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Chapter 1984 1984. Forest rebirth

Chapter 1984 1984. Forest rebirth

Seeing that Gil was moving at a much faster pace than before, made Walker feel a little more at ease. It wasn\'t that he did not trust that Gil was strong. It was that he had not known to what degree that Gil had grown.

The entire party has trained with one another and against one another. But with so much going on. With so many different aspects added to their lives. Things had gotten much harder. They had not seen each other\'s highest skills and abilities lately.

Just their base stats had gotten much higher than any average human, let alone other races. It was clear that someone like Walker could even rival the dragon elders. If not begin taking down the royal dragons if they had not taken the steps to become proper dominator dragons yet.

But Gil, he had also grown immensely. His connections to the win mana and the natural mana because of the dagger skills were higher. He was clearly using this to his advantage.

His natural affinity with the wind had allowed him to edit and change the flow of his movements. His agility had also increased as he had trained himself. Having a well trained and flexible body would be a much bigger thing for someone when they had the strength the back it all up. But if they faced someone with the exact same level and skills, the training of the body would put them up above that equal.

Gil was that person. Well trained. He understood his body because he knew well that it was how he would connect himself to nature. The elves used their instincts and bodies to better relate to nature. They were born closer because that was just hw their race was. But Gil had looked within himself and followed the practices of the elves to awaken himself more.

When the moss man used the root club to swing down at him, Gil bent himself to the side and slid a little on the leaves. He used nature and his body together to easily dodge an attack that would take his head clean off. If not, smash it to pieces depending on his movements.

Gil fired a single arrow in the midst of this movement that pierced the moss man\'s mossy and earth arm. This arm was holding the weight of the root club and because of Gil\'s perfect shot, the arm fell off entirely. When it comes to a monster like this, the weight of a weapon might be detrimental.

In response, the moss man swiped down using the other hand. It tried to use the mossy fingers to grab Gil but failed. Gil had already used a nearby tree as a foot hold and leaped in to the branches. He was using the elven techniques to run and jump through the trees.

Gil was not done though, he had used a broken stone to fashion himself the arrow heads he had made. They were rough and the shard of stone he was using was rougher still. Using that, he could make a dagger of sorts. No real handle and no real blade so to speak. But he would be able to use it nonetheless.

When the moss man made a swipe over its head with its other arm, Gil was already moving through the air with force behind him. He had pushed off a branch and used the force of gravity to push him down faster.

Using the wind dagger style of the wind elves, he knew that this move was ideal for the situation. It was also drawing in the wind mana from around them. Therefore, when Gil pierced the head of the moss man, a large burst of wind followed. It had cut up the earth and broken the moss away.

Gil deftly leaped to the ground as the moss man crumbled back in to the earth. The only sound around was the next two moss men at smaller sizes approaching. Gil had not expected that only one was on the way. This was a real trial of strength that had come from an ancient originator of the elves. How could it be a small challenge?

The stone had cut in to his hand a little but the manas were moving toward him more. Gil could feel something in him gaining traction. A feeling that he would have missed if he was not using the high elf dagger techniques.

The mana was speaking to him, or at least that\'s what he felt. He could sense that he was moving better than usual. He could feel that his body was accepting the natural manas and letting him use it in split forms just like that last attack.

A whip of tree roots was used by the next moss man that attacked. The other threw a rock from nearby. The two attacks were mid ranged but were the next attempt to break him. Fighting an archer with longer ranged attacks made a lot of sense.

"Thought you could fight me like that?" Gil toshed a stick from the ground with his foot and watched the rot whip wrap around it. This effectively stopped him, from having to dodge that attack while he could bend backwards slightly to allow the stone to miss him.

The result was the second moss man charging him with all its weight. Gil deftly dodged this too though. He used the high elven dagger technique to slash its left knee. The leg crumbled since it was cut off. Therefore, the moss man charged head on in to a?tree before falling back in to a pile of dirt and moss.

The whip wielding moss man used the root whip again. The sweeping motion made Gil change how he dodged. He had to take to the trees again. He was easily able to leap upwards and grasp on to it while leaving the rock shard in his waist band. Instead, he shot with the arrows at the head of the moss man.

Rapid fire of three arrows was enough. They all hit the same target over and over. The crumbling earth was all that remained of the third moss man. An easy display of what his skills were when it came to archery. He had trained to be able to fire multiple arrows at once with accuracy. Not to mention rapid succession of fired arrows at the same target!

The battle only seemed to grow, however, Gil noticed that the sizes and shapes of the moss men were getting smaller. As if the battle was bringing less and less new earth to the area. But he had not changed the area.

This idea promised Gil to look around. What he saw was a new wonder within itself.

Every single palace that the moss men had fallen and been defeated was now growing. Seedlings of trees, bushes, and even small vines were growing. This was a step of nature to allow better growth of the forest or area that this was happening overall.

"Ha! I am not just being challenged in battle, I am helping nature fertilize the forest." Gil nearly fell down laughing while he dodged a few small rocks being thrown at him. The moss men were a creation of the promise made by the originator of the elves as a race. Yes. It was amazing alone.

However, this was also a step for nature to allow for the flow to return properly. For a forest to experience better and new growth. The fertilizers that were carried by the earth and the boost that moss gave it, was all to help the forest bloom again. Gil had missed this idea and fact originally because he had been too focused on what it meant to be taking this challenge in the first place.

Now that he could understand, he started to change where the fight was happening. He would cover as much space in the span of a full day and night as possible. He would take down the moss men and would show nature itself what he could do.

Walker saw all of this. He was using the all around appraisal on everything that the moss men started to birth when it came to plants. He saw that the seedlings were high quality. These herbs that rarely grew were taking root. Even mushrooms that had a long incubation time had bloomed in minutes.

This would drastically increase the health of the forest. It would also make this part of the forest a great palace for monsters and animals to give birth to young that could feed here. It was a basic start of the forest expanding itself on these edges. Almost as if it was welcoming the high elven techniques home to a palace that it had long ago forgotten.


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