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Chapter 2001 2001. A Little Everything

Chapter 2001 2001. A Little Everything

"We need to stop again, the pace is a little much for the brilliant slime." Walker stopped the party again. They had managed to keep up a very fast pace as they traveled. The forest area was a little harder to move through since it was the thickest before they would break out in to the marsh lands.

Therefore, the party had been mowing around larger trees along with stepping over fallen ones. Some places the leaves were so dense beneath their feet that it was hard to walk over the ground in general.

Naturally, this made it tougher for the brilliant slime to move around. Its body was larger than an average slime. Therefore, it had issues bouncing up enough to roll over larger fallen trees or even bouncing on the densely packed leaves.

"If we keep stopping we will let all the rampaging slimes destroy the marshes and then move more in to the continent." Gil\'s rebuttal to this stop was enough to be fair. He wasn\'t just thinking about their own pace. He also wanted to keep acting things up a little. Not that his worries were not genuine.

"The slimes there will need to have the angels present handle them more. We are going to hit the lines where we know that slimes are not crossing yet and push them back to the ocean where they will not be able to survive."

Reminding the party of this plan was part of the act. But it was also the wisest idea. The high amounts of water and the toughness of the monsters that lived in the salty waters was enough to resist the dissolving slimes. All that would be left were the cores which would be easily dealt with by monsters or the party. It made sense to use nature as a weapon of sorts.

"It\'s the same way we dealt with the acid slimes in the dwarven city. That slime breeder is annoying but we can beat him. Especially since we have a slime that he doesn\'t." Remey was getting really in to this.

The party had expected that Su would be using her taunting skills while they acted a lot. It would make sense that even through some odd spying using slimes, that the slime breeder would feel the effects. The skills that Su used to taunt enemies would also have an effect on the mentality of the slime breeder at the very least.

Yet, it was Remey that found her own personal joy in saying these taunting things. She was taking her anger out in a way. Therefore, whatever slime that could be watching them secretly, would be leaving all of Remey\'s words for Envy to hear. It was fairly comical in a way.

The only other thing that stopped Remey was that there were many herbs around. One specific herb was a weak wind affinity herb that they had found. Walker had been surprised that they had not noticed it the first time that they had been on the Sigil continent.

\'Twirling sprout

This herb is known as the twirling sprout due to the way that the leaves and flowers grow. It grows in a twirl shape to catch the wind which allows it to spread its pollen more than other plants can. It is why this species of herb will grow in large numbers in windy years.

The wind affinity it has comes from the large amounts of wind mana that pass by it due to the way that it pollinates. Therefore, the moisture and sap that come from its ground and squeezed leaves greatly helps add wind affinity to the potions made with it.

Specifically, by mixing it with sprint tail bush, snaking root buds…

… this herb can be used to create an agility boost potion. A potion that only a very few people can create because of the natural mana needed to be infused within it. Therefore, this potion to boost agility is thought of as an extremely rare and potentially mythical story told by traveling merchants within the Sigil continent.\'

Walker\'s surprise had stopped his steps making everything that they were about to face an opponent. However, when he brought up the all around appraisal of the twirling sprout, Remey and nearly exploded from excitement.

As she was also an alchemist, she had heard the story that there were really potions that could really boost specific aspects of people\' physique.

While many alchemists tried to create them, the formulas were considered impossible to make since the herbs used normally would have severe side effects. But, some alchemists claimed that these potions were safe and could be made without?a single defect or side effect.

The angels also believed it possible, they just claimed that the older angels had lost the potion formulas. Recently, with the explorations of the ancient ruins that the party knew were the angels\' before they had fled to the Sigil continent, carvings of herbs had been found.

Some congruences were found with todays\' herbs. The alchemy guild had truly been investing in this knowledge. Hence they had come to the myths about potions like this.

As Walker had shared this, she had taken the time to write every herb involved. She would have to find them since she had never heard of at least six out of the twenty listed. She would also have to figure out how they came together. But Remey\'s newfound strength would help with discovering that path.

"Resting will be very important to our new member. It is still lower level than other monsters. But it is very powerful. Once we make it to the marsh lands, we will have an overwhelming victory against slimes. A slime knows a slime best." Su kept up the act. But she also liked that they were resting more often.

By doing so, she had the time to focus on her senses. She had been using it as a way to sharpen her mind even more before they were in a battle against multiple slimes yet again. She wanted to ensure everyone\'s safety. Shr had to be perfectly comfortable with her improved armor and the much more improved twin shields.

The changes in their weight, size, shape, and strength had been enough that Su would feel she had picked up new shields entirely. She had become amazingly comfortable with the twin shields before. Many battles and the closeness that came with using a weapon that fit her beliefs and system perfectly.

With the strengthened and lighter metal, Su had also learned elemental skills to support it. Gil\'s strong affinity to wind mana and now stronger affinities to other manas came in to play here.

With the high elf blood within him, Gil had a sense for elemental mana that worked in a slightly different way than the learned manas senses most people had. He was much like an elf but shared the human experience of learning affinities and their mana better.

He had shared some insight about her skills that he had seen. Especially with wind mana and her charge skills. Su could easily use shield charge attacks. She did so with her shield slam abilities too. The skills had served her well as her battle abilities had grown.

Using wind, Gil had pushed her to use that to make her hit faster and harder. Therefore, the push and assistance from Gil and then Walker using wind mana, led to her learning to use wind charge.

This skill was one she felt could easily smash a slime flat. Even the large slimes would take some form of damage since she had gained a skill called shock. A passive skill that increased the vibrations of metal that hit something. It would irritate the mind of someone she shield charged, or something.

The feeling also hit Su tooo, she would be pushed off her senses if she was not used to it. Hence the meditation.

Meanwhile, this break was a good way for Alice to look in to any small injuries. Or the general fatigue of the group. She had been singing to speed their travel, but now could delve deeper in to the physical wear on the body that traveling had. To a healer, being familiar with who they healed would allow faster healing. A commonly recognized fact.

In stark contrast, Onyx and Midnight had chosen to scout the area. They also used this as an excuse to catch food to grill over the fire. Regardless of how mature they got, they were siblings left to their own freedom. The kind of freedom that always ends up leading to snacks. As far as the party was concerned, they had long accepted it.

Su even encouraged it since she and Midnight always went hunting along the markets when they had the chance. Too many times they had found a great dessert or nice snack for later. It was also why Walker had a decent few of those within his high spatial storage skill.

"Did you notice? We had a little visitor today. It\'s gone now." Walker stopped the entire group\'s motions just like that.


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