
Chapter 98 -98

"Hmm...? A holy blessed soul ?" The black figure said as it looked at drake.

"It's time for you to return back to hell." Drake said as he made a punch and jumped towards the lord of the shadows.

"Futile." Lord of the shadow said as he flicked his hand and drake exploded into a million pieces of meat.

"So...what were you saying again...? I didn't heard it clearly." The dark figure laughed as it kicked the pieces of meat on the floor.

"Hah...and i thought it will be a peaceful day." King finally said as he stood up from the royal throne.

"Hmm....? Who might you be ?" The figure asked as it looked at the king.

"I will give you only one warning...return back now or you will regret even coming here." King warned the lord of shadows in a very threatening tone.

"What if i don't go ? What will you do then ? Kill me and send me to hell ? But i am already dead." The black figure spoke.

"Don't blame me now, I've already warned you." The king said as he picked up his cane and it started to glow bright golden as it turned into a white sword.

Suddenly the smile on the black shadow's face faded away and a serious expression replaced it.

"Great Holy sword, Narjia. If i am not wrong, Am i ?" The lord of shadows asked.

"Get ready to die...you unholy demon." King said as he disappeared from his place and appeared behind the demonic figure.

King immediately swinged the sword on the black figure's back but suddenly a shield of shadows covered him.


The holy sword cutted through the shield but gave him the time to dodge the attack.

The black figure immediately jumped from that place.

"Fuck...how do you even have that sword...? It was broken during the war with the demon lord." Lord of shadows asked as his expressions turned somewhat tense.

"My ancestors gave me this to kill the likes of you." King said as he leaped forward to stab the black figure.

"This is stupid." The black figure dodged this attack too but a part near his hand got in touch with the holy sword that resulted in leaving an incurable wound that shined with golden light.

"You...i may be returning this time, but i will be back again and at that time you will be killed first." The black figure said as it started leaving mike's body.


The black figure immediately faded away into the ground and the black aura covering the whole court also faded away.

"The king killed him."

"Yes, the king has saved us."

"Hail the king."

Everyone immediately went down on their knees as they showed their respects to the king. Even the Princes went down on their knees.

"Stand up, everyone. I am very sorry for your loss, inform the royal commander about your loss...i will try to fullfill it with the best of my abilities and the cause of this... Mikelson shall be ripped off of his royal status and all of his possessions. His magic core will be sealed for the rest of his life and he will be degraded to a slave. This court meeting is over for today." King announced as he went to his room.

That's how Mike's status was reduced to a slave.

Back to present.

Mike has reached Robert's house.

"It's time for you to pay back for what you did to my family, Robert." Mike said as he pulled out two green coloured and slightly curved daggers from his inventory.

Mike made his way towards the stonelake mansion, he didn't even tried to hide his presence from the main door guards.

One of the guards looked at mike incoming towards the mansion and stopped him by slightly putting his hand on mike's chest.

"State your purpose..."

Mike first looked at the guard's hand and than looked at him.

"Do you have a family ?" Mike asked.

"What ? Hell no...who wants a family and don't try to change the subj-" before the guard could've completed his sentence his body was suddenly chopped up into 32 pieces of mean.

As soon as the parts of his body hits the ground, the other guard starts running towards the main entrance of the house to call for back up and inform the house master about this, but before he could've reached the main gate his body was also chopped up into exactly 32 pieces and fell down on the ground.

Mike killed two Elite Vampire Soldiers within 3 seconds of the first contact.

"If you try to interfere with my revenge, you will be dead, sooner than later." Mike said as he walked up to the entrance and opened the main gate to the house.

As soon as he opened the gate he was welcomed with 30 soldiers, properly geared to kill him at once.

Vampires can smell blood from 5-6 km away, so when mike killed the first guard, it was a signal of intruder entering the premises.

These 30 soldiers are the Second grade soldiers, they are trained to Kill or die...they don't have the option to run.

There are 4 grades of these suicidal Soldiers and the more the grade rises the more loyal they are to their duties.

"Leave if you have a family...or you will not return to them after tonight." Mike said as he released a very threatening aura from his body.

This time Every single vampire inside the building felt it even robert.

Robert stood up from his chair and ran towards the main hall and so did his 5 sons and their partners.

"This aura... I've felt it before. Don't tell me, it's him. It can't be." Robert said as all of his calm expressions turned into stressed once.

Meanwhile another man has entered the stonelake mansion. This man was none other than...Frank himself.

"What the hell is happening outside...I-" before he could've uttered another word he noticed Mike standing in the front gate and in front him a force of 30 vampire guards.

"S-Sir, Mike...?" Frank said as his face turned White from the aura mike was releasing.

"I repeat...you can leave alive from this place if you care for your wife or children...but if you stayed i can assure you that you will not leave this place in one place." Mike said as he prepared his dagger pair.

"Soldiers, attack." Their general orderd.

"As you wish. <32 Death's Sleep Slash> X 30." Mike said as his eyes shined bright red.

Mike's body suddenly disappeard and reappeared on it's place within the fraction of a second.

Robert entered the main hall and saw a face in front of him that he was never expecting to see again in his life.

"Kill him, you stupid-" Robert tried to order the soldiers but before he could've said anything the 30 guards in front of him turned into a pile of dead corpses.

"Absurd. His powers are increased." Robert said as he started running back inside the house.

"Robert, no matter where you run today...you can not be saved by anyone. Not even the king himself can save you." Mike shouted and these words echoed through the house like a death warning.

Without wasting any time more guards started coming out to stop mike but his magic knew no bounds today.

"<Aurora Beam>"


[Aurora Beam] [S-Rank]

[Collects mana from the atmosphere around you and transforms it into a destructive energy, concentrating the collected energy at one point and compressing it to a very complex level will result in a sudden brust of powerful beam towards the pointed direction destroying the target at molecular level.]

[10000 mana/ use.]

Aurora Beam evaporated many soldiers and turned many into dust... seeing this other soldiers became afraid to death but they had to follow the commands of their master.

More soldiers kept coming and mike effortlessly killed them like ants.

On the other side Frank looked at this scene and he was also afraid to death as he acknowledged mike's anger on his father.

"What did my father do to him, for him to be this angry ?" Mike murmured in a low voice.

"I should stop him." A voice said.

"Can you kill father ?" Another voice answered.

"No but if-"

"No 'Ifs', He can kill father and your work will be a piece of butter after that...i have it all planned out for you to sit on the throne, that belongs to the leader of the stonelake family."

"But this is betrayal-"

"Everything is fair in love and war just sleep..."

Inside another room two brothers of the stonelake family are preparing for something else as they are packing their clothes.

"Are you sure this is right, Sebastian ?" Cassius asked.

"Brother this is right time...i am escaping with sable, if you want to come you can but don't waste my time by asking useless questions." Sebastian replied in anger.

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