
Chapter 176 -176

"Brother Anon, this may be our final meeting," Damacus spoke solemnly, his voice echoing with a touch of sorrow.

"Why?" Anon asked, his expression betraying surprise.

"Well, it\'s a rule of nature. Once both parties know that the opposite side has unleashed their avatars on the sacred land, only one chance is given to interact with their gods, be it the demon gods or the holy gods. We won\'t be able to contact you in any way once you leave from here. That\'s why we summoned you today, to convey this information." Damacus explained, his eyes filled with determination.

Anon nodded, absorbing the gravity of the situation. "I see. So it means that guy will also only have one chance to meet his god, right ?"

Damacus nodded in affirmation. "Indeed, brother Anon. The rules of this realm are unbending. We shall discuss it again after you have slain the first Avatar or enslaved him. Until then, brother Anon, may the dark forces guide your path," he spoke with solemnity as Anon\'s consciousness began to fade, retreating back to the mortal realm.

"Haaaa..." Anon gasped as he found himself standing in the heart of the nightmarish forest, surrounded by towering, twisted trees and an eerie darkness that pervaded the air. The overcharge that had coursed through his body dissipated, leaving him feeling rejuvenated. He glanced down and realized he was still unclothed, prompting him to summon a set of dark garments from his inventory. With swift movements, he adorned himself, the fabric clinging to his powerful form.

As Anon adjusted his attire, a familiar voice penetrated his thoughts. \'Master, are you listening to me?\' No.300, his loyal companion, contacted him through the psychic connection they shared.

\'Yes, No.300. What\'s the matter?\' Anon responded, his mental tone infused with authority.

\'Master, that nobleman is on the verge of crossing the forest and winning the race. Are you not planning to catch up to him?\' No.300 reported about Ren, the nobleman who had become Anon\'s primary target.

"What? Ren is still running?" Anon\'s voice reverberated through the psychic link, a mix of disbelief and annoyance.

\'Yes, Master. He\'s proven more resilient than anticipated,\' No.300 confirmed, his words laced with a hint of admiration for Ren\'s tenacity.

Anon\'s eyes narrowed, a devious plan forming in his mind. "Prepare yourself, No.300. I have an idea."

He summoned the Nature\'s Face-Changing Mask, a mystical artifact that allowed him to assume different appearances and deceive his enemies. The mask materialized in his hand, its surface adorned with intricate patterns of vines and leaves. Anon secured it over his face, his visage transformed into that of a mysterious woodland creature.

\'No.300, catch the gentleman, but do not kill him,\' Anon commanded, his voice laced with authority.

\'As you command, Master,\' No.300 responded, his loyalty unwavering.

Anon\'s directive echoed through the psychic link, reaching the ogres who served as his loyal minions. "Everyone, apprehend him, but spare his life," he ordered, his words resounding with a blend of power and menace.

With their instructions received, the army of ogres moved swiftly, their massive forms charging forward to block Ren\'s path. The nobleman\'s eyes widened in disbelief as he found himself confronted by the imposing creatures, their muscular frames and ferocious expressions leaving no doubt about their intentions.

"W-What the fuck?" Ren stammered, his voice tinged with fear and desperation. He had pushed his limits, exhaustion wearing heavily upon him, rendering him incapable of defeating even a single ogre, let alone escaping their clutches.

One ogre, distinguished by its commanding presence, stepped forward. It was No.300, masquerading as the ogres\' spokesperson. "Human, you shall not take one more step forward. Our master wishes to see you," No.300 announced, his tone commanding and laced with an otherworldly aura.

Ren\'s voice trembled as he addressed No.300. "Y-You can speak the human language ?"

"We can. Our master taught us," No.300 replied, his voice deep and resonant.

Ren\'s curiosity was piqued, mingled with a palpable sense of fear. "Who is your master?"

A chilling silence hung in the air for a moment before Anon\'s voice rang out from behind Ren. "I am."

Startled, Ren turned, his eyes widening in recognition and terror. "A-Anon?" he uttered, his voice trembling with a mixture of surprise and fear.

Anon approached Ren with measured steps, his gaze fixated on his trembling adversary. "Hello, cheater," he spoke, his words dripping with a combination of scorn and satisfaction. His eyes glowed with a piercing purple light, a manifestation of his formidable powers.

"Y-You? You\'re the master of all these ogres?" Ren gasped, his voice betraying disbelief.

"Indeed, I am the master of all these ogres. Do you require proof? Allow me to demonstrate." Anon replied, his voice oozing with an air of malevolence that sent shivers down Ren\'s spine.

Anon walked upto no.300 and lifted up her leather made skirt and started rubbing her pussy.

"Annhhhh~ Anhhh~ Master.... " No.300 spoke as she started giggling in pleasure.

"Now, do you finally comprehend, Mr. Ren?" Anon\'s voice dripped with malevolence as a sinister smile crept across his face, casting an ominous shadow.

Ren\'s eyes widened with a mix of confusion and dread as he struggled to process the impossible events unfolding before him. "But... how is this even possible?" he stammered, his voice quivering.

Anon chuckled darkly, his gaze fixated on Ren. "Ah, you ask too many questions, my dear Ren. Perhaps it\'s time you learned the true nature of my power."

An eerie silence hung in the air as Ren\'s mind raced, searching for answers amid the unfolding nightmare. "What... what do you want from me?" he managed to utter, his voice laced with fear.

Anon\'s lips curled into a wicked grin, his eyes glinting with wicked delight. "Oh, that was quite the question you posed, Ren," he hissed, relishing the unease in his prey\'s expression.

"You see, I have a peculiar desire. I want your very identity, can you lend it to me ? What you are saying no ? Okay i will just take it." Anon declared, a twisted euphoria tainting his words.

Ren recoiled, his heart pounding in his chest, unable to fathom the depths of Anon\'s depravity. "What do you mean? How can you take my identity?"

A sinister gleam danced in Anon\'s eyes as he closed the distance between them, plucking a single strand of hair from his head. "Watch closely," he whispered, the air heavy with anticipation.

Anon delicately placed Ren\'s hair within the mystical mask, its surface pulsating with an eerie green glow. In a mesmerizing display, the hair was instantly absorbed, as if devoured by an insatiable hunger.

With an eerie calm, Anon adorned the mask, and a swift transformation ensued. His visage morphed, assuming Ren\'s features, while his body seamlessly adopted Ren\'s physique.

Ren stood in stunned disbelief, his mind grappling to comprehend the profound violation of his very existence. "Who... who are you?" he managed to utter, his voice tinged with terror. "Are you some sort of demon?"

Anon\'s chuckle resonated through the room, a chilling sound that sent shivers down Ren\'s spine. "I am a unique combo, my friend. A combination of forces beyond your wildest imaginings. Now, let your mind wander to the infinite possibilities of what I am capable of."

Fear tightened its grip on Ren\'s trembling form. With a flicker of defiance, he mustered a response, tinged with desperation. "You can\'t get away with this. My family will recognize the deception in an instant."

Anon\'s eyes flickered with cunning as he contemplated Ren\'s words. "Ah, a valid concern indeed. But how about this: lend me your memories as well, and we shall see if your family can discern the truth from fiction," he proposed, his smile growing ever more sinister, a predator reveling in his imminent triumph.

"I invested so much in this race, i can\'t afford to lose it, friend."

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