
Chapter 351: Yu Xi

Inside the ambulance, Zheng Xiang Yue leaned against a large Rhine Cat plush toy, her body connected to several wires and electrodes monitoring her vital signs. In her lap, she held a black-and-white urn adorned with a photo, and on top of that rested a pink notebook. Inside the notebook was a carefully folded lunar ticket. These were the only things left that mattered to her. Despite the vast and beautiful world outside, these were the possessions she held most dear.

In just a few hours, she would arrive in the capital—the farthest she had ever traveled. There, at the National Scientific Academy, groundbreaking research on hibernation pods was being conducted. The first group of volunteers, frozen for over a year, remained stable. The second group had been in hibernation for six months in improved pods with fewer side effects.

Now, a third-generation experimental pod awaited Zheng Xiang Yue. It was an upgrade from the one used by Xu Yi Yi, though she didn’t know the specifics of its advancements. Not that she cared—her only wish was to enter a deep sleep until she could be healed, grow stronger, and achieve the three wishes written in her pink notebook:

Bury her brother on the moon.

Repay Brother Lin Xian.

Become a kind and loving person.

Beside her, the head nurse gently stroked her hair, her voice filled with concern. “Xiang Yue, are you scared of going into hibernation?”

During her hospital stay, the nurse had grown fond of Zheng Xiang Yue, seeing her almost like a little sister. Now, as the girl prepared to enter the pod, the nurse felt a mixture of happiness for her possible recovery and deep sadness for what lay ahead.

“I’m not afraid,” Zheng Xiang Yue replied, her gaze fixed on the world passing by the ambulance window. Her legs swung slightly as she smiled at the nurse. “Why should I be scared? Hibernation is just a really long sleep, right? Nothing scary about that!”

The nurse sighed, her emotions heavy. “It’s not the sleep that worries me, sweetheart. It’s the loneliness. I’m afraid of you waking up to a world where you know no one, where everything is new and strange. I worry that the loneliness might be too much for you.”

“But isn’t that how it is now?” Zheng Xiang Yue responded, tilting her head to meet the nurse’s gaze. Her eyes were clear and thoughtful, contemplating a future where she might wake up alone in an unfamiliar world, yet she remained undaunted.

Overcome with emotion, the nurse couldn’t hold back her tears any longer. She leaned in, embracing Zheng Xiang Yue tightly, her heart full of both hope and sorrow.

As their journey continued, the convoy passed a luxury hotel. At that moment, a Volkswagen sedan emerged from the parking lot, heading in the opposite direction, just missing the ambulance and police cars.

Later, at 6:51 PM, outside a cozy Hunan cuisine restaurant, a rare Red Flag car caught the attention of passersby with its grand design. Many stopped to take photos, enchanted by its elegance.

On the third floor of the restaurant, in a private booth designed for six but occupied only by three people and a Pomeranian dog, a family enjoyed their meal together. The dog, curled up comfortably on the carpet, lazily cleaned its paws.

The trio, engaged in lively conversation, consisted of a stern father with graying hair, a mother in a qipao with a warm demeanor, and their sharp, striking daughter, Zhao Ying Jun. She gestured toward the freshly served dishes, addressing her mother, Yan Mei.

“Mom, you’ve always liked Hunan cuisine, right? You used to complain about not finding authentic dishes. Try these; they’re pretty good. The chili might not be as spicy as what you remember, though. Everything’s adjusted to suit local tastes.”

Yan Mei hadn’t started eating yet, but her husband, Zhao Rui Hai, had already sampled a few bites. “You know,” he said, “after all the dining out we’ve done, I still think homemade meals are the best. I miss the simple food from my childhood, like thick porridge and dumpling soup. But now, it just doesn’t taste the same, whether it’s the ingredients or the cooking method.”

Yan Mei chuckled at her husband’s nostalgia. “You always say things were better in the past. But if you really had to go back to living like that, you might not enjoy it as much. Sometimes, memories make everything seem better than it actually was.”

Zhao Rui Hai smiled, acknowledging her point. “Yeah, I do tend to reminisce about the good old days. But you’re right, some flavors do seem different now. It might be how they’re cooked, or maybe it’s just nostalgia.”

