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Chapter 2243: 2243. The Other Sages

Chapter 2243: 2243. The Other Sages

something else as an answer.

"You already understand that they will. That or others representing them will come to speak with you. And to see all this."

There was a pause as the water body seeped out of the armor and slightly became larger. More pure water mana radiated out as the true water sage spoke. "But you are asking me if I think that every single sage will act as I have. As the true earth sage has."

"I didn\'t think that you wouldn\'t even give me a slight bit of face there. But yes, I would like your opinion on the other sages that I did not meet nor even heard about." This is important right now. If he were to meet the other true sages, then things might go very differently.

The true earth sage had already made a decision on what he thought of the party before he had actually spoken with them properly. Their every move had been seen by the true earth sage after all. He had developed a very clear idea of who they were.

The true water sage was different. Walker could feel that respect meant a lot. So conforming to the flow that the true water sage desired for the tour and the entire conversation gained Walker the equal respect from the true water sage to ask such questions.

It was way too bold and risky to ask the true water sage about the other sages. Especially since they were considered some of the largest figures in balancing the elemental planes. Without their constant work and how powerful they became through their efforts, the elemental planes would not have such solid borders.

Regardless of the origin beings, the elemental kings and the true sages were very important to the flow of all mana within the elemental planes. Specifically when it came to keeping the more wild hearted beings within them from wars. Many events had been halted with just one of their arrival or the mention of them arriving and taking the event take place.

"That seems simple enough." The true water sage removed the extra dense water mana from around Walker. He was sure that she was just trying to see what he would do under more pressure. But seeing that he did not push or break her flow, she chose to give him her own advice.

"The true wind sage will come and you will need to catch him. Je will also befriend that grand wind spirit roaming about here and there. The true fire mage will destroy something. Whether intentional or not, she does so whenever she leaves the fire elemental plane."

Walker swore he could feel an annoyed tone form the true water sage when he heard about the true fire sage. However, fire was destructive. If it was not carefully managed, then the chances of something burning or being broken were very high.

The true wind sage sounded free spirited. That fit with what everyone believed wind to be. yet, he knew very well that wind could be exceptionally dangerous. The wrong move could show the same destructiveness that he would worry about coming from the true fire sage. "If you are to meet the twin sages of light and dark... Well, you will need to maintain your balance. They tend to influence those around them significantly. Even the other elemental planes are affected since they are not in direct opposition and can exist within all manas." "I understand that. Even the depths of the ocean have a little light while they are also full of darkness. Flames can glow white hot or a dull slow black. The earth can be turned to sand by the sun or can be cavernous. The win will blow at any hour. Night and day."

The true water sage nodded at Walker when he responded to her. She wanted to hear that he understood why she would say these things. They Were Partially related to their character but also how the embodied the elemental manas that they made their bodies out of.

"I will be exoloring on my own before returning. Send three guards with me. I will have them bring me to that island again. You should prepare though, there may be others that find the bridge before you are prepared. It is better to remain on your toes." the true water sage laughed slightly. Not because she was scarring Walker slightly, bit because she knew he also understood this.

As the true water sage walked away from where they had stood, Walker relayed that she was following the different canals that had been cut in to the city for travel for those with aquatic dispositions. From what he could gather, she greatly enjoyed that this had been done through Genesis.

Not only was it practical for some transportation of heavier goods, it was also a better way to get around. But for the true water sage, it allows water mana to flow smoothly. She could take some water mana and alleviate the burden on this body she made.

That was another thing that made Walker amazed. He had not imagined that making secondary bodies were a thing for the sages. He had used skills that created temporary golems or dolls. He didn\'t really have a reason to use those skills any longer because of the need to control them or just for materials. He could fight on his own. Why would he create another to do it for him?

Whether or not that was his growing dragon pride or not, that was the case. To be fair, he also understood that the true water sage had shown him something fairly amazing. This doll or second body was able to hold a copy of herself that could return to her with gathered memories. Hence, it was like her being there herself.

There had to be some downsides. A cost to the skill to make something like that. But it might be worth pursuing. He had plenty of things to do in a day. Whether it was a mana or material cost, if it was possible, Walker knew the benefits of skills like this.

The annoying thing was, that the true water sage had such dense water mana, that the all around appraisal did not work on her. This was not something that has happened before. Well, he couldn\'t get a proper appraisal on the origin being that he met. It spoke of how strong they were.

But for the true water sage, it was different. Mostly because this body held a piece of her. It held a piece of mana denser than even a naturally forming rune of water. He would be able to see it and grasp something from it. The true water sage was beyond that. Beyond a being made from a naturally forming water rune. She embodied part of what water was at a very deep level only surpassed by origin beings and the water king.

Surprisingly, when the true water sage had walked away and Walker had shaken himself out of his own thoughts about skills and the multiple bodies she might be able to have for important tasks, he realized another thing. His resistance to water mana had greatly improved.

While these sorts of leaps and bounds were rare for him right now since he had a very close control of mana in general, Walker understood why. The true water sage, even a separated body, released potent water mana.

As this was the case, she had unintentionally allowed Walker to strengthen his resistance to water mana at a deeper level. The dense water mana had put pressure on his body causing a tempering effect. This could be done with other pure manas. But to get them at that density and purity he would need to travel throughout the elemental planes yet again.

That was why he took this as a small unintentional gift for the tour that he gave to the true water sage. He felt that he could trust her somewhat since she was willing to be flexible and go with the flow. She reminded him of when he met Current for the first time.

As a water dragon, he had been flexible like water and learned from his words who Walker was. Therefore, if the true water sage was the same, Walker knew that he could offer her


What he was more worried about, would be the light and dark sages. They required someone to be impartial around them. Something that could be very hard to do. Not because of the opposing manas that had to balance, but because they could affect the entire areas around them and the other sages had to be wary of them. Something hard to grasp.


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