
Chapter 88: Trojan Horse (4)

Chapter 88: Trojan Horse (4)

Gu Seong-Cheol and I were standing in the hallway, waiting for the executive meeting to end.


When the door opened, Lee Gi-Cheol came out frowning along with Kim Dong-Soo. I hurriedly greeted them with a bow, but Lee Gi-Cheol left without acknowledging it. Kim Dong-Soo also disappeared, barely accepting my greeting.

Soon after, the finance director and Kang Ji-Yung came out of the room with Kang Gam-Chan. As I greeted them with a bow, Kang Gam-Chan burst into hearty laughter when he noticed Gu Seong-Cheol and me.

"Are you here because of the division transfer?"

"Ah, yes..."

"Then let\'s talk about it in my office. Director Jung, please take care of that matter as instructed."

"Yes, Mr. Kang."

After the finance director left, Kang Gam-Chan led Kang Ji-Yung, Gu Seong-Cheol, and me to his office.

The same explanation was repeated in the president\'s office, and Kang Gam-Chan fell into deep thought after hearing my explanation.

"Yoon-Ho, is it really impossible for you to manage Yung-In? I heard she even set up a meeting date with Chief Lee of Ace Entertainment. She\'s really planning to transfer."

While I was contemplating what would be best, the intercom rang.

Kang Gam-Chan answered the call and opened his mouth. "Tell her to come in."

Shortly after, Yoo-Jin knocked on the door and entered the room.

Yoo-Jin\'s face was unusually serious. Instead of her usual bright smile, her face was cold as ice. Her lips were tightly sealed and looked stern with determination.

"What brings Actor Division 2’s rising star to my office today?"

Kang Gam-Chan tried to lighten the mood with a bright smile. But Yoo-Jin just slightly bowed her head without smiling.

"Mr. Kang."

Despite Yoo-Jin\'s stern tone, Kang Gam-Chan still had a smile on his face. "Go ahead, Yoo-Jin. Feel free to speak your mind."

Yoo-Jin glanced at me and then dropped a bombshell. "I\'m going to leave the company."

At that moment, the room froze.

I reflexively stood up at Yoo-Jin\'s unexpected declaration. "Yoo-Jin! What are you talking about!"

But Kang Gam-Chan raised his hand to stop both Yoo-Jin and me. "Let\'s sit down and talk this through in a calm manner. Assistant Manager Jung, calm down and take a seat. We need to hear why Yoo-Jin would suddenly say something like this, don’t you think?"

Like Ju Yung-In, Yoo-Jin\'s contract was also about to expire soon. If she decided to retire from the entertainment industry, we wouldn’t be able to stop her.

My heart was racing, but unlike me, Kang Gam-Chan appeared calm. Indeed, the confidence of his thirty years of experience in the industry was no ordinary thing.

"Mr. Kang."

When I calmed my racing heart and sat back down, Yoo-Jin took a seat on the sofa and clasped her hands together. Then, she began speaking in a clear but respectful manner.

"I\'m still grateful for all the guidance you’ve provided me when I knew nothing about this industry."

"I only did that because you had potential. I wouldn’t have recruited you otherwise."

Yoo-Jin expressed her gratitude and went on. "Then do you remember the promise you made when you brought me to this company?”

Kang Gam-Chan began to look at Yoo-Jin intently in silence upon hearing her question.

Just like that, a moment of silence passed.

Promise? What promise? There’s a promise between them I don\'t know about even after traveling back in time?

At that moment, Kang Gam-Chan opened his mouth.

"Of course, I remember."

"You didn\'t keep that promise."

The intense atmosphere was not one I could interrupt.

"So you\'re quitting because of that reason?"

"Yes, that\'s the reason."

The cryptic conversation continued without end.

Yoo-Jin was facing Kang Gam-Chan\'s earnest gaze.

"Then let me ask you one thing, Yoo-Jin. The condition of that promise—you haven\'t forgotten it, have you?"

"Of course not. I haven\'t forgotten it even for a single day."

Kang Gam-Chan leaned back on the sofa. Then he closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. "I see. Alright then."

Wait. What does he mean alright then? The conversation can\'t just end like this, can it?

Unable to hold back, I interjected into their conversation.

"Yoo-Jin! Why would you quit? And Mr. Kang, you\'re being too harsh! You should hold onto Yoo-Jin! We can\'t let Yoo-Jin go like this!"

Kang Gam-Chan slowly opened his eyes at my outburst.

"Why? If Yoo-Jin leaves, will you leave too?"

"Yes! I will leave!"

Kang Gam-Chan let out a deep sigh upon hearing my response.