“That’s the thing,” Yan Mei continued, “In the past, we had fewer choices, so we cherished what we had. Nowadays, even in the capital, there’s a trend among officials to eat wild vegetables, coarse grains, and steam their own buns because they don’t trust store-bought additives.”

“I think they’re just being picky,” Zhao Rui Hai said with a laugh. “Everyone’s gotten used to the good life, so now they want to relive the past. But if you actually made them eat like that every day, they wouldn’t last long!”

Yan Mei noticed her husband’s half-empty bowl and teased, “We haven’t even started eating properly, and your dad’s already downed half a bowl of rice.”

The family continued their meal, chatting and laughing, while their Pomeranian, VV, yawned contentedly on the carpet, feeling safe and comfortable with three people around to protect it.

“Hey, is Lin Xian coming tonight?” Yan Mei asked, taking a few bites of food. “I dressed up formally since it’s our first meeting, and I wanted to thank him. If I’d known he wasn’t coming, your father and I would’ve dressed more casually.”

Zhao Ying Jun poured tea for her parents and smiled. “You two usually dress like this anyway. Dad always looks like he’s still at work, and Mom, you’ve started dressing up more since you retired. I haven’t seen you wear this silk qipao in years.”

“Oh, I just wanted to look nice for meeting Lin Xian,” Yan Mei replied, tasting some of the food. “By the way, I remember you said Lin Xian is from Hangzhou? What do his parents do?”

“His parents? I think they’re just regular workers,” Zhao Ying Jun answered, thinking for a moment. “He never really talked about it in detail.”

“Is he an only child? Any siblings?”

“No, he’s the only one… But why are you asking all this?”

Yan Mei smiled warmly. “Just trying to get to know him better. We’ll be having dinner with him sooner or later, so it’s good to know a bit about him beforehand.”

“Your mom’s just eager for grandchildren,” Zhao Rui Hai teased, setting down his teacup and wiping his mouth with a napkin. “You’re getting older, and with no sign of settling down, your mom’s got nothing to do in retirement but think about it. What else can she do? Spend all day picking wild vegetables and doing yoga with her friends?”

“Well, I’d love to, but all my friends are busy looking after their grandkids,” Yan Mei sighed. “Why do you think I came to Donghai to stay with you for a month after I retired? It’s to get you thinking about settling down. It’s time you balanced your career with your personal life.”

Zhao Ying Jun sighed deeply, pushing her chair back and crossing her legs. “Can we talk about something else? How did we end up on this topic again?”

“Oh, come on, it’s not like that,” Yan Mei said softly. “But you’re at the age where you need to think about these things. You meet a nice guy, you date for a couple of years, then get married. After that, it might take another two years to have a child, and raising a child takes at least a year. So, if everything goes smoothly, it’ll be at least five years before we have grandkids. If anything delays that, we’re looking at seven or eight years. And by then, who knows if I’ll still be able to run around? Who’s going to help you take care of the kids?”

Zhao Rui Hai nodded in agreement. “Your mom and I have changed our minds. We were too demanding before and didn’t respect your choices enough. But now, we’re not picky about who you marry. As long as you’re happy, we don’t care about social status or anything. Just don’t expect us to ask for a dowry—we’re not selling you off!”

Zhao Ying Jun frowned, looking at her usually strict father. “We’re not even close to that point yet, and you’re already talking about dowries?”

“I’m just saying don’t aim too high,” Zhao Rui Hai said earnestly. “At your age, no man is going to be hugely successful yet. They’ve only been out of school for a few years; how much can they have achieved? So, don’t expect to find some super-successful guy. You need to be realistic. If a guy your age has money, it’s probably not even his.”

“Exactly,” Yan Mei added. “Your circle might be small, but your dad and I know a lot of people. We can help you find someone. Just tell us what you’re looking for.”

“Don’t be shy,” Zhao Rui Hai encouraged. “It’s normal for people your age to get married. You’re our only daughter. If you end up alone, how are we supposed to face the world? Tell us what kind of guy you want, and we’ll help you find him.”

Zhao Ying Jun felt exasperated. No matter how reserved or argumentative her parents usually were, they became a perfect team when it came to pushing her to get married. She nudged the Pomeranian, VV, with her high heel, hoping it would cause a distraction. But the dog just shifted slightly and went back to sleep.

