had gone days without so much of a nap. Or when she had cried herself in to a hoarse fear. Even when she had threatened to fight the world itself because she wanted to be an alchemist, the old master alchemist had used this tone.

In an instant, the flames seemed to become peaceful and elegant. They perfectly wrapped the cauldron as the liquid within condensed in to a single vial\'s worth of potion. Without hesitating, Remey finished the process and poured the liquid in to a high class vial with many runes covering it.

Those that had stayed in the room rushed to grab appraisal scrolls so that they could see what had been accomplished. Only two people other than the master alchemist and Remey noticed that Remey had tears streaming down her face.

"You got hurt too badly." Remey\'s voice was barely a whisper. She feared she had just harmed the one person she valued over everyone else so badly that he may not ever do what he loved again.

"Hurt? This was just the risk I took making a grand potion with you. What\'s wrong with you? Too happy to have helped me reach my dream before I retired from making potions?"

The two could only share this moment were Ignus and Onyx who saw this all happen. But it was broken away in seconds as ten healers rushed in and grabbed the old master alchemist to begin healing him with everything they had. Healing potions included.

"Really, so dramatic. I barely can use these hands anymore. Old age does that to you." The old master alchemist still did not show a single ounce of pain. Just unbreakable pride when he looked over at Remet.

Meanwhile, everyone else was shocked by what they were learning. The multiple appraisals of the created potion had broken history. It had done things that they had yet to record. Even amongst other grand potions, this way better than all currently written in to the books they spent years studying.

\'Grand fire affinity potion

This potion greatly puts the other fire affinity potions to shame. Not only is it guaranteed to increase the rate of understanding when learning fire mana, it does so by a massive amount. Those with the weakest of fire affinities will have a great chance of taking extreme leaps in understanding.

Those with no fire resistance can also gain a high fire resistance after consuming this potion.

The effects of this potion last for a full day which is greater than every other affinity potion ever created.

The shelf life of this potion is fifty years which greatly outdoes every affinity potion ever created.

This is a joint effort between two alchemists that consider one another family. Their combined fire control, usage of unique fire mana, and incredible knowledge allowed this to be possible. Because of this, multiple theories of grand potions have been proved.\'

This was the recorded appraisal that every scroll came up with. Nothing less and nothing more. But no single appraisal of any potion had been like that. The people that had been forced out due to heat ran in to hear every word. They were almost worshiping this occurrence.

Meanwhile, Ignus stood carefully nearby the potion that had been set on a side table. He made a mental promise to guard it until both the old master alchemist and Remey were prepared to decide what to do with it. He did not need to speak to sense that Remey had taken a very important step in to solidifying the mana within her body.

"Now that was something I can tell the younger serpents later. They will be amazed." Onyx felt that he was floating on a cloud while seeing everything. He wished he could have teleported the entire party here to feel what he had.



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