
Chapter 45 -45

Sitting on a mountain of corpse a man sang the melody of death in an empty hall.

There was bloodlust in his eyes and a psychotic smile on his face.

He was none other than Anon.

"Hmmmm....lalala...lalalala....lala hoo huu huuuu..."

A girl suddenly appeared coming towards Anon with a corpse in her right hand, covered in blood her eyes looked dead and a crimson sword in her hands that was fully covered with blood as well.

The girl had cat ears and she stopped in front of Anon as she throwed the corpse at the bottom of the corpse mountain.

"Was that the last one ?"

The girl nodded silently.

"Hup..." Anon jumped down from the corpse mountain as he looked at the girl in front of him.

"Let me see your memories darling it will help me to keep your mouth shut." Anon said as he touched her forehead with his index finger.

<Memory Alter>

"Well Well...A family woman we have here."


[Hypnosis Spell Time Over]

"Huh...? What am I ?"

"Hello Hello...1..2..3 testing testing." Anon spoke.

"Y-You ? How are you still alive ?" She said as she pointed her sword at Anon without wasting any time.

"Woahhhh... That\'s a lot of blood on this sword miss, don\'t you think ?" Anon said as he touched the tip of her sword.

"This...where-" before the girl could\'ve thought of something, she noticed that there was something that was making a large shadow on her and blocking the sunlight from the front windows.

She immediately turned her eyes towards the corpse mountain and the sword fell from her hands as her eyes grew wider due to immediate shock.

"T-This...no it can\'t be i am dreaming. Yes, this is a fucking nightmare." She immediately grabbed her head and tried finding something that can make sense at this time.

The corpse of mountain was made from her own comrades, that trained with her for years.

Anon sat down on his knee and spoke slowly...

"It\'s not a nightmare darling."

Suddenly she grabbed her sword and pointed it at Anon again.


"You killed them....you monster." She cried out as tears came out of her eyes.

"If i killed them do you think you will stand a chance against me and i wasn\'t the one holding a sword covered in blood am i ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"What do you want to say ?"

"You killed them."

"W-What ?" Her hands started shaking.

"Here, you see this is an artifact called magic recording circle." Anon pulled out a white or from his inventory.

"I know...."

"Let me show you."

Suddenly a holographic screen appeared above the magic circle and next moment a cat girl appeared on the screen killing her own comrades.

Suddenly her face was covered with many expressions guilt,fear,anger and confusion.

"N-No That\'s not me...i-i can\'t kill my own brothers."

"You surely killed them one by one mercilessly, hey look that one is even begging you that he has a kid and a wide but you just sliced his throat mercilessly just like a cold blooded murder."

Suddenly she fell to the floor on her knees and grabbed her hairs as she started murmuring something rapidly.

"No no no no i am not a murder i didn\'t killed them i am innocent what will happen to my child my husband...no no no."

"We can make a deal if you want." Anon said with a smile.

She looked at Anon with a look of confusion and hope.

"W-What deal ?"

"What\'s your name miss ?"


"So letti you know that the royal guards will find this sooner or later right ? So i will give you one opportunity to save yourself and your family. You have two choices.

First i erase your memories of this incident and you walk home like you haven\'t done anything, you will sleep like a log without any problem but tommorow you will come back here and will find all these bodies all over again. You will wonder \'who did this ?\' but never get an answer and since you will be the only one alive in this mansion the royal guards will catch you and torture the hell out of you but you won\'t speak anything because you won\'t know anything, so they will bring in your children and your husband they will torture them but you still won\'t remember anything because all of your memories related to this incident will be sealed off in a corner of your brain.

Second option You can Walk out of this mansion after erasing every single record of ever working here and live a good life with your family happily ever after but for that you have to show me the master room of this mansion where a young handsome man resides, so that i can kill him. You will be rewarded for it you can take whatever amount of money you want from this house and start living a better life. Your husband works like a slave everyday just to provide you and your children, you also work hard for a master that tries to harass you every single time you are alone with him but it all can end today you can live a good life with lots of money and no job always staying with your children.

So choose letti and choose fast i am not a very patient person."

Letti looked at Anon as if he was a devil came straight out of hell with a shady deal.

But at the same time she wanted to take the second option as it looked a golden glowing card to choose.

"W-What did he do to you ?" Letti asked.

"Huh ?"

"What did young master ever do to you ?"

Anon bent down and whispered in letti\'s ear...

"He slapped me." Anon spoke in a deep voice filled with resentment and Revenge.

A chill ran down letti\'s spine.

\'just for a slap, so many had to die ?\' letti thought.

"I choose second option."

"Good let\'s get going it\'s going to be night soon."

[Author: Anon ain\'t no simp.]

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