“Don’t stay quiet now!” Yan Mei urged, growing impatient. “We need to communicate! Tell us what kind of man you’re looking for so we have a better idea.”

“Fine,” Zhao Ying Jun sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. “You want to know what kind of man I want?”

Seeing her parents’ eager faces, she realized they might actually be onto something this time. They both smiled, clearly thinking they were making progress.

“Just say it,” her father encouraged. “We know a lot of people all over the country. Whatever kind of guy you want, we’ll find him for you.”

“Okay…” Zhao Ying Jun thought for a moment before continuing. “I’ve made a name for myself, so he should have some career of his own, right? At least be the owner of a startup or something.”

Her parents nodded in agreement. “That makes sense,” her mother said. “He should have something going for him.”

“I also appreciate someone with talent. He doesn’t have to be great at everything, but he should have some artistic ability, right?”

Her parents exchanged glances. “That’s reasonable,” her father said. “A man with hobbies is a good thing.”

“And he should be brave,” Zhao Ying Jun added with a smile. “I like a man with a bit of heroism, someone who doesn’t back down when it’s time to step up. He should be responsible and not shy away from his duties.”

Her parents frowned slightly. “That might be asking for a bit too much,” her mother said. “There aren’t many men like that these days.”

“But a woman should find a man with a strong sense of responsibility,” her father agreed. “It’s not unreasonable.”

“And… even though I’m past the age of caring about romance and grand gestures, I’d still appreciate a little surprise on special occasions, like birthdays. It would mean a lot.”

Her parents pressed their lips together. “Now you’re asking for a lot,” her mother said. “Where are we going to find a guy who ticks all those boxes?”

“But those aren’t the most important things,” Zhao Ying Jun said, bending down to pick up the Pomeranian, VV, and placing it on her lap. “The most important thing is that VV has to like him. I’ve had VV for so many years; I can’t just give him up when I get married. So if you really want to introduce me to someone, they’ll have to pass VV’s test first. If VV doesn’t like him, he can’t come into our home, right, VV?”

“V~~~~~” The Pomeranian let out a soft groan of agreement.


Zhao Rui Hai slammed his fist on the table, his face dark with anger. “Ridiculous! What kind of nonsense is this? Finding a husband who needs a dog’s approval? We’re having a serious conversation, and you’re making a joke out of it! What’s so funny about that?”

Zhao Ying Jun chuckled softly, her silver earrings swaying with the movement. She adjusted the Pomeranian on her lap, gently stroking its neck fur. “Aren’t you the ones who said you’d introduce me to whoever I wanted?”

“But your requirements are too much!” Yan Mei couldn’t hold back anymore, feeling like her daughter was pushing things too far. “Tell me, what twenty-something-year-old guy could meet all your demands? A successful career, artistic talent, bravery, and passing VV’s test? Who could possibly meet all those conditions? I’d really like to meet him!”

Zhao Ying Jun looked up, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “Just because you can’t find him doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist.”

“Oh, please,” her father scoffed, “You’ll never find a guy like that. You’re just dreaming.”

Just then, outside the Hunan restaurant, Lin Xian honked the horn of his Volkswagen, trying to get the crowd to clear the way. “What’s going on here? What’s everyone looking at?” he muttered, seeing the crowd gathered around a Red Flag car parked outside the restaurant. He couldn’t see much through the throng of people, but after a few students took their photos and moved aside, he finally managed to drive past the congested area.

7:07 PM

At the Tesla Gigafactory in the Port Area, inside one of the buildings.

“How do you like my double, Elon Musk? Do we look alike?” In the living room of a suite, Elon Musk draped an arm around a slightly shorter version of himself, turning to Angelica for a comparison.

“I’d say this double is Oscar-worthy. He’s stood in for me at several meetings, and no one ever caught on,” he boasted.

Angelica scrutinized Elon Musk and his double. “If you don’t look closely or don’t know you well, it could pass. But on closer inspection, there are still a lot of details that don’t quite match. He might be able to fool people from a distance or in blurry photos, but up close, it’s easy to tell he’s not you.”

