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Chapter 2266: 2266. Proving Winds

The hatchlings were chaotic to say the least. They didn\'t want to listen to anyone as soon as they saw Genesis before them. Their curiosity was contagious too, their parents were very distracted with the new scenes and the many races moving around.

It was hours before Walker had helped to manage the new arrivals and allow them to begin settling down. And then even more hours to bring the sky wyverns to have a snack to help their diets and also to help handle the earth devourers.

With a few good ideas from the blacksmiths and crafting guild, there had been a decent solution to how farming the earth eaters could go.

Specifically, they consumed earth mana infused stones and ores. There was always a large amount of slag that needed to be processed for the crafting guild to maintain its forges. The process was harder and required those with the proper skills to make usable materials. And even then, the materials made were lower class compared to something just mined or harvested.

This being the case, the slag and other waste materials could be partially used to feed the earth eaters and control their growth. Leaving only small weather eaters for the youngest sky wyverns to eat whenever they needed it. They would be kept in a specially made farm using water mana and earth mana to create a porous stone that could repel them from escaping.

Beyond that, there would be a large chance for them to be useful rather than constantly destroying things. Along with the fact that any waste from the sky wyverns being used in the herb fields with earth related herbs.

While the sky wyverns would release the earth mana from their body in their own waste, they used that material from the earth eater parasites to break down food and acclimate their bodies to the unique wind mana within them. It was important and using everything from this process was ideal.

Once these problems had been solved and the process of making it all happen was underway, Walker found that he was in the perfect position to hide away and work on his own projects. Specifically, beginning to understand more about space mana along with the core of other manas.

He had learned that he was missing a greater deal of what he should have been learning about while within the elemental planes. As such, he now stood in a position where he could focus on those failings.

It wasn\'t that he lacked strength overall, Walker was very confident with how he had been growing. He could easily use skills without even relying on the system of existence. It was all innate now for him. Especially the skills that focused on what he had mediated on or used with more focus in battles.

He could easily use the lightning sword style and even add more lighting to the battle style since he had better grasped how the manas fused together to create lightning mana. Not to mention the lightning spirit race who had come to Genesis recently.

The same was to be said for how he had learned to fuse wind and light mana better because of the little dragon hatchling Erica. He had helped her train when Midnight had been busy. As such, he now understood that there was more to making radiant wind and that it could be called its very own particular method of whaling.

Where Erica had been training lately and exceeding was not within the cathedral. It was the herb fields with the herbalists. The radiant wind focused on healing was allowing for the blooming flowers to absorb more light mana and also push around their pollen to allow for better fruits to be born or more seeds to be properly grown.

The utility of this radiant wind was more than what others had imagined at first since melding the two manas was not a simple matter until recently. Not that these were the only manas beginning to appear. Time would only tell as more uses of more fused manas came to the forefront of research within Genesis.

Where Walker was lost, was when it came to using the space mana and the other manas together. He had never met anyone else who could do that. Even the man who had come to save them once before lived entirely isolated within his own space. A place where Walker couldn\'t travel if he desired.

This left Walker to learn by himself. While he understood there were space elemental spirits, they were not easy to learn from since Walker had yet to grasp enough understanding of space as a whole. It would just confuse him and potentially put him in to danger.

Many places within the city and territory around the main city were very busy. But Walker still managed to find a good spot sitting on the top of the mage tower. He couldn\'t hear too much commotion since the day was winding down. He also wouldn\'t be disturbed since there was not anyone that could be called a master of the tower just yet.

He was impressed with the guilds beginning to form. The archivists were making one along with the rune researchers and the mages in general. A Process that was much needed for where Genesis sat for their future.

Focusing on the past experiences where Walker had used the manas within the elemental planes and also how he had assisted in the elemental rune teleportation formation, Walker began to reach out toward space mana.

It was always there. Both part of all things and also gathering randomly as any other mana did. His mind easily grasped the smallest amounts of space mana. He had learned to do so but he could not easily manipulate it as he did other manas. He had tried so before and not been as successful.

Something told him this time would not be the same though.

As he had been working with others, Walker had felt that he was growing more than he had realized. The different unique manas and the mental hoops he jumped through were making him better overall. Especially the changes within the world\'s mana. As it got denser, even in the tiniest bit, he felt stronger every day.

If he were to look at his level or use the system as he had when he first gained it, he would notice that his level was much higher than when he had faced some of his hardest fights. Not to mention his status always improved.

That wasn\'t odd though, everyone was improving in some form, shape, or way right now. It was because everyone within the city was working to improve themselves. Every action came with some form of improvement.

Just like Walker right now. He was pushing away any focus on any other form of mana other than space right now. He could feel the activation of the elemental space teleportation rune formation. He could feel the space mana and the elemental manas interacting to ensure that it was both safe and functional.

But he also noticed the slight amount of space mana that hung on to those that teleported. That little bit of mana was able to be called toward him. It gathered more easily since it was a little denser than normal too.

As such, when Walker began to feel how it could be brought toward him and even moved within his body, he could grasp the way space mana itself functioned. It was self balancing. As in, it was always there and would never be as dense as it was if it was a space elemental plane. That being the case, within the world, it was perfect for causing some trouble or fixing certain


With proper control of space mana, Walker could teleport singular elemental manas completely halting anyone using that mana. While very hard to do, he understood that this could be done. Beyond that, he could even send people away if they were fighting. Not that

this would be easy either.

Right now, the only reason that the elemental rune teleportation formation worked was because two matching formations anchored the teleportation. That would be needed for Walker as well. It would not be as easy as it was in the elemental planes where he sped them up or he moved them.

He could move himself very short distances, but it was not a guarantee. That was why he was focusing on how the space mana moved around and within him. If he could, he would be able to grasp an understanding of how he could use space mana to boost his speed, buff him in another way, or entirely dodge. It could open up a new path to teach certain class users.


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