
Chapter 49: Lover

49 Lover

Alex still happily climbed up the stairs.

But, when he past on 31st floor. He saw an unbelievable scene. Alicia lying body in pond of blood. Firia crying weakly.

Alex keep his distance to her, wanting to protect her image from others eye. But, when he saw this scene, it made him realize how irreplaceable Alicia was. She always there, he can build relationship slowly with her. It felt so normal that it never occurred to him. \'What if she couldn\'t stay with him?\'.

"ALICIA!" Alex roared, he use his fastest speed to arrive at them. he killed six rank 3 minotaurs in the span of three second.

"ALICIA!" Alex went to her side and hold her head gently.

"Alex... you finally call me with my name again" Alicia said weakly. Her pace was white, avoid any color.

"Don\'t...don\'t say anything. I will heal you right now" Alex took out rank 2 restoration pills and blood replenishing pill. He immediately place them inside her mouth.

After a she took a bit of it. her face regain some color and the wound start to close but it\'s still not enough. The bleeding still doesn\'t stop.

"Alex... Please call me by my name for the last time" Alicia said weakly.

"I won\'t give up!" Alex said while crying.

Suddenly, the ray of hope come.

[System Update Finished. Good Luck Gacha System V2 Commenced]

\'That\'s right, the only way to heal her was rank 3 healing pill.\'

"System! I want to use gacha do you have any cauldron and rank 3 healing pill material?!"

[The new system have it Host, But It\'s rare]

"I don\'t care. Hurry to use tool gacha one by one until get the cauldron"

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After around two hundred ticket he manage to get a cauldron. All of this gacha processed at a span of five second.

"Now use the rest of ticket in Material Gacha! Hurry!"





He didn\'t care about this much water bottle now and he didn\'t use the gacha one by one. He only care at a few items.






This all are rank 3 healing pill ingredients. But,

"Still missing one ingredients. Recycle all my items except healing pill ingredients! And put them for gacha"


[Gacha Ticket 79x Acquired]










\'That\'s it\' after getting Tulia seed as the last ingredients. Alex ignored the rest of them and immediately take all the ingredients out with the cauldron. He also make Alicia eat a few blood replenishing pill and rank 2 restoration pill, to slow down the wound.

Alex refined all of them simultaneously, he use his fire to refined each of the ingredients skillfully. But, he still not experience refining a rank 3 pill yet. After a few minutes refining, he almost succeed. But,

The cauldron have a sign of exploding.

"Wait, you can\'t be explode. Haaahh!" Alex use all of his power and mind to prevent it explode and continue refining the pill.

He vomited blood. Doing all of this taking toll on his body and mind. But Alex still determined to complete his pill.

The pill aroma start to fill the space.

"Forming" Alex start to form the pill. Not long after, the pill was formed.

"BOOM!" The cauldron exploded. A few debris from the cauldron reach his body and stab his body.

Alex didn\'t care with the pain. He immediately grabbed the pill and went to Alicia weakly. He handed the pill to her mouth. His hand was shaking. The wound because of exploding injured him greatly.

"Alex..." Alicia said weakly, her tears streaming down.

Alex put the pill inside her mouth. Her wound was closed up with speed visible at naked eyes. After almost a minute, her wound was closed. Though her wound closed, she still weak. "Alex..."

"I\'m fine" Alex smiled weakly. He turned to Firia "Please take care of her"

Firia nodded anxiously. After confirming Alicia was safe, Alex eat restoration pill while pull out the splinters on his body. Enduring the pain, he pull out the debris one by one. After a few minutes, all his wound closed up. His body was still weak. He recover his mana a bit and went to Alicia.

"Please keep my identity as an Alchemist a secret" Alex said solemnly.

All of them nodded repeatedly.

"Let\'s go back" Alex said.

"Alex..." Alicia want to say something.

Alex shook his head, and carried her on his back. Though he still weak, but it still enough to carry her to the surface. "We will talk on the surface"

The group went back to the surface, since the monsters only rank 2 or below. Alex can kill them easily while carrying Alicia. Alicia only crying in his embrace, lamenting her uselessness.

After the group reach the surface, Alex went to the inn along with Firia. They will meet them again tomorrow.

