
Chapter 961 1072 - Further Consumption

Chapter 961 Chapter 1072 - Further Consumption

[You have slain level 37 Fortis Adamas Scolopendra (IV).]

[You have gained XP.]

Stupid centipede! You dare oppose my glorious rise? You deserved what you got!

Although I wouldn\'t really call it a glorious rise, more of an imposing hover. I\'m still working out the kinks, but it won\'t be long now.

Good thing I can direct and contain the energy produced by the wells to the degree I do. It took me a while to realise just what it meant to defeat the gravity of the planet with my own source. Logically speaking, if they affected each other equally, then the planet might well get ripped in half.

When you get right down to it, gravity is a really piddly force. It takes an entire planet of stuff to produce a level that isn\'t enough to stop an ant from wiggling about on the surface. Literally the entire planet Earth couldn\'t produce enough energy to squash a bug.

Fortunately, we have a nice little workaround on Pangera called mana. I have no idea how the stuff converts itself into… basically everything, but it sure as heck seems to be efficient at it. I can produce enough gravitational energy to lift my body up into the air with ease.

I actually need less mana than I thought to achieve it as well. When I properly focus and control the well, I can utilise the energy within much more effectively. This is the learning process and I am bringing nothing but A\'s.

[Tiny! Stop laughing at me this instant!]

The ape does not comply, pointing up at me and rumbling with laughter.

[Don\'t be so disrespectful to the Master!] Crinis scolds him, prodding her comrade in the side with a tentacle. [Behave yourself!]

Just because I\'m hanging in mid air like a towel draped over a drying rack is no reason to laugh! Just because my legs are dangling like limp noodles? Is that so funny? It\'s comfortable, dammit!

With a wrench of Will, I shift the well above me and move it forward, causing my body to drift along under it. Eventually I reach a point on top of Tiny and let my legs, still hanging loose, flop onto his head.

[How do you like that! Huh? Feel the wrath of my noodle legs!]

I drift back and forth, aiming to whack him again, but he easily dodges out of the way, forcing me to float after him.

[Get back here! How dare you use your fancy feet for this? Receive justice!]

[Uh… Master?]

[One second, Crinis, I have to discipline this cheeky ape!]

[Isn\'t it about time we should be getting back to the nest? You said you wanted to check in with the others.]

Ah, trusty Crinis. I can always count on her to remember what\'s important. I\'d give her a pat, but I can\'t be bothered lifting my legs, they\'re comfy where they are.

[You\'re completely right! Thank you for remembering, Crinis. Invidia? Where did you get to? Ready to head back?]

The little demon flutters into view. He effortlessly flies up in front of me and observes my form. It may just be me, but I detect a distinct lack of envy in the way he looks at me floating.

Just because you can do it so much better! My mass isn\'t stuffed into a pocket dimension, you damned imp!

And he\'s been flying for ages, I\'m just getting started. I\'ll get a lot better at it than this.

[All right then, everyone, time to head back to the nest. Let\'s get going.]

Wait, I\'m facing the wrong way.

[Just give me a sec, need to turn around.]

This has been a little tricky. I mean, do I rotate the well? Does that even work? I wobble back and forth in the air until Crinis extends a tentacle down from her spot on my carapace to the ground and uses that leverage to spin me.

[Oh, nice one. Let\'s go!]

Oriented the right way, I manipulate the well forward and begin my triumphant drift back to the nest. Just wait until the Colony gets a load of this! They\'ll be super impressed, I\'m sure.

[Um, Master?]

[Yes, Crinis?]

[Do you think it may be a little… quicker, if you returned on foot?]

I mean, sure it would. I\'m not very quick with this method yet, which is precisely why I want to practise it! Though, as usual, she may have a point. We\'ve been out for a few days already, we need to get back and see how things are going on the third. Hopefully the demon situation is settling down a little bit.

[All right,] I sigh and lower myself back to the ground.

The well would fade when the energy within it ran out, but I can\'t exactly leave these pockets of gravitational potential lying around, so I break it apart before we leave.

[Thank you, Master,] Crinis says, sounding relieved.

[Well, you weren\'t wrong, we do need to get back in a timely fashion.]

[I also think you have a much more dignified appearance like this. It wouldn\'t do for the Colony to look at you being unsightly.]

I\'m shocked.

[What? Unsightly! My majestic floating form?! That can\'t be right.…]

I turn to Tiny.

[Do I really look that ridiculous?]

The ape looks puzzled for a moment, as if confused I would even ask, before he starts nodding vigorously.

That bad?!

[Invidia! Surely you were desiring of my grace and elegance floating in the air?]

The demon looks at me for a long second, blinks his eye, then looks away.

Holy moly!

It takes me a second to collect myself.

[Th-Thank you Crinis. I had no idea it was that bad.]

[I apologise, Master! I-it is quite bad, though.…]

[No, you\'ve done the right thing.]

I\'ll have to practise flying away from the Colony in the future until I\'ve mastered it completely. If there\'s one thing I refuse to lose in front of my siblings, it\'s my dignity!

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