"Seriously. It\'s so nerve-wracking being a president. Actors threaten me and employees threaten me... It\'s so unfair."

"No, I mean, that\'s not exactly what I\'m saying. It\'s just that..."

As I started to ramble on, Kang Gam-Chan burst into a chuckle. "Impatient, aren’t you?"

"Excuse me?"

"Of course I’m not letting Yoo-Jin go like this. But in exchange, I’ll have to let go of something else."


Only then did I realize what Kang Gam-Chan\'s words meant—keeping Yoo-Jin meant letting go of Ju Yung-In.

Is he considering that possibility?

Kang Gam-Chan looked at Yoo-Jin and nodded. "I\'ll keep my promise, so retract your statement about leaving the company."

"Yes, Mr. Kang. Send me the contract and I\'ll extend it right away."

"Not just that."

"I know. That too."

The conversation was still cryptic, but at least she retracted her statement about leaving which was a relief.

"Director Kang, issue the transfer order for Assistant Manager Jung immediately."

"B-but Mr. Kang?"

Kang Gam-Chan\'s decisive instructions continued. "There’s no need to think further. If we can’t have the best of both worlds, then a decision has to be made as soon as possible. And Director Kang, give Yung-In a call and offer to assign a proper chief-level talent agent to her. If she doesn\'t like that, then I guess there\'s nothing we can do. We\'ll have to give her up."

Kang Ji-Yung made a surprised expression and suggested that he reconsider his decision. But Kang Gam-Chan stated he would not accept any objections and then turned his gaze toward me.

"Assistant Manager Jung, you\'ve worked hard for a month. Since you\'ve been doing so well in the unfamiliar Actor\'s Division 3, I guess I got a bit greedy. I’m sorry about that."

"Not at all, Mr. Kang. It’s okay."

Kang Gam-Chan wore a kind expression. "The transfer order will be issued soon, so take Yoo-Jin home and get some rest."

"Ah... Yes, sir."

I was a bit bewildered by the swift resolution of the situation.

"Alright, then. The two of you can see yourselves out first. We still have things to do."

At Kang Gam-Chan\'s words, Yoo-Jin stood up and bowed deeply. I followed Yoo-Jin out of the room. We walked in silence to Actor Division 2 and I conveyed the instructions I had received from Kang Gam-Chan to Lee Young-Jin, who had been managing Yoo-Jin while I was away.

I received the car keys from him and I headed down to the underground parking lot. I started the engine of the Super Vroom, the car I always used to drive Yoo-Jin.

At that moment, Yoo-Jin, who had been quiet until now, placed her hand on her chest and took a deep breath.

"Huff, huff. I thought I was going to die back there. I was really rude to Mr. Kang, right? Wasn\'t I? Oh no, what should I do now?"

Yoo-Jin covered her face with her hands and began to fidget, saying that her heart was still racing.

Is she serious? What’s the point of worrying after everything\'s already happened?

"I mean...what’s said has already been said, so worrying about it now won\'t change anything... But Yoo-Jin, what\'s that promise you made with Mr. Kang all about?"

Yoo-Jin slightly spread her hands and opened her mouth. "Umm, that\'s a secret."

"What? Hey, how can you keep a secret from me?"

"It is what it is."

I kept probing throughout the drive home, but Yoo-Jin never divulged that secret.


Ju Yung-In was on the way to the filming location when she received a call from Kim Dong-Soo. Upon answering the call, she turned her car to head back to the company. When she reached the company, she immediately headed to the president\'s office where Kang Gam-Chan was waiting for her with Lee Gi-Cheol.

"Director Lee, I\'d like to have a word alone with Yung-In for a moment."

"Of course, Mr. Kang."

After glaring at Ju Yung-In for a moment, Lee Gi-Cheol left the room.


When the door closed, Ju Yung-In bowed and then sat down across from Kang Gam-Chan.

"Mr. Kang."

"Yes, Yung-In."

"Are you really sending Assistant Manager Jung back to Actor Division 2?"

"I am. I just issued the transfer order."

Ju Yung-In frowned at Kang Gam-Chan\'s calm words.

"Didn\'t you hear my condition for extending the contract?"

"I heard it. You said you\'d leave the company if we don\'t assign Assistant Manager Jung to you, right?"

"Don’t tell me that you think I\'m bluffing, do you?"

Kang Gam-Chan let out a long sigh. "I\'m the one who scouted you to this company, so how could I not know you? Yung-In, I know you\'re the type to do what you say no matter what once you make a decision."

Three years ago, Kang Gam-Chan met Ju Yung-In as an extra actress on a film set and personally recruited her. Then, he entrusted her to Kim Dong-Soo, the most competent talent agent at the time, and had supported her with much care since then.