“Exactly,” Elon Musk said, spreading his hands. “That’s why I need you, Hollywood’s shape-shifting queen. I need you to make him look more like me. No need to be modest—I know you’ve got the skills. After all, you fooled me when you pretended to be my secretary.”

“I had my secretary bring over those two huge suitcases with your tools. It’s getting late… Let’s get started, Angelica.”

“Hmph.” Angelica snorted, turning her head. She pulled a cigarette from a pack in her pocket, lit it, and then said, “So, Elon Musk, are you still trying to trick me?”

“You promised you’d take me to meet Lin Xian tonight, to clear everything up. You even said you’d meet him at 8 o’clock at the abandoned factory up north. But now, you’re sending your double instead? Where’s the sincerity in that? You’re just toying with Lin Xian.”

“No, no, no…” Elon Musk waved his hand.

“No, no, no…” The double echoed, waving his hand too.

“Of course, I’ll take you to meet Lin Xian tonight, but only after I’ve confirmed one last thing.”

Elon Musk patted the double on the shoulder, signaling him to stay quiet and sit down. Then he turned back to Angelica. “Don’t forget, in Copernicus’s eyes, we’re in a vulnerable position, fooled and defeated. So we have to play along. Copernicus probably hasn’t opened that empty little fridge yet, and since what’s inside is incredibly valuable and delicate, he won’t let that thief open it by force.”

“This is our only chance to trick Copernicus. Besides, Lin Xian and I haven’t cleared up our misunderstanding. I want to explain things to him, but I need proof, right?”

Angelica’s expression hardened as Elon Musk continued, “You see, the truth is, like you said, that blue-eyed girl is after Lin Xian. And you all know, that blue-eyed girl came from me. But what can I do? If I tell Lin Xian that I’m just as much a victim, that I didn’t know and I’m innocent, do you think he’ll believe me?”

“So, if I want to convince Lin Xian, I need evidence. Until then, he’ll see me as an enemy. Worst-case scenario, I go to meet him alone with the best intentions, but will he believe I’m sincere? What if he’s lying in wait to ambush me?”

“That’s when my good friend, my double, comes in handy. Lin Xian is a law-abiding citizen. He won’t push too far on X Country territory, so even if my double gets captured, I’ll still have leverage to negotiate with Lin Xian… especially after I confirm this last thing. I’ll have solid proof to make Lin Xian believe me.”

Angelica exhaled a puff of smoke, giving Elon Musk a skeptical look. “If you want me to go along with this plan, you’ll need to make me believe you first. So, what’s this ‘last thing’ you need to confirm? What are you really trying to figure out?”

Elon Musk shrugged. “Even if I told you, you wouldn’t understand. But fine, listen up. The last thing I need to confirm is what you and Lin Xian mentioned—the blue-eyed girl can kill Lin Xian. That’s something I just can’t believe. I think our misunderstanding largely stems from this. It might sound strange to you, but I’m certain that the blue-eyed girl shouldn’t be able to harm anyone. I’ve spent months with her, and I’ve tested everything. How could she hurt anyone? Unless… unless she was hiding something from me, but what would be the point? If she could kill, why didn’t she kill me?”

He straightened up, looking Angelica in the eye. “Have you seen the blue-eyed girl, the one Lin Xian says is chasing him?”

“No,” Angelica shook her head, blowing out another cloud of smoke. “How could I have seen her? Lin Xian came to me to escape from her. But now I understand—you’re doubting Lin Xian’s story. You think he’s lying to both of us, or maybe you believe the blue-eyed assassin doesn’t exist.”

“No matter what you think, I trust Lin Xian. He was definitely being chased. When we first met in Princeton, he was on the run—I could see his tension, and the way he relaxed after getting a gun—that kind of emotional detail can’t be faked. Unless, like you said, he’s an Oscar-level actor.”

Elon Musk smiled slightly, pushing the ashtray closer to Angelica. “Exactly, Angelica. At this point, there’s no point in guessing anymore. We’ll just have to see for ourselves. And you don’t need to doubt me anymore, right? I’ve been sincere. I’ve told you everything I could, and you’re free to do whatever you want. You’ve even got your phone on you…”

“You know the reason we haven’t contacted Lin Xian is to let this final act play out… so we can expose Copernicus’s century-old conspiracy and then destroy it!”

