
Chapter 33: Confession

A soft sound signaled the password light changing from red to green, and the heavy steel door swung open.

CC stood up, gesturing toward the now ajar door. “It’s open. You go first.”

“You go first,” Lin Xian insisted politely, aware that entering first could mean walking into a trap.

“No, you first. Your role is more important,” CC countered, motioning him forward.

“No, no,” Lin Xian waved dismissively. “Your skills are crucial here. You should go first.”

“Aren’t you the one in desperate need of money? Go ahead, take what you need.”

“Ladies first, always.”

“I’m afraid I can’t carry the gold bricks.”

“Then start with the lighter gold bars.”

“In that case, I should find a bag first to carry more.”

“Now that you mention it, I left my bag in the car too. How careless of me.”

“If you really need the money, don’t be so modest.”

“It’s not that urgent, actually.”



They stood facing each other, neither willing to step in first. Lin Xian was concerned CC might shoot him, and CC was equally wary of Lin Xian’s formidable marksmanship. Yet, they both knew the warehouse was empty of any money.

“Let’s stop pretending. How about a confession session?” Lin Xian broke the stalemate, dropping a truth. “I’m not Big Cat Face.”

CC laughed softly. “Did you think you were convincing? You lacked a gun and C4, and you were clumsy with the gas pedal. It’s obvious you don’t drive that car often. I haven’t met Big Cat Face, but we’ve talked online. I know you’re not him. So, who are you?”

CC crossed her arms, scrutinizing Lin Xian through her Ultraman mask. “You seem completely unprofessional, like a college student on a bank robbery whim. Yet, your shooting skills are exceptional, beyond what an ordinary person would possess. There’s only one other person whose shooting matches yours.”

“Oh? Another expert?” Lin Xian twirled his gun. “I’d like to meet them sometime.”

Silence filled the space, broken only by the sound of Lin Xian twirling his gun.

“How about we work together?” Lin Xian proposed.

“On what?”

Lin Xian pointed to the half-open coded door. “I know you’re here to open a specific safe—the one with Lin Xian’s name on it.”

“You know a lot. Why don’t you tell me what’s inside?”

“If I knew, I wouldn’t need to be here.”

“I don’t know what’s inside, but I know the combination,” Lin Xian confessed. They had come this far; there was no reason for deception. Besides, he found CC quite communicative, based on their prior interactions.

“What are your conditions? You won’t just give me the code for free, right?” CC asked.

“Just one condition.” Lin Xian, through his Rhine Cat mask, stared at the Ultraman before him. “We both take off our masks and see each other clearly.”

“You mean, if I take off my mask, you’ll give me the code?”


CC chuckled. “This sounds like a bad deal. We both unmask, I get the code, and what do you get?”

“I want mutual trust.” Lin Xian lied smoothly, unable to reveal his true motives.

“Deal.” CC turned and kicked the door wider open, walking inside. She paused at the safe labeled “Lin Xian” and saw the eight-digit mechanical lock. Dropping her computer, she shook her head. “It’s a mechanical lock. Are you sure you know the combination? This safe looks ancient.”

Lin Xian nodded confidently. “Let’s not waste time.”

He removed the elastic band from his head, discarding the small Rhine Cat mask. Facing the Ultraman-masked CC, he questioned, “Do I look familiar to you?”

CC shook her head blankly. “Should I recognize you?”

Lin Xian decided not to dwell on it. It was clear CC had seen him before but was playing coy.

“Your turn,” he urged.

CC glanced around the warehouse—no cameras. She holstered her pistol and reached behind her head, slowly pulling off the elastic band. The mask slid off, revealing her youthful face framed by dark brown bangs. Her delicate eyebrows and bright eyes gave her a cold but lively look, enhanced by a small beauty mark by her left eye.

Her unmasked appearance revealed a high nose and lightly closed lips, her natural beauty evident without makeup, making her look unexpectedly young, perhaps a high school girl.

Now fully unmasked, the answer Lin Xian sought stood right before him.

Who is she?

Lin Xian stared at CC, temporarily stunned. He had expected a familiar face, something to refute his suspicions. But he recognized no one.

Yet, her voice was familiar. How could that be?

“Hey, why are you just standing there?” CC frowned, glaring at Lin Xian. “Now, tell me the combination to the safe.”

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