In the room, Alex laid down Alicia to the bed.

"Alex... I\'m sorry" Alicia muttered in low voice.

"Why are your group coming down to rank 3 monster floor?"

"I..." Alicia cried "It was my fault. I\'m the one who want to go there. I\'m scared, if I am not strong enough, you will leave me for someone else. I know I am greedy, Even though a man can have many wives, yet I want you for myself."

"You..!" Alex want to angry and scold her but there are no words come to his mind. He sighed "You are capable enough, you also was a genius among your peers. This time luckily I come at the right moment. You can get stronger, but don\'t get obsessed for gaining power, it will get your own life"

"I\'m sorry" She hugged Alex while crying.

Alex patted her back, "Promise me, don\'t get obsessed for gaining power. I really fear you are going to die back then"

"I...promised" Alicia said in low voice.

"I will still told the grand duke the whole story though" Alex said.

"Nooo! Don\'t tell father!" Alicia begged him, she scared. If her father know this, he will scold her to no end.

Alex keep determined to told the whole story to grand duke while Alicia keep begging him to not told him.

"At least, I will also accompany you. As your lover, Alicia" Alex said embarrassedly.

"Alex! You..." Alicia was shocked about what she heard just now. "We...we..."

"That if you want..." Alex\'s face was red.

Alicia hugged him. Tears streaming down on her face, but this time was a happy tears "I want! I am your lover"

Alex gently smiled, he stroke her hair gently. Today he confirmed his relationship with her and become her boyfriend.

After a while, he realized. Alicia seems to fall asleep. He then put her down to the bed gently, not wanting to wake her up. He want to pull back, but somehow he can\'t get away from her. She embrace him, not wanting to let him away even in sleep.

Originally, Alex want to go back to his room and cultivate again after scolding her for a while.

He sighed, he looked at Alicia who asleep. She was really beautiful, he want to wipe her tears on her face, he use his finger to wipe them gently.

Somehow this kind change of pace make him so happy and comfortable. He didn\'t know before, embracing the woman you love would be this happy and warm. He keep enjoying this feeling, this moment and unknowingly fell asleep.



Alicia woke up. She was shocked, because as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Alex\'s sleeping face in front of her. She want to push him away instinctively, but her hand actually hugging Alex strongly. though Alex embracing her, but that was gently, if she want to shoo away his hand, she can do it easily.

Wouldn\'t this meant she wasn\'t the one who didn\'t let him go?. Upon thinking this, her face become red like a tomato. But she still enjoying this feeling, the feeling of his warmth was really comfortable. She didn\'t want to let this feeling go.

"I...What will Alex thinking about this... Will he think I am a cheap woman?" She muttered in a low voice, but she still enjoying his embrace..

"mmm.." Since Alex\'s perception was great, he heard a bit noise but can\'t hear what she said. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Alicia face only a few centimeters away from him.

He was surprised, he immediately jumped away instinctively, but Alicia grip still strong. Because he didn\'t controlled his strength, Alicia was also pulled.


The two of them fell down from the bed. Alicia was on top of him, and their position was really inviting many misunderstanding. Luckily there is no one who come, like caught him cheating kind of plot.

"A...Alex are you alright?" Alicia asked worriedly. She didn\'t realize their own position.

"I..I\'m fine" He said embarrassedly.

"That\'s good" She relieved. But now, she seems realize what kind of position she in. She release her hand and get away from Alex embarrassedly. The atmosphere become awkward.

"What are you going to do after this? Are you still going to the dungeon?" Alicia asked.

Alex pondering a bit. He didn\'t care about level since it won\'t help him increase his strength. The only purpose he dive to the dungeon was to update his system.

"I don\'t know. At least I don\'t planning go inside for three days after this." He want a relaxation for a while, he felt this urgency to get stronger was a bit tiring him, so he want to relax a bit.

"That was great!" Alicia said happily.

"What was great?" Alex confused.

"Ah..." She said that out of reflex, she embarrassedly said "Can we enjoy a few days together like back then?"

"....How about we asked your teammates first? Are they going to the dungeon again after this?" Alex asked.

"Ah!" She forgot about that. "We will meet them in the afternoon. We can ask them then"

Alex nodded, "How about your injury?"

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