Angelica finished her cigarette, extinguishing it in the ashtray. She turned to look out the window, towards the north where the night was dark…

Two kilometers away, there was a large abandoned factory—the place where Elon Musk had arranged to meet Lin Xian.

Lin Xian…

Will you show up?

Is this gamble of mine going to pay off?

She squinted her eyes, trying to see into the distance, where a small car was driving north.

The Port Area was mostly industrial, so it was rare for a family car to head north at this hour.

Angelica knew she had to make a decision.

Should she trust Elon Musk or not?

Right now, if it were Ji Lin in her place… what would her beloved brother do?

She tried to think like Ji Lin, imagining what he would analyze.

If Lin Xian believed Elon Musk and came to the abandoned factory, it would mean Lin Xian found Elon Musk trustworthy. In that case, she should trust Elon Musk too. After all, no matter what Elon Musk does, his goal is the same; if Lin Xian believes him, so should she.

If Lin Xian didn’t trust Elon Musk, he probably wouldn’t show up tonight. In that case, even if she helped disguise Elon Musk’s double, it wouldn’t fool Lin Xian.

So, all things considered…

It seemed that Elon Musk’s real enemy was Copernicus, and he didn’t really have any conflict with Lin Xian. The only thing linking them was the mysterious blue-eyed assassin.

And now, Elon Musk’s main concern was figuring out the truth about this assassin.

“Alright,” Angelica said, standing up and crossing her arms as she looked at Elon Musk. “This is the last time.”

7:23 PM

At the abandoned factory two kilometers north of the Tesla Gigafactory.

Yu Xi was the first to enter the factory, scanning her surroundings before waving Lin Xian over. “It’s completely dark inside, no power lines or surveillance cameras. We don’t have to worry about being watched.”

Lin Xian followed her into the massive factory. Though abandoned, the structure was intact, with an area inside roughly the size of two sports fields, though it was filled with various stones and construction debris. The center and entrance area were relatively flat and clear, likely paths where dump trucks had come and gone.

Lin Xian pulled out a taser gun from his pocket, weighing it in his hand. It was heavy but felt familiar, and it would be effective at close range.

“Where’s the time-space assassin?” Lin Xian asked.

“Very close,” Yu Xi replied, her brow furrowing. “She must have some kind of super-fast transportation, probably provided by Elon Musk. She’s closing in quickly, likely to meet up with Elon Musk and confront us together.”

“Very close?” Lin Xian questioned. “How close? If she’s arriving with Elon Musk, that means she’s less than 40 minutes away. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“I didn’t expect her to be this fast,” Yu Xi explained, turning to face him. “I told you before, the signal is vague at a distance, and she’s moving so quickly that I only detected her when she was already close.”

“But Lin Xian, don’t worry. If Elon Musk only called the assassin as a precaution, you just need to negotiate with him and ignore her.”

“But if she’s not here to negotiate and comes at us directly… then Lin Xian, don’t hesitate. Use the taser gun to take down Elon Musk. If we can capture him, we’ll have leverage over any ambushes or the assassin. Do you understand? The key is to take Elon Musk hostage. That’s our only chance to escape and turn the tables.”

Yu Xi had a plan, and Lin Xian was on board. If Elon Musk showed up with the assassin and they attacked without warning, Lin Xian wouldn’t hesitate to respond.

“Let’s hide over there,” Yu Xi suggested, pointing to a pile of construction materials near the warehouse entrance. “We can’t be sure who will get here first—Elon Musk or the assassin. We need to be careful.”

They hid behind the debris, waiting in silence.

Lin Xian checked his watch. It was 7:56 PM.

Suddenly, the sound of car tires crushing steel plates broke the silence. Someone was coming.

“It’s Elon Musk,” Yu Xi whispered. “And the time-space assassin is close too. Lin Xian, grab the taser gun. If the assassin makes a move, I’ll deal with her while you handle Elon Musk.”

“Understood,” Lin Xian said, holding the taser gun tightly. It was only effective at close range, but he trusted his aim.

A black Tesla with shining headlights raced into the abandoned factory and stopped near where they were hiding.

Lin Xian tensed, ready to act.

