
Chapter 119 -119

"Okay, this test is over," Letti announced as she finished recording the results of the last student who had thrown the spear.

In the end, no one was able to beat Anon\'s record. The closest throw came from Luna Warwood.

"Everyone, please start moving towards the next test area," Seti instructed as she led the way.

"Hey, Anon... Can you come here for a moment?" Letti called out, gently grabbing Anon\'s shoulder from behind.

"Yes...?" Anon responded with a suspicious expression.

"I don\'t care how you did it, but can you do it again?" Letti asked, her curiosity and excitement evident.

"What?" Anon replied, clearly confused about what she was referring to.

"That thing... setting the world record. Can you do it again?" Letti explained.

"Yeah, if you want me to throw the spear again, I can."

"No, not the spear. Can you take every single record in the beginner\'s tests and make them your own?" Letti asked, smiling like a lunatic.

"Why would you want that?" Anon inquired.

"I will give you anything you ask for in return," Letti further explained.

"Why are you so desperate?" Anon asked again.

"Because... I have been a teacher here for 12 years, and every year new students come to this academy. Out of them, 70% are commoners. They can\'t even come close to the scores of the noble students, let alone break any records. But today, you came and turned everything upside down. You slapped those nobles in their own house, and they can\'t do anything about it because they are bound by their own rules. The world record you set will never be officially recognized because you are a commoner. However, if you keep slapping them just like you did this time, I will give you anything you want. I will provide you with my full support, any equipment you need for further training, or money for your study funds. Just name it," Leti pleaded, looking at Anon with desperation.

"There is nothing you can give me that I don\'t already have," Anon said as he began to walk away.

"You can have my body," Leti blurted out, hoping to stop Anon in his tracks.

"Hmm...? Now we\'re talking," Anon responded, turning back to look at Leti and noticing her attractive figure.

"I know that all the boys want a woman, but you can use me and never look back. I won\'t tell anyone. You can use me whenever you like. Just accept my request."

"Selling your body for a deal? You have an iron will to avenge the nobles for something, am I right?" Anon remarked.

"I am not going to discuss my personal matters with you. Just tell me, can you do it or not?" Leti insisted.

"I will not..." Anon began, but then a sad expression crossed Leti\'s face.

"...take your body," Anon continued.

"Huh...?" Leti looked at Anon, utterly confused.

"I will not take your body, and I will not make any deal with you. But I can tell you something: I also want to slap the nobles in their own house," Anon said, laughing, before leaving the field.

Anon entered the next testing field, where a massive training dummy stood before them, accompanied by an array of swords resting on a table in front. It was immediately evident to everyone what the upcoming test entailed.

"Dear students, these dummies are known as physical training dummies, or \'The Immortal Dummies,\'" explained Seti. "The more forceful your strikes, the tougher they become to cut through with each successive hit."

She paused for a moment, a mischievous smile gracing her face as she added, "Your task is to strike these dummies with your swords until exhaustion sets in or you manage to topple the invincible dummy... Well, the latter is impossible, but a little humor is good for the soul." Seti\'s playful remark elicited a chuckle, but unbeknownst to her, one student saw this as a golden opportunity to prove her worth—Luna Warwood.

Luna, who had been defeated by a commoner in the previous test, vowed to succeed this time. Determination filled her mind as she thought, "This time will be different. I\'ll slice that dummy into countless pieces, leaving every boy in this class in awe of me."

"Alright, as Mam explained, this is an endurance test, my dear students. Are you all ready to get your hands sweaty?" Letti asked, scanning the not so eager crowd of students.

"Now, The first student to give the test will be Anon-"

"Let\'s begin with the noble kids this time, Mam, shall we?" Seti interjected as she grabbed Letti\'s shoulder.

"Y-Yes, as you wish," Letti acquiesced.

Amused, Anon chuckled softly, casting a smile in Letti\'s direction.

"Now, for the first student, we have Luna Warwood," Letti announced.

"Here goes nothing." Luna replied, grabbing a sword from the table.

"Now, Miss Luna, your objective is to unleash your full force upon the dummy. Utilize any physical techniques or magical spells at your disposal. Continue until you believe the dummy is unbeatable. Remember, if you cease striking for even a second, you will receive an immediate time-over card," Letti explained.

