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Chapter 2188: 2188. Time To Think

Chapter 2188: 2188. Time To Think

"Some weird elf that looked like they weren\'t really an elf spoke to all of you too?"

"Elf? No, it was a dragon soul with a huge amount of fire mana that they could use like nothing."

"I spoke with a true half dragon with a bloodline linked to the true dragon ancestor. It was astonishing."

"I recall speaking with the originator of the equilibrium serpents. Apparently there used to be a serpent that originated every single elemental serpent within the world. Not the others are very rare. only heavenly and abyssal serpents are left. I learned a lot." Since Onyx saw that the others had spoken to different beings, he did not hide what he had learned from the one that pulled him aside.

"True dragon son. Very powerful." Midnight nearly mumbled this. She was still trying to understand the history that she had been told. The history of dragons since they were within the world and how they used to grow so that they could travel in to the elemental planes. Ancient dragons that would just start their journeys when they became a few hundred years old.

"We all spoke to the same being. They were an origin race being that had much more control over everything. I was banned for using the mana improperly and helping the immortal king cause damage to the death elemental plane. I can not go to the life or death elemental planes until I am able to learn more about them properly. The same with time and space elemental planes."

"That\'s just how powerful they are. Being s that i am one of but I am too young. It told me over and over that I am too young and need to learn things properly. But I got a hint."

Walker could still recall the differences within he manas that he had sensed front he origin race being. The massive amount of control that was more akin to excitement for the mana to act as it was asked to.

Mana was somewhat alive in a way. That was the feeling that Walker always had. However, he now believed it even more powerfully than he had before. The manas way of moving had been so fluid that the origin race being had been able to manipulate everything seamlessly. Even heal it back to the state that it should be in.

"It told me that there were many we had helped and that would have vouched for us. Not in so many words, but still. They said that it looked at the history of mana, so using time mana." Walker sighted a little. He felt that there was so much that he had underestimated in the elemental planes. So much that he lacked knowledge in.

"If I had kept myself calm, I might not have done any worse damage. But because I let my emotions take over, I drew on mana improperly and caused harm to the death elemental plane too. That origin being fixed it for me. Also imprisoned the immortal king and his immortal chasing race for ten thousand years. I only escaped because the origin race being looked at everything we had done to get there."

"Wait, we could have been trapped there for ten thousand years!?" This was exactly the fair response that Remey should have had. And to be fair, it was also the response the other had.

"I didn\'t even get told that we have violated some sort of rules or laws. Just learned more about how the elves started as a race. How the world was the perfect place for them to appear and grow over time. I even learned how the elves split up and why they did so I can prevent it from happening again." Gil\'s conversation had taught him a great deal.

"So that being was of the same race as you, but an adult. Walker, I was able to learn a lot about myself I did not know. I also learned that we can still grow. I don\'t think it\'s time for us to explore the elemental planes haphazardly." Since this was how Su felt, no one argued. They also somewhat felt the same.

"I will have to come back to establish a proper dragon soul flame core. It\'s the next step to become a proper benign that won\'t become injured or on death\'s door without enough fire mana for myself." Remey had clearly learned what she ended to prevent the risks she lived now. Especially when it came for others to follow her path in the future.

This wasn\'t because they were just there. It was because that adult origin being could see everything they did.

"I think the origin race is more mysterious than we expect. But they are definitely very kind." Onyx mirrored the impression of Su while also pushing for the fact that he would want to come back here again.

"Mysterious, super powerful, and definitely connected to existence more closely than anything else is. The benign I spoke with said he was able to speak with existence and learned through it that the world was very happy with us. That\'s why I didn\'t face a greater punishment for damaging anything. It was all fixed too. Like it was a small mess of dust on a doorstep."

Walker\'s clearly shocked and slower words made everyone else realize how much he was shaken by what had happened. He wasn\'t fearful as others might be, but instead he had his foundation shaken.

The very foundation that walker had created so that he could grow and become more powerful might be the wrong way to use it all. Every elemental mana might be different than how Walker had perceived it. Even how he came to be as an origin race being, might have been different and wrong by comparison.

"Hey, stop whatever that is. You are still who you are and who cares how long it takes to be able to come here and do whatever you want. The elemental planes will take years to understand, period. No ifs ands or buts about that?" Gil slapped Walker on the back. He decided to shake away his own odd feelings for the fact that they had somehow managed their goal.

"You also know you have to explain about how you took that weird mana form thing too. We all thought that the elemental planes were going to swallow us up with how much mana

rushed to you."

Seeing that Gil was pushing himself a little to snap him out of his chaotic thoughts, Walker realized that there was a lot of silver lining when it came to their situation. "I guess it\'s not that bad to be banned for a little while. We have to figure out how we are going to begin allowing others in and out of the elemental planes. Lots of stuff to work out."

This meant that they would have to be able to catalog the new races and how they might influence the world. Some of them might not be able to survive in the world at all. That might be the case for plenty of the elemental spirits we relied on more potent manas.

There were also those like the devouring dragons who could pull insane amounts of manas towards them, but required mana to be able to move around. That aside, there were then angelic sind spirits. Other races like them still relied on the potent manas within their elemental planes for pure survival. They might not even be able to set foot in to the world at


If that was the case, they would need some special items or something to store the manas they needed to venture in to the world if they desired. But that would bring risks to the other elemental planes since they might see such items as ways to be invaded. The balance to the elemental planes was first and foremost in the risks that had to be considered.

The world had been cut off for so long, it was even surrounded by some chaotic manas which protected them. Hence why the brides were needed to travel. However, that bridge was not singular. It was bridges. Just multiple were not reformed yet. Soon, there would be many. Just as there were many elemental planes creating boundaries between them.

"So we have to go home and figure a few things out. Maybe we should just take a vacation too. Once we settle our minds we can work on a few new things."

"Remey, that\'s the best idea you\'ve had in a while." Su leaned on Remey prompting a small snort. But a vacation did sound perfect. They had a lot to think about before they focused on new goals for their homes.



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