The Tesla halted, and the driver’s door opened. A tall man with slicked-back hair, a beard, broad shoulders, and muscular arms stepped out.

It was definitely Elon Musk.

“Wait,” Yu Xi suddenly pressed down on Lin Xian’s arm, her expression troubled. “Something’s off… that’s not Elon Musk!”

“What?” Lin Xian was puzzled as he stared at the man. He looked just like Elon Musk. Then he remembered—Yu Xi, with her advanced vision from the future, could see through disguises.

Could this man be an impostor?

“Lin Xian, move!” Yu Xi’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts. She pulled him away just as a dark figure dropped from the high ceiling!

Lin Xian hit the ground and quickly looked up—

He saw a cold, expressionless face with icy blue eyes staring back at him. The woman, dressed in black leather, was unmistakably the time-space assassin!

Before she could stabilize, Yu Xi charged at her with a knife, sparking a fierce battle.

The assassin was incredibly fast, and their fight was a blur of rapid movements and flashing blades.

“Damn it!” The impostor cursed and ran for the exit.

Lin Xian didn’t chase him; Yu Xi had said he was just a fake, and it was better to save the taser gun’s last shot for helping Yu Xi.

The fight between Yu Xi and the assassin was so intense it created afterimages, moving swiftly from the debris to the Tesla.

Lin Xian held the taser gun, thinking quickly…

Previously, when he aimed at the assassin’s head with his handgun, it triggered a time-space law that forced him to miss.

What if…

What if he aimed elsewhere?

Could he hit her without killing, just enough to stop her? Would that still activate the forced evasion?

Yu Xi and the assassin were locked in a deadly battle. Any mistake could be fatal.

He had to act fast.

He watched them closely, waiting for the right moment…


Acting on instinct, he aimed the taser at the assassin’s thigh and squeezed the trigger.


His finger froze, unable to press down further.

Silence fell, as if someone had muted the world.

Lin Xian watched, stunned, as the fight continued silently before him.

He felt numb, his body not responding to his commands, paralyzed by the time-space law.

The ground seemed to rush up to meet him as Yu Xi and the assassin continued their fight, now sideways in his blurred vision—


He collapsed to the dusty floor.

In the Tesla Gigafactory Suite’s Living Room

Elon Musk stood up abruptly, pointing at the laptop screen showing the Tesla’s exterior camera footage.

“There are two of them… two!” He gritted his teeth in frustration.

On the screen, the two girls with blue eyes fought fiercely while Lin Xian lay on the ground, unable to fire his taser.

Elon Musk realized what had happened.

The time-space law had backfired on Lin Xian!

Everything had changed!

“What do you mean?” Angelica’s voice shook as she noticed Elon Musk’s alarmed look. She clutched his arm, panicked. “Isn’t that assassin someone you sent? Why are you so upset?”

Elon Musk swallowed, his face tense as he pointed to the girl with the short ponytail on the screen.

“That girl is definitely the one I sent, even though she changed her hairstyle. But…”

He shifted his finger to the other girl with the cold look and short black hair.

“But who is this other girl?!”

Elon Musk’s eyes widened as he came to a sudden realization.

He remembered when Lin Xian was struck by the time-space law, haunted by Copernicus’s words, the missing empty fridge, and the peculiar time-space particles that got mixed up.

“I get it now…” he gasped, fighting for air.

“I finally understand!”

“Damn it… This isn’t my loop, it’s not Turing’s either… It’s Copernicus’s loop!”

“I’ve been tricked by Turing and Copernicus! Those jerks!”

Realizing the truth, he grabbed the small white fridge from the table and yelled, “Angelica! We need to leave! We have to find Lin Xian!”

Angelica immediately responded with urgency, “What did you figure out? Tell me!”

“There’s no time to explain!” Elon Musk, holding the fridge, hurried toward the Tesla. “Quick! If we’re too slow… Lin Xian might actually be in danger!”

Back at the Abandoned Factory

“Lin Xian! Pass me the gun!” Yu Xi, cornered by the assassin, leaped toward Lin Xian, yelling, “Get up! Hand me the gun! I can take her on!”

Lin Xian clenched his teeth, struggling to stand. The fatigue from dodging hadn’t fully faded. Even using all his might, he couldn’t raise his head from the floor.

