
Chapter 718 Brunhild's True Relationship With The Dwarven Kingdom

Brunhild seemed surprised when she was finally given the opportunity to see the Dwarf King. Her bright golden eyes opened in surprise for a few seconds, and then she smiled a bit.

"I have heard a lot about you all from my children. As the king of this country, I am eternally grateful for all the help you\'ve given to us. Not only you have healed a dungeon that threatened our country for many years, but even defended our country as if it were your home, and put your lives on the line to save ours…" The King said, stroking his white beard. "Thank you for everything. You will have my utmost support. If you ever need anything, please asks. I am well aware you have a guild with someone named Helga, is it not? If you so desire, I can give you the title of a noble, and even grant you a house, and more."

"E-EH?!" I felt slightly surprised about all the rewards he was offering me. "Ah, please don\'t worry. Maybe I\'ll ask for a few things, but nothing for now." I calmed the king down.

"Heh, such humility." He sighed. "We are truly fortunate to have meet such strong and humble mercenaries." The King laughed. "Now, was there something you needed to talk with me? If the foes are taken care of, we should slowly begin reconstructions. But the people\'s health comes first. We must secure food and the like, but that will not be your task, but that of my men, so do not worry."

"Oh no, it is another thing… Well, as you know, the forces we fought were those of the Frost Queen." I said. "Though, would it be better if we discuss this in a more close space?"

"The Frost Queen… Yes, let us discuss this in a more private area." The King nodded. His guards and his children followed him as we reached a large camp, there was a table and many seats inside, alongside snacks, so we were able to sit down, eat and drink something, and also discuss this quickly.

"The menace of the Frost Queen has finally begun her attack, you say? Those three powerful beings, and the army of frost monsters, were they all hers?" Asked the King, stroking his beard.

"Indeed, we confirmed it." Lucifer nodded. "They were incredibly strong beings that named themselves Frost Generals, they were all S Rank in strength."

"S Rank?!"

"Y-You\'re telling us you just defeated three S Ranks all by yourselves?!"

"Hard to believe!"

Some of the King\'s children couldn\'t believe Lucifer\'s words.

"Children, it would be for the best of our country if you remain in silence." The King said. "The man you\'re talking back to is not a mere human, nor a Majin. I can feel it, he is a powerful divine dragon. Do not anger him, he has done enough for us. Acting selfish will bring your doom, and I believe I won\'t have the authority nor strength to change such fate if it were to ever befall upon you all."

"D-Divine dragon?!"

The various viscounts suddenly looked at Lucifer with different expressions. My husband quickly let go of a bit of his power, a powerful, black aura that consumed all light for a bit. His eyes glowed bright red.

"Indeed, I am a Divine Dragon. I suppose there is no point in hiding our identities anymore." Said Lucifer.

"If we are like this, then I am a ghost and a titan." I giggled.

"I am a Vampire Demon~" Partner said.

"A-And I am… well, I am a half-elf." Said Emeraldine.

"Our daughter here is a dragon as well." Lucifer said. "And my sister here, you may be a bit more familiar with her, she\'s the dragon that\'s been protecting your country even before we arrived here."

"I see…" The King sighed, smiling. "It is interesting, very interesting. The races and creatures we often thought were menacing monsters… all united here, and all of them fighting for our own wellbeing. I am baffled to say the least. Perhaps our perspective was always wrong, perhaps even monsters and undead… even vampires, can be good and do good." The King began to realize.

"Hahaha! It\'s nothing, don\'t worry about it." I said with a smile. "More importantly, my real name is Maria Fuentes Belles, you probably recognize that name, isn\'t it?"

"T-The Witch of Darkness?!" Asked one of the viscounts.

"S-So you\'re her ghosts, Mary?" Asked Ruby, feeling shocked.

"Something like that." I said with a smile. "Not even I remember my memories of being her, but I am sure I was her… I was killed unjustly, and my own family was also slaughtered, all so the Church of Light could take away the dangerous Fragment of the Evil God. I\'ve been in a journey to find a home, to explore this world, and to find my true purpose. And the closer I get to it, the more troubles arise. The Frost Queen and this entire invasion… It might have something to do with the Gods themselves."

"S-Such a thing…" The King sighed. "I understand. Even as much as we try to pretend our lives are normal, supernatural beings, gods, and other entities live with us, in the skies, the earth, and the seas. For everything you\'ve done for us, we\'re willing to become your most loyal allies, Mary."

"Thank you so much, King." I bowed my head lightly. "Now, to a more important topic. This is Brunhild, as his brother introduced her, she is someone very special to you all."

"I… I am happy to be able to formally speak with all of you, Children of Fafnir." Said Brunhild with a smile. "It could be said… I am also your ancestor."

"Eh?" The dwarves were all surprised. "Y-You\'re Brunhild, the legendary dragon that made a pact with our Founder King!?"

"Indeed, and I was his wife too." Brunhild nodded. "It has been thousands of years since then. But I am always happy to see you all healthy and safe, my children."

This was… a shock, not even we knew about this part of the truth! Brunhild had kids with the first Dwarf King of this Country!

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