
Chapter 144 - 144 Fulfillment (One more to celebrate Alliance Leader Na Na Tian)

Having been shot, kneeling naturally became inconvenient for him; he didn’t even know which leg he should kneel on.

As a result of his hesitation, he received the verdict “may be killed,” and, with no choice, he immediately knelt down on his right leg, touching the ground.

Many years ago, when he received tasks, he usually knelt on his left leg out of habit.

But now he could not kneel on his left leg; once he knelt down on it, he would be unable to bandage the wound. If the enemy played dirty and made him kneel for an hour or two, he could even bleed to death.

Seeing his submission, Lang Zhen turned his head to look at another junior martial master, picked up a steel crossbow from the ground, and strung it single-handedly—The Deng Family brothers were already incapable of fighting for the moment, so he had to take action himself.

Consequently, this martial master swayed and also knelt down on one knee, releasing the longsword he held, “I am willing to surrender!”

His injuries indeed were not light; after letting go of the longsword, his body began to sway. With both hands hastily stretching forward to the ground, he barely managed to prop himself up without further embarrassment.

At this moment, from among the villagers of Zhao family fort, someone let out a loud shout, “Run!”

More than a dozen people took the lead, turning their heads and sprinting away, followed by over two hundred people scattering in all directions.

Feng Jun turned his head to look and was startled to find that he couldn’t locate Elder Zhao.

The man was definitely hiding among the crowd, but with the crowd dispersing in countless directions in chaos, it was truly difficult to find one person among them.

His face darkened, Feng Jun pulled out two grenades and threw them, shouting, “Stop! Another step and you die!”

“Boom, boom,” two loud explosions rang out; four or five people fell to the ground, their fates unknown.

However, seeing this, the others ran even faster; even the old women were moving swiftly, as if thinking, “I don’t need to be the fastest, just faster than my companions.”

Feng Jun desired to pursue and kill, but after thinking it over, he realized that he alone could never kill all these two hundred people no matter what.

Since he couldn’t completely silence them, killing a few more or a few less made no significant difference.

Moreover, his current stronghold was not very secure. The Deng Family brothers had clearly lost their ability to fight, and Lang Zhen, despite being handicapped, might not be able to fully control the situation.

So he turned around and walked back, first glancing at Lang Zhen, “How are you, you all right?”

Lone Wolf gave a bitter smile and finally coughed up a mouthful of blood, “Not bad. By spitting out this blood, if I had held it in any longer, I reckon my cultivation level would have dropped again.”

“Good thing I didn’t chase after them,” Feng Jun smiled and then headed towards the building behind him, “I’m going to get some medicine…damn it!”

Two hundred meters behind him were the two rooms they occupied, and only now did he realize that the roof had been blown off by the TNT explosion.

The awning with the xenon lamps had been completely shattered into a pile of tree trunks and branches, with all four xenon lamps destroyed.

Feng Jun shook his head and entered his own room. After rummaging through the clutter for a while, he found some medicine from the Yangshan Gu Family.

Indeed, the Gu Family’s medicine was quite effective. After taking it, the Deng Family brothers’ complexions noticeably improved. As for Lang Zhen, his injuries were lighter than the others, and after taking the medicine, he astonishingly didn’t need to meditate.

Among their group, the only ones without any serious troubles were Feifei and her brother Huan Huan, who had hidden themselves early on. However, it was clear that the events of the day had greatly frightened Feifei, leaving her in a daze.

Feng Jun paid no mind to the kneeling men. After comforting Feifei and Huan Huan, he walked towards the intermediate-level martial master who had been stunned, and then kicked him, “Get up, stop playing dead!”

The intermediate-level martial master was kicked over, slowly opening his eyes, glared at his opponent, and spoke through clenched teeth, “Go ahead and kill me if you have the guts!”

Unconcerned, Feng Jun smiled and asked, “So, do you surrender or not?”

“Don’t even think about it!” The intermediate-level martial master’s breath was unsteady, but his answer was decisive, “A warrior can be killed but not dishonored!”

“Then I shall grant you your wish!” Feng Jun’s face remained expressionless as he said this, then with a flick of his hand, he drove the long spikes of the Spiritual Hedgehog into the man’s throat.

His move appeared slow but was actually fast, fearing that the man might resist.

Unexpectedly, the intermediate-level martial master lay on the ground without moving, watching the spikes penetrate his throat without reacting, without even blinking his eyes.

Pulling out the spikes and watching the man breathe his last, Feng Jun shook his head and sighed softly, “He was a real man, all right. But you shouldn’t have spoken to me that way… you offended me first.”

Just then, the high-rank martial warrior coughed lightly; he had already bandaged his left leg. Although he was still kneeling on one leg, he had taken out some medicine and popped it into his mouth.

As for Feng Jun’s praise of the deceased intermediate-level martial master, he felt somewhat dissatisfied, not believing that surrendering made him less of a man. “He was a disciple of Luo Wendao. With his master dead, how could he possibly surrender?”

He paused for a moment, then added, “The innate expert you killed was Luo Wendao.”

Feng Jun glanced at him, clearly intrigued as he asked, “Then why did you surrender? Don’t you feel it’s a bit spineless?”

