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Chapter 2205: 2205. A trip And A Guest

Chapter 2205: 2205. A trip And A Guest

Today on particular was called dragon breath tea. A slightly spicy tea that warmed the throat and helped wake someone up. Not a bad blend with the fact that it aso slightly boosted fire mana absorption to those with the affinity for it. Definitely unique and making full use of her herb knowledge.

This left Walker with nothing to say in return. He wasn\'t one to say no to his family, especially when he knew how hard they worked to follow their own dreams now. The restaurant was very demanding on his mother and he knew that she would eventually have to call it a day and retire. But for now, she could take the time to be lazy when she wanted.

Upon opening the door, Walker was surprised to find that the people who came knocking were not any of those looking for help with projects or anything else of the sort. It was a group of three healers. To be specific, one nun and two healers.

He recognized them from when he had worked in the cathedral to help heal others. He also recognized that they were people that Alice would spend time with even when they were resting from their duties for the day.

"What brings you here? Alice is still off in the northern shore city dealing with the cathedral there, right? Do you need help healing a few people?" This was the only reason that Walker could imagine that they had come looking. "I can find Su too, she definitely will come help too."

"No, we didn\'t come here for the cathedral. We came here to ask you a favor." Now this was a surprise to Walker. He had no idea what the three might need of him.

"Then come on in, my mother and I were enjoying some dragon breath Tea that Remey made. You can have a cup while you talk." Walker led them all in. While they seemed to be a little awkward since this wasn\'t a place they had been before, they quickly fell in to a more comfortable flow when they had the tea.

Their raving aside, the sudden serious change made Walker wonder what they had to ask him as a favor. "Go and get Alice back sooner."


It was Walker\'s turn to be confused yet again. He had no idea what they meant by go and get Alice home sooner. Whatever their reason was, it didn\'t seem like it would be a good one. In the essence that Walker would feel that it was a good reason to go get Alice, but not for a happy one.

The three shared worried looks before the oldest of them finally spoke. "The high priest has been resting more and more often lately. Even with the healing effects within the cathedral, he has grown tired and struggles more than he used to. We believe that he has very little time left in the world before he moves on in to another life."

The entire room felt cold. Walker had just drank warm tea, yet now he felt that it had been ice cold. No, that everything had been ice cold from the very start. He had just fooled himself in to thinking everything was warm and happy. Time was still moving, he couldn\'t forget that.

After a long deep breath, Walker looked at the three, "Then you three will be responsible for taking care of him until I return with Alice. I will not hear a single piece of bad news when we return. I expect the high priest to be comfortable and happy to see his lovely daughter so he can hear her story. We will not scare him nor her in either of our actions."

His deep focus and seriousness made the three shiver. They had known how powerful Walker was, but they had not known that side of him. Just heard the stories and been able to see him show a kinder side. They had never seen him look serious like this. As if he could leap in to vicious battle in a moment\'s notice. No, like he was always ready for brutal battles. "Mother,"

"Yes, I heard it all. Go and get your little girlfriend so she can see her father. I will make him some soup before these three head back. They are very caring friends to make sure that Alice gets home. They even came after you for help. You are plenty scary to some people you know. My son, the powerful hero that can fight even dragons and ancient undead without a sweat."

Choosing to ignore the teasing from his mother, Walker set foot out the door that moment. He had long since memorized the new route to the distant shoreline city where the main cathedral for the church was. He had done so before Alice even took off for her journey. He wanted to make sure he knew where to go if the worst case happened.

Luckily, as the world returned to the proper flow, the areas between Genesis and this city had not changed much. Mostly, the distance had changed along with the slight flow of a few streams growing larger as there was an expansion of a nearby broken up lake. Otherwise, from what walker expected, everything would be the same.

He only wished that the city in question had been welcoming to Genesis ideals and changes. If that had been the case, they would have most likely had the beginnings of a teleportation formation there. Then he could just use that to get there rather than pushing himself to move faster.

But that also wasn\'t any issue, he walked in to the air and began gathering wind mana. Traveling was nothing tough for him right now. He had a deeper bond with mana than what he had before. As such, he began using his skill to make dragon wings yet again on his back. But he focused only on wind mana as the driving force for it.

This drew the attention of a few small wind spirit race members who wanted to see what was happening. But they quickly realized that Walker was just using a spell and nothing interesting was happening. They had seen him fly about before.

Yet, another pair of curious eyes focused on him. One that he had not seen around before. It made him hesitate before he noticed a familiar figure standing slightly behind the little one. "That isb Walker, he is the most important founder of Genesis and the reason why you were brought here to learn and grow by your mother before she went in to deep meditation and slumber."

"Ventus, I\'m sorry that I can\'t stick around and ask who your little niece is, but I have an important task to handle." Ventus could see that Walker was much more serious than usual. Especially with the fact that the last few days he had been very bright and cheery. Many people gossiped about the party of heroes who went about the city with smiles and positive things to say.

"Well, take Erica with you. She\'s a hatchling with light and wind affinities. But she is curious about the world. She sniffed out where Midnight lives just by that very curiosity. Maybe you will have the chance to calm your nerves if you are bringing along a student." The light green scaled hatchling dragon looked at Ventus before Ventus flew off leaving it with Walker.

"I am pretty sure that ventus just wanted to leave you with someone she trusted so she can go back to her duties. She was looking for Midnight to be a babysitter and now you are with me. How do you feel about flying with me for a while?"

There was a lot more worry that Walker was heading quite far away for this little hatchling, but he also knew that an elder dragon meditating and slumbering could mean months of that. And if Ventus was leaving Little hatchling Erica with him, she knew that walker was going to do his best. But he also felt that Ventus had done so because of the look he had about him. A worry that radiated from his serious gaze.

"I\'ll try to show off some dragon related magic while we fly. I will even tell you about how I met Ventus and the other dragons. But you have to be ready to fly fast. Think you can handle it?" Walker knew that hatchlings couldn\'t respond, but if there was anything about a wind dragon hatchling he did know, was that they would love to fly sooner than later. He had heard this said more often than not.

The saying, a wind dragon hatchling would jump off a cliff just to feel the breeze sooner, was common for thos teasing the elder wind dragons. Naturally, this was also a phrase people used for those who appeared to be within their element. When they were talented right away whether they were ready or not to be so talented in that subject.

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