"Why are you doing this if you know that? Don\'t you need me anymore?"

"That\'s not it. You\'re still precious to me and you always will be."

Ju Yung-In raised her voice. "Then why? Why won\'t you listen to my request!? Is it really that hard to assign me one talent agent I want?"

Kang Gam-Chan took a sip of the drink on the table to wet his dry throat. "What should a father do when his children fight?"

"Excuse me?"

Ju Yung-In paused, not understanding what he meant.

But Kang Gam-Chan continued with a look of regret.

“The father can\'t do anything. Both children are dear to him, so he doesn\'t know whose side to take."

Ju Yung-In listened silently.

"But that doesn\'t mean I\'ll be a father swayed by his children. If you want to leave, you can. You have your own life and I acknowledge that. After this drama ends well, you can leave without having to complete the remaining six months."

The fact that Kang Gam-Chan wouldn\'t hold onto her was a big shock to Ju Yung-In. Kang Gam-Chan had always taken care of her like his own daughter even when she got entangled in messy scandals. Seeing how the always-generous Kang Gam-Chan had changed his attitude, tears welled up in Ju Yung-In\'s eyes.

"Are you sure you won\'t regret this decision?"

"I know I will..."

"Then why!"

"That\'s enough. It’s not like you’ll stay even if I tell you the reason. I can see it in your eyes that you\'ve already made your decision."

"Yes! I’ll admit that Ace Entertainment has offered me really good terms! But all it takes for you to keep me is just assigning Assistant Manager Jung Yoon-Ho to me! Why can\'t you do that? At least tell me the reason, considering our past friendship!"

Kang Gam-Chan had decided to keep his mouth shut about the reason, but he reconsidered his decision upon seeing Ju Yung-In\'s desperate demeanor.

"It\'s simple. I need Assistant Manager Jung more than I need you."

"Wh-what does that mean?"

Ju Yung-In naturally thought that it was the snake Jung Yoo-Jin who must have played some dirty trick. However, it was Jung Yoon-Ho’s name that was mentioned.

"You are choosing Assistant Manager Jung over me!? Are you sure you\'re not mistaken?"

"No. I meant exactly what I said and I stand by it."

This situation was incomprehensible to Ju Yung-In. Yet she had no choice but to keep silent at Kang Gam-Chan\'s words.

"There are many talented actors. Each one is precious, but their talents vary so greatly that there are quite a lot of them. But finding a talent agent like Yoon-Ho is harder than picking stars from the night sky."


"You probably understand me since you have quite a good eye for people as well, don\'t you? You dislike Team Lead Kang and Chief Kim but you insist on Jung Yoon-Ho. That\'s exactly why. I need Jung Yoon-Ho as much as you need him. He will create the second and third Ju Yung-In for me."

Ju Yung-In was left speechless because she feared it would become a reality if she answered.

"Even though I\'ll miss your presence, Yoon-Ho will fill that gap and more. So what can I do?"

Only then did Ju Yung-In realize that Kang Gam-Chan wouldn\'t give up on Jung Yoon-Ho no matter what she did. A single tear dropped from Ju Yung-In\'s eyes and fell to the floor. But before the tear could reach the ground, Ju Yung-In stood up from her seat. She returned to her original proud expression and slowly bowed her head.

"I\'ll do my best until I leave."

"Yes. You always have."

"From now on, I won\'t show any mercy either."

"As expected."

Kang Gam-Chan hid his aching heart and saw Ju Yung-In off. Given Ju Yung-In\'s personality, she could become a formidable adversary and block the path of Hoop Entertainment if she went to another company.

Yet, he had no choice but to make that decision.


As the door closed and Ju Yung-In disappeared, Kang Gam-Chan leaned his tired body against the sofa. Although she was arrogant and headstrong, he had regarded Ju Yung-In like a daughter—and her decision to leave the company left him with a profound sense of loss.

"Yoon-Ho, you are too good at your job..."

As Jung Yoon-Ho\'s performance improved, his impact on the company continued to grow.

Unbeknownst to Ju Yung-In, other actors from Actor Division 3 were also requesting to be assigned to Jung Yoon-Ho.

Kang Gam-Chan\'s efforts to conceal Jung Yoon-Ho\'s rapid growth were as futile as trying to hide a nail in one\'s pocket.

Ultimately, Kang Gam-Chan resolved to further support Jung Yoon-Ho—even if it meant losing Ju Yung-In, a tremendous actress.

"Who knew I\'d have to worry about things like this?"

He found himself torn between laughter and tears. Eventually, Kang Gam-Chan reached for a cigarette, a habit he had successfully quit for some time.

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