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Chapter 2193: 2193. Catching Them Up

Chapter 2193: 2193. Catching Them Up

Not that Walker couldn't share a lot more with his memory related skills. Somehow, the answers and experiences he had to share with others were still just too little. But to be fair, the hunger for knowledge was massive.

Genesis was growing at a remarkable rate. So many things were changing with every single minute of every single day. Hence where many of the theories arriving at any desk of any official within the Genesis building could be doubled up with the slowness of the people working on said paperwork for approvals.

It wasn't that the people approaching and checking the theories and recommended studies were slow. It was just that too much came through their desks. Hence why the rush to improve an education format was so great.

Many of the races shared common educational basis. Basic mathematics, common histories, and even a few different aspects of every day life were the same. But that was just a small part of how hard things would be to create a proper set of schools.

The races all had different values, tools for teaching, and histories. Some histories were being rediscovered and changed right now since parts had been lost or forgotten. This was the case for the angel race which was finding that they had many different aspects of ancient angels which could revitalize their current course in the world. Many mistakes to learn from to prevent future wars or issues from within.

Since education as a focus, it made a lot of sense that some of the questions Walker was asked was about how to bud and travel to the elemental planes. With that as a focus for some, the rules were very quick to be set up with how people could not currently go off to explore the elemental planes. Not until better regulations were set.

For a moment, some of those within the Genesis council meeting room were angry. They did not see why it was valuable to let potential resources sit there unused.

The king of the deep made it clear that he wanted to venture in to the earth elemental plane. A place where all forms of ore, known and unknown formed was amazing to him. A perfect place full of new discoveries that he could bring back to the dwarven people and Genis as a whole.

Unfortunately, when Walker got him to calm down, he had to break the news that the elemental planes were shifting by their nature. That if he were to walk through the bridge to the elemental planes, that he might not even end up in the earth elemental plane at all.

Also that he might encounter dangerous monsters with extremely high elemental affinities which could crush even the hero party if they were not prepared. That was what did it for everyone. They heard that there were beings and monsters powerful enough to fight head on and win against some of their strongest. The risks might be too high.

When Walker spent over an hour explaining that there had been a lot of events after the world was sealed off, he made it clear that right now the elemental planes were in a state of balance. They had never stopped rotating around the world and the small pocket of chaotic mana that was also around the world due to the way the world was.

Instead, the elemental planes had stopped flowing in and out of the world when it came to manas. Hence why there had been a drastic change in the way that ancient monsters did and did not exist. They might still be around, some of them, if there was more mana in the world. Just a theory.

With that balance within the elemental planes, the elemental kings had become the rulers. Beings that ruled over and embodied all that their manas were. They were also related to the elemental sages. Beings that had mastered an individual mana at a higher form than many if not all but the elemental kings had. They did not embody their mana but they could even be made of it now.

Stunning information that showed how some beings could rise higher just by studying their own affinity to adapt to it better. It began a slew of new theories right then and there. The record of the party saying it and explaining the true earth sage made the first newspaper of the morning the day after.

While the party did not go in to major details about the unique elemental planes that were beyond the core elemental manas, they did explain the boundaries and how entirely unique species and races could form within them. Hence how the monster race orcs were brought up. Eventually, the angelic wind spirits were also mentioned.

If brought about a wave of questions about other races that might be there who traveled in ancient times or through unique means. Especially from Mordant who inquired about the dark dragons that had once tried crossing to the dark elemental planes through shadows using their deeper understanding of darkness mana.

From what Walker knew as of now, he didn't have answers for Mordant. But that didn't mean that eerie single dark dragons that had gotten to a good enough strength to try moving through the shadows in an attempt to get through chaotic mana and make it to the darkness elemental plane failed. It could have just been that Walker didn't move in to them. The elemental planes were very large and growing.

As the conversations went on, the idea that there could be beings coming from the elemental planes sooner than later finally caught on. So many of the leaders at the table had considered them going to explore, not that their world was also up for exploration.

That was when Walker mentioned that he had been told by the light devouring dragon that their leaders would be meeting. It was also evident that the elemental kings were also meeting in their own ways. There was a very high chance that the sages would visit the world as well.

When all that happened, there would be a lot going on. The world itself had to be prepared as long as the important figures were there. Not in the way of offending them, but mostly in the way that they would have to be sure that mana was not unsettled.

If the beings from the elemental planes came, there was a jogger chance that they might accidentally break balances within the world. Hence why they would need the space around the island to acclimate. Walker was sure that he could make this a focus when it came to the travelers at first.

Another risk that was brought up were monsters. The lesser intelligent beings that might happen to cross through the bridge that was currently available to them. The entire party had made it clear that some monsters there were incredibly powerful, therefore, the conversation eventually moved to the risk that came with that.

Especially when it came to the mention of Walker searching for more pure elemental shards and fragments. If he were to find them and the proper locations for them, more bridges could be repaired to travel back and forth. Deeply connecting the elemental planes to the world as it

should be.

That was only part of this though. There were bridges that didn't fully break but lost their connection. Walker knew this and could vaguely sense that this statement was true. He chalked that up to him being an origin race being too now. Regardless, if those bridges were to form without them knowing, then it was a risk that indeed to be mitigated.

Not just for the fact that powerful monsters could come through, but those with poor goals might also move through. It wouldn't be foolish to believe that every race was completely focused on the best of the best intents. No, everyone understood that greed was not a racial aspect, but an aspect of all intelligent races. Some of them would see the value in a world of weaker beings.

Not that this would be the case forever. The rate at which purer and denser manas flowed in to the world was growing. Mostly because the people using those manas were changing the flow of the world and it was also inspiring the growth of the world.

Not at the same rate as the elemental planes, but the world had been held back for a long time. It was finally able to grow as it was supposed to. It would bring a lot more.

Hence the days of planning and conversation to the point that the entire party put a hold on anything to do with the elemental planes for a week whether anyone liked it or not. Sanity was important!


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