Just wait… Yu Xi.

He couldn’t say it aloud, only think it.

Just a little longer…

I’m almost ready.

I’ll give you the gun as soon as I can! You can shoot the assassin and knock her out!

“Hurry, Lin Xian!” Yu Xi seemed to be losing ground, the assassin’s knife slashing at her, pushing her back step by step. “Get up!”

I’m trying!

Lin Xian bit down hard, summoning whatever strength he had left…

Just a bit more strength!


Yu Xi’s clothes were sliced, a long tear on her abdomen, blood immediately oozing out.

She tensed her muscles, preventing a deeper wound, but her grip on her knife weakened, and she stumbled back toward Lin Xian.

Lin Xian felt her distress.

He finally managed to push himself up!

His right hand regained feeling and strength, and he grabbed the taser gun, ready to toss it to Yu Xi—

Suddenly, a sharp flash made Yu Xi duck, avoiding the assassin’s sweeping slash.

She evaded the blade, but it cut through her short ponytail, snapping the hair tie, causing her hair to fall loose.

Lin Xian’s eyes widened, shocked by what he saw…

Yu Xi’s short hair, now loose, fell to her neck…

Just the right length, a “short neck-length haircut!”

In that moment, everything clicked!

The persistent discomfort vanished…

The confusion in his mind cleared…

He finally solved the mystery of the time-space assassin—why didn’t the assassin kill him in Copenhagen but attacked him elsewhere?

Lin Xian had always wondered why the assassin overlooked him in Copenhagen after murdering Yellow Finch but then located him immediately in Donghai City.

It seemed too precise, too swift, nearly implausible.

But now he realized…

The assassin was merely human, not supernatural. How could she kill in Copenhagen and then track him down in Donghai City so swiftly?


It wasn’t just one person!

There were two!

Two women!

The one who killed Yellow Finch in Copenhagen wasn’t the time-space assassin, but the woman in front of him—Yu Xi!

Because she was constrained by the time-space law, she couldn’t harm anyone in this timeline, which is why she ignored him in Copenhagen and walked away.

But in Donghai City, it was the real time-space assassin who attacked him!

The reason he hadn’t noticed there were two people was that Yu Xi, when she killed Yellow Finch, was wearing a hoodie, concealing her face. And she had deliberately let some of her black neck-length hair show to mislead him, making him think the assassin had this hairstyle.

If it were just the hairstyle, it wouldn’t have been enough for Lin Xian to discover the truth.

The revelation arose from layers of doubt:

Why did Yu Xi always avoid meeting Angelica and Elon Musk? Why did she always find excuses to stay away from them?

Because, despite her similar hairstyle and glowing blue eyes, Yu Xi and the assassin had distinctly different facial features.

If Angelica or Elon Musk saw Yu Xi, they would instantly realize that the girl pursuing them wasn’t Elon Musk’s companion.


Was Yu Xi protecting him?

Lin Xian had to admit, she had saved him many times, but her real goal, her true target… was Elon Musk!

She had been manipulating him all along!

Yu Xi, who had obviously escaped from Elon Musk, why was she trying to get him to kill Elon Musk?

Because she couldn’t do it herself!

She was bound by the time-space law, unable to harm people in this timeline, so to kill Elon Musk, she needed someone else to do it.

All the times Yu Xi protected him were probably just to gain his trust.

Once she had his trust…

With her manipulation, the assassin’s pursuit, and Yu Xi’s involvement, he was led to believe that the assassin who killed Yellow Finch was Elon Musk’s doing…

In this web of escalating hatred, he might have actually killed Elon Musk!

Why did Yu Xi always want to act alone?

There were several times when Yu Xi suggested they split up.

Maybe she had other plans, needed to contact someone, or, like this time in Donghai City, she wanted to get him a real gun, making it easier for him to kill Elon Musk.

She was incredibly cunning.

If not for the fake Elon Musk at the abandoned factory, he might have actually shot Elon Musk in the head!

Thanks to Yellow Finch’s advice to “never leave Yu Xi,” he had rejected every time Yu Xi suggested they split up, keeping her close and thwarting her plans.

He noticed another odd detail…

Yu Xi always reported the assassin’s location and distance, but he had no way to verify it himself.