With a resolute cry, "Hyaaa...," Luna commenced her assault on the dummy, pouring all her strength into each blow. At first, the dummy sustained damage, teetering as if on the brink of collapse, but it somehow managed to recover, growing increasingly resistant to each subsequent attack.

For a relentless 10 minutes, Luna relentlessly hammered the dummy without pause, employing every spell and skill at her command. However, her efforts proved in vain as the dummy remained unscathed at the end.


In the end, Luna\'s sword shattered, and she retreated back to her position.

"Wow, dear, you were truly remarkable. When I was your age, I could only last for a mere 2 minutes in this test." Seti consoled Luna. But her mind remained fixated on one thought.

\'Will he surpass my record ? Or will he fare even worse? Could it have been a fluke ? Perhaps my thoughts are consumed by mere prejudice, considering he is just a commoner. \' Luna pondered, casting a wary glance at the others who received red cards within a minute or a maximum of three minutes.

Frank engaged the dummy for an impressive 4 minutes and 56 seconds, utilizing his magical skills and spells to their fullest extent.

Samantha, employing witchcraft, achieved a score of 3 minutes and 40 seconds.

Jake, stabbing the dummy at various points, lasted for 2 minutes and 5 seconds before fatigue overwhelmed him, and he admitted defeat.

Ren, however, possessed a unique strategy. Stepping forward, he unleashed a special spell.

"God\'s Justice," Ren proclaimed, drawing his gleaming white sword.

[God\'s Justice] [S-Rank]

[God\'s Justice creates a cross-shaped manifestation of divine energy before you, consuming your entire mana. It deals immense damage to any standing opponent and inflicts a healing debuff, reducing the target\'s healing received by 100%.]

[Cast Time: 0.5 seconds]

[Mana: All of it]

As soon as Ren uttered the incantation, his gleaming white sword moved with such incredible speed that it became imperceptible to the naked eye. Only a flash of white light remained in front of him, followed by a resounding thud as the blade struck the training dummy, cleaving it effortlessly into four distinct pieces.

The onlookers stood in awe, their eyes fixed on Ren as he calmly returned to his original position, devoid of any signs of jubilation or excitement.

"Yes, this is the true might of a noble," someone remarked, expressing their admiration.

"Indeed, nobles possess immense power," another person added.

"Yet they believe a simple spear throw makes them superior to us. Look at them now, foolishly mocking our abilities."

The noble students wasted no time in belittling and taunting their commoner counterparts, reveling in their perceived superiority.

Meanwhile, a group of second-year commoner girls ventured towards the adjacent training field, where they could witness the nobles\' derision firsthand.

"These arrogant fools," one of the girls muttered disdainfully.

"They truly believe they are everything," another chimed in.

"Last time, the record was held by the son of the noble alchemist house. Now, the Denver House seeks to claim it. These snobs always flaunt the power they inherit from their parents and grandparents."

"What can we do? They are nobles after all. The son of the alchemist family cut the dummy in half with his acidic solution last time. This time, it seems even more challenging. I doubt any commoner can surpass it."

"True, but I will still root for Anon and watch him give his all."

"Count me in as well."

"Me too."

"And me too."

The second-year girls positioned themselves at the back of the hall, eagerly observing the ongoing test.

Each commoner\'s performance was lackluster, with their best attempt lasting a mere 50 seconds.

However, the pivotal moment arrived when only one student remained from the commoners\' section.

"Letti called out, "Anon Agreil," the final name on the list.

"Yes," Anon responded, raising his hand as he stepped forward.

"Hey, it\'s finally Anon\'s turn," someone exclaimed.

"Finally, some action," another eagerly remarked.

"Yes, it\'s time for Anon," a third person added.

"Oh, la la... Would you just look at that rear end," someone jeered playfully.

"Anon, you know the rules, right?" Letti inquired.

"Absolutely, crystal clear," Anon affirmed.

"Okay, you may begin now."

Letti approached Anon closely and whispered, "We\'re in a precarious situation. If you don\'t break the record of sustaining this challenge for at least 11 minutes, these students will face relentless taunting for the next five years... Oh, by the way, there\'s something on your shirt," she said, pretending to brush away a speck of dust from his jacket.

Anon grasped the sword firmly, his mind filled with a surge of inspiration as a melody began to play within him.

There Lived a certain man in russia Long ago...

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