
Chapter 84


“Bonjour!” I greeted everyone within the adventurer guild as they looked at us with intense stares.

“Bon- what?” Muttered a guy near us as I pet his head.


He disliked it, but I didn’t care.

We continued walking while I smiled brightly at everyone. But I was actually very nervous because there were so many people looking at us.

There was a loud ruckus inside, but when we entered… everything suddenly calmed down by way too much.

Seriously, am I such a beauty?

Our group made its way to the front as a girl with short purple hair and two horns popping from her head greeted us.

Wait, horns?!

Even Lucifer was left surprised.

“Welcome to the Adventurer’s Guild… E-Erm, do you need something?” She asked.

“Girl! Are you a Majin?!” Asked Lucifer.

“M-Majin? A-Ah, some people think that because of my hair color… but I am actually a sheep-kin beast-person… See?”

The girl suddenly showed us the hooves of her feet as she was obviously not wearing shoes.

Additionally, she had a fluffy tail on her back, popping out of her tight black pants.


We all sighed. We had thought, faintly, for a few seconds, that Majin were seen as people.

“P-Please don’t say the name of Majin lightly around here… Those people are considered monsters, and there are many extremists that might call you out if you ever show any interest in them,” Said the girl.

She wasn’t rude but tried to warn us about other people who might get butthurt or toxic over us, saying the mere word “Majin”.

“But Maj- Gwuh…!”

I covered Lucifer’s mouth before he was to say anything else. As I smiled back, Emeraldine moved before me.

“We came here to register… I am already registered, but I lost my card, so I would like to get a new one and also change Jobs. These people too want to register and change Jobs afterward if it is possible, of course,” Emeraldine spoke up.

“Oh, I see! What’s your name? Let me check if you’re here…” ASked the receptionist, as she took out a strange artifact that resembled a Grimoire.

The grimoire began to flash with many letters and lights that emerged from its pages.

“Emeraldine Verdantwood Naturia,”

“Let’s see… Ah, there you are… Very well… you seem quite different,” Said the receptionist.

“I’ve undergone evolution recently… But please keep this a secret,” Whispered Emeraldine.

“E-Evolution? It is very rare for elves to evolve… I see… Very well. A new Adventurer Card would cost approximately ten gold coins… We can also upgrade it if you have grown stronger, but we would require doing a test first. In addition, a high-rank quest could be completed if you feel like you’re up for the task,” Said the receptionist.

“E-Erm, well, I am fine with a new one for now. I can take a quest later,” Said Emeraldine.

“Very well then….”

Emeraldine gave the girl ten gold coins, and then, the girl conjured some runes into another artifact, and a brand-new bronze card emerged out of it, shining brightly.

It had the photo of Emeraldine on it, alongside her basic info and the letter “F” on it as she was an F-Rank Adventurer.

“The Job Changing Room is right to the left. Feel free to visit there,” Said the girl.

“Thank you. I’ll go after my friends are registered,” Said Emeraldine.

“Okay then! Let’s start with you, miss. What’s your complete name? Occupation? What are you good at? Magic, physical fighting, or are you a merchant looking for an adventurer license for trading opportunities and easier access to other duchies?” Asked the girl, spitting so many questions it made my head spin.

“I am a magician. Good at shadow and dark magic. Name’s Maria Fuentes Belles… You can call me Mary,” I said.

“Maria… Fuentes… Belles… Funny, that name is quite… similar to something I have on the tip of my tongue….” Said the girl.

“Must be your imagination,” I said.

“Alright… and done. To successfully register, you need to pass an exam with an instructor here. It is a small fight just so we can get a better look at the abilities you have and if they’re authentic. Got it?” Said the girl.

“Yeah! Can you do the same with everyone else within our party so we can go take a test altogether?” I asked.

“Sure thing!”

The girl quickly registered everyone. I had asked Partner if she wanted a new name, but she refused reluctantly… so she was registered as Partner Fuentes Belles.

“W-What a peculiar name… but oh well, there had been people named Potato before. Farmer families often have a very bad naming sense,” Muttered the girl.

“T-There was someone named Potato?!” I asked.


I guess I am not as terrible with naming as I thought… There are actually people much worse than me.

Lucifer registered himself with his two-family names, which were Drakon and Darkscale, which were also unusual. After that, the kids were also registered.

She had said that anyone above 12 could register, so we said they were both 13, but just small. And surprisingly, it worked when the girl heard the two kids talk very eloquently.

After we were all ready, we moved towards the test area which was in the backyard of the guild building. It was actually right next to an open field of grass with a few trees here and there.

A tall and muscular instructor greeted us; it was a half-giant man with the name of Borgodonn. He was around two meters tall, a true behemoth in height.

“These are the new recruits? Very well, one by one, you come and fight me. Use everything you have, no problem. I’ll go all out from the start, too, so don’t hold back if you don’t want to die, hahaha.” He laughed.

He was rather malicious looking.

“Don’t mind him. He might seem evil, but he’s a kind-hearted man that always brings me ice cream,” Said the girl who we learned was named Vennia.

“V-Vennia! Stop telling that to every recruit! O-Our relationship should be strictly hidden from the public!” Said the man.

“But dear, I don’t like when you act too intimidating….” Sighed Vennia.

“I-It is so they can grow some courage!” Shouted the half-giant man.

I guess they’re a cute couple.


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