The High-Rank Martial Master’s mouth twitched, “I am from the Dongmu Tian Family. When outmatched, there is no shame in surrendering. If there has been any offense, the Tian Family is willing to make amends to you…”

According to him, the initial intention of the Tian Family was to help mediate the relationship between Zhao Family Fort and Feng Jun’s group. However, as luck would have it, Luo Wendao was a guest at the Tian Family at the time and, after hearing the news, volunteered to take measure of the situation.

Of the four martial masters that Luo Wendao brought with him, only the Intermediate Level martial master was his disciple; the other three were from the Tian Family, including the one who was shot to death.

The Tian Family did not hold a grudge against Feng Jun for the death of their clansman, but instead chose to surrender decisively in hopes of gaining forgiveness.

As for Luo Wendao’s disciple, he was the pride of Zuckerberg—Die Before Surrender, which was also a moral standard of this realm. With his master dead at the opponent’s hands, any martial cultivator with a shred of integrity would not consider surrendering.

It was for this reason that the Intermediate Level martial master could face death with composure.

At this moment, Deng Lao Er had somewhat recovered his strength, and upon hearing the conversation of both parties, he spoke up.

“Divine Doctor, you shouldn’t have killed him. So many people fled from Zhao Family Fort, the events here will soon spread… It’s one thing to accidentally hurt someone in battle, but to deliberately kill after the fighting has stopped, the official government will investigate.”

Feng Jun nodded slightly, his face expressionless, leaving no one to know what he was thinking.

However, Lang Zhen did not agree with this view, he voiced his opinion, “The official government will surely investigate, but first, Elder Brother, you need to understand something… Will Zhao Family Fort file a report? If two clans fought over water and people died, which side would dare to report to the authorities?”

This line of logic matched the way of thinking of this realm—while killing someone certainly demands retribution, often neither side of a feud wishes to involve officials and prefers to handle the matter privately.

Deng Lao Er was young, and moreover, he had lived in the Imperial Capital for a long time, where legal consciousness was strong but not very grounded in reality.

Lang Zhen, with his broad knowledge, certainly knew that the law did not represent everything.

Still, Deng Lao Er was a bit unconvinced, “But what if Zhao Family Fort insists on reporting to the authorities? We weren’t fighting over water.”

“They could certainly consider reporting,” Lang Zhen’s brows lifted, “but if they do, the Divine Doctor will surely face trouble. However, they would also have to consider the retribution from the people behind the Divine Doctor, who could annihilate their Zhao Family Fort, and no one would say a thing.”

This is the principle of action in a society based on morals—if you don’t behave with propriety, don’t blame others for doing the same.

Of course, the ones capable of such retaliation must be powerful. If you lack strength, when others mistreat you, you can only endure it.

Without a doubt, Feng Jun’s performance today had proven his strength, forcing Zhao Family Fort to contemplate the consequences of not behaving properly.

Even Deng Lao Er was convinced by this logic. Then, his eyes shifted as he asked another question, “But now that we’ve offended Zhao Family Fort, couldn’t they hire someone even more ruthless to come after us?”

This possibility certainly existed and could cause serious trouble.

Upon hearing this, Feng Jun laughed, “Why do I get the feeling that you’re very disappointed that I didn’t silence everyone completely?”

“That’s not the case,” Deng Lao Er shook his head, seriously replying, “My father has always taught us that if you refrain from starting a fight, it’s for the best; but once you do, you should eliminate all parties involved, otherwise, you might bring unnecessary trouble.”

This way of thinking really came close to that of modern society—don’t kill unless absolutely necessary.

Lang Zhen laughed indifferently, thinking to himself how a cultivator could be afraid of killing.

However, he couldn’t quite say it that way, so he looked at Feng Jun, “Let’s have the Divine Doctor explain it to you.”

What could Feng Jun explain? He came from modern society, so when it came to legal consciousness, he was the most aware among those present. How could he not consider the possible troubles brought by not silencing everyone?

But he couldn’t very well explain that he could instantly transfer the goods away and then they could all dust off their hands and leave.

Indeed, he had boldly killed just now with that very idea in mind. As for the reasons Lang Zhen mentioned, he truly hadn’t considered them.

Since he couldn’t give a reason, he could only smile enigmatically.

At this point, it was the Tian Family’s High-Rank Martial Master who spoke up, “Zhao Family Fort probably can’t hire anyone more formidable, but they have connections in Xiyin City and the Imperial Capital. They could likely collude with the official government to deal with you.”

Upon hearing this, both Deng Lao Er and Lang Zhen fell silent—if the other party was adamant about involving officials, it really was annoying.

Some people, unconcerned with the future consequences, are determined to get immediate satisfaction, wanting you to suffer an upfront loss. This attitude was also common.

Lone Wolf even knew of many instances where grudges like this had led to large-scale slaughters.

In the common sense of this realm, not involving the officials was normal. Any grudges were simply settled in private—those who report to authorities were not considered true heroes.

But some people, blinded by hatred, would do anything to make others uncomfortable, which was not surprising at all.

(First update, celebrating Clan Leader That Year Nana Tian. The explanation in the latter half of this chapter is mainly to prevent certain readers from grumbling about the protagonist killing at will, without using his brain, and not intentionally filling the narrative with fluff.)

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