
Chapter 999 Not Even A Decent Warmup!

Chapter 999 Not Even A Decent Warmup!

The truth was, her eye had a certain range of roughly twenty meters, therefore, she couldn\'t use it when Maria was too far away, and this was also the reason why she activated it repeatedly the moment the ghost woman appeared in front of her.

However, to Maria, her major trump card was nothing but a snack!

"Delicious void. Care to give me more?" Maria laughed, her Void Essence skyrocketed as she gained more and more from absorbing Christine\'s attacks.

Her arms grew to a titanic size, fusing her Selene\'s Palm with her Divine Thunder Body and her other Body related skills, amassing it all into a pair of titanic arms made of the darkness of the night itself, encompassed by a sea of phantasmal flames of death.

"[Hades\' Fists Of The Underworld]! [Achlys\' Venomous Claws]!"

Not just two, but over eight gigantic, titanic arms descended towards Christine, while a dozen claws loaded with venom and lightning clashed against her. The Vampiress armor instantly shattered as she tried to take on the attacks. Escaping was futile, as each time she did, she would be attacked from above, below, left, and right before she could make any other rational thought.


Her entire body started to become distorted, slowly being torn to shreds. Blood and flesh splattering everywhere, and even pieces of her own bones. Her screams of agony reverberated across the entire Shadow Realm. Christine battled back, desperately trying to survive using all her techniques combined as one!

"I won\'t fall here! I am a Vampire Countess! My power is incomprehensible! How come a mere pathetic undead like you can overwhelm me?! BULLSHIT!!!"

The Vampiress\' entire body started growing stranger and distorted, monstrous. The blood from her wounds gathered around her still regenerating self, as she started to transform. Maria followed by transforming as well, greeting Christine\'s "true form" with her Titaness Form.


Christine was unrecognizable now, showing her true self, a monstrous and gigantic aberration. It barely looked humanoid, covered on black and red scales, with exposed, pulsating red flesh. Long bat-like wings and tails, and three massive dinosaur-like heads. All coupled with an assortment of black and red eyes spread across her body.

"So this is what you Vampires truly look like, huh? Wow, color me surprised!" Laughed Maria, channeling the powers of her Evil God Fragments all at once. Chaos essence erupted from within her body, overwhelming the titanic vampire beast.

Her gigantic fists pierced through Christine\'s flesh and tore it apart. Her claws slashed through it and made her bleed, and hundreds of fists made of phantasmal, lightning, and void essences pummeled the giant down, activating her Demonic Ghostly Fist Techniques over and over again.


"WHY YOU…?!"

Christine roared back, quickly swinging her countless tails against Maria and piercing her body with them, using them like spears themselves. At the same time, all her lost blood gathered on her claws, summoning two enormous, fifty-meter-long blood swords and using them to cut through Marai\'s body several times.


"Hahaha, cut me as much as you want, Christine!" Maria mocked her. "I am not a being restricted by my body, or even my soul!"

Her Origin continued to regenerate as she absorbed more and more of the endless source of Chaotic Miasma she possessed. Christine, someone comparable to SS Rank threats, and with a well-developed Divine Ember, was being overwhelmed by Maria.

Her Halberd and her Sword cut through the Vampiress entire body, forcing her to constantly regenerate her body parts, pushing her to her limits.

Maria gathered her powers and quickly summoned an old spell, now boosted several times with all her new abilities and magic powers.

"And I\'m not even done yet!" Maria roared. "[Gate of the Underworld]!"

Half of Maria\'s entire body and soul transformed into a gigantic black gate, distorting space itself and opening a portal towards the Underworld of Yggdrasil, Helheim! The Underworld greeted Christine with the will of Hel herself, as gigantic skeletal claws and phantasmal hands made of billions of souls grasped her entire body, draining away her life force and her soul energy.

"AAARRGGH! W-What is this?! NOOOO!"

Christine struggled back, her Divinity of Blood, which she had refined through her Divine Ember to give her Blood Aura such enormous power, erupted from her body. Maria felt her soul being sliced apart a thousand times by a thousand blades of blood at once.

As Christine kept trying to defeat Maria, the ghost with remained calm. The Gate of the Underworld continued draining Christine\'s soul energy, and Maria simply dedicated to spread her own soul across the whole Shadow Realm. Even if she was cut down and then blown up to cinders, she could continue regenerating endlessly as long as she had Mana.

And thanks to all her equipment bonuses, she had at least ten times as more Mana than ever before! In the entire fight, she had barely spent thirty percent of it!


"It\'ll take more than that to kill me, I already told you! They beheaded me and tried to curse my soul, but here I am!"

As Maria roared, all her powers harnessed together into a titanic claw made of darkness, death, phantom, moonlight, shadows, and void essence, grasping Christine\'s three heads and then crushing them into pieces.

"You were not even a decent warmup, Christine."


Crack, crack…!


Christine\'s head were blown to pieces, and so her soul, as it was shattered into countless fragments. Maria swiftly devoured them all, feeling a surge of new power. But above all, she ended absorbing a Divine Ember, something that she had never done before.


Maria kept her consciousness barely awake, as she fused back with all her fragments lost, regenerating back and beginning to slowly assimilate the power she gained.

"This was worth the risk, definitely…"


Author\'s Note: Tomorrow we\'ll reach 1000 chapters! Fuck yeah! Thank you for reading so far, especially all the Privilege Readers, I love you all!!!11

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