He had always trusted Yu Xi’s updates on the assassin’s whereabouts without questioning the possibility that he might be misled.

In the US, Yu Xi’s reports were mostly accurate.

But this time in Donghai City…

Yu Xi’s updates on the assassin’s location made no sense!

Reflecting on it, she had been lying the whole time!

She claimed the assassin hadn’t reached Donghai City, then said she had gone to Shandong, and suddenly, she was right at the door.

Her reason for these lies was clear—to make him let down his guard and confidently go to Elon Musk’s meeting.

To come here and do her dirty work, to kill Elon Musk!

Everything was starting to add up.

All signs pointed to Yu Xi as the problem.

She never let her short ponytail down in front of him. He had even asked her why she kept such short hair tied up.

He had no idea this was part of her scheme to conceal the feature she used while impersonating the assassin.

Even though Lin Xian had regained his strength, a chill ran down his spine.

The Yu Xi he had so deeply trusted, who had been by his side day and night, was actually using him to commit murder!

Lin Xian had every reason to believe that if he had killed Elon Musk, Yu Xi wouldn’t care about his life and might even let the assassin finish him off!

It was terrifying…

The thought of having such a close enemy was chilling.

When did all this start?

Lin Xian remembered.

It all started with the name Yu Xi.

The message from Yellow Finch, “Don’t leave Yu Xi,” made Lin Xian trust that name completely.

And the girl with the short ponytail had used that name to deceive him.

She saved him from the assassin,

Then told him her name was Yu Xi.

In such a critical moment, why would he doubt her?

But now, looking back, there was no proof she was the real Yu Xi!

She had simply used a cleverly designed plot to pose as Yu Xi!

“Lin Xian! What are you doing?!” The girl claiming to be Yu Xi, now with more cuts on her arm, yelled at him. “Hurry up and throw me the taser gun! You can’t shoot her, but I can!”

Lin Xian slowly got to his feet.

He took a deep breath, staring at the girl in front of him, now with her hair down, both familiar and strange. “You’re not Yu Xi at all!”

The girl’s eyes widened, then she gritted her teeth. “Useless!”

She suddenly changed direction, leaping towards Lin Xian, reaching for the taser gun.

But the assassin was quicker.

With a swift move, the assassin lunged forward, appearing beside Lin Xian.

She gripped her knife tightly, striking at the taser gun and the girl’s neck—

A crescent moon of cold steel, powerful and precise, split the taser gun in two, and with the same stroke, sliced through the girl’s slender neck, decapitating her and causing blood to spray from the wound.

The girl’s head, eyes still wide open, hadn’t even hit the ground before her body, the blood, and the misty blood spray all turned into blue star dust, vanishing without a trace…

The assassin stood up, pressing the bloodied knife against Lin Xian’s neck.

“Don’t move.” Her voice was soft yet cold.

It was the first time Lin Xian had heard the assassin speak. Her voice was beautiful, but it carried a chilling undertone, like the whisper of death.

Facing such overwhelming power, he didn’t dare to move.

The assassin then pulled out what looked like a small camera, probably a video recorder.

She placed it on the hood of the Tesla, positioning it to face Lin Xian.

Then, she moved to stand beside him, the knife still pressed against his neck. With her other hand, she saluted the camera.

“Report! Currently arresting Lin Xian for crimes against humanity, endangering Earth, and disrupting the time-space continuum.”

“The suspect is in good health, physically intact, and uninjured. He is suitable for hibernation and will be sent to the time-space court for trial.”

“Following procedure, Lin Xian will be forcibly placed in a hibernation pod and transported to the future. Time-space court personnel should prepare for his arrival. Once the mission is complete, I will return immediately.”

She ended her report with a firm, “That is all, report complete!”

Lin Xian couldn’t lift his head, not with the sharp blade at his throat. But he heard every word.

This girl was listing his crimes, just like in the Fourth Dream.

“Report time: April 26, 2024, 8:12 PM.”

The girl continued, her voice strong and clear, every word perfectly pronounced:

“Report location: X Country, Donghai City, Port Area.”

She finished with a crisp, authoritative tone:

“Reporter: Level Three Time-Space Police Agent—Lin Yu Xi!”

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