
Chapter 412 -412

The carriage stopped in front of a grand mansion, and Anon opened the carriage gate. He stepped out first, then offered a helping hand to Faith.

"So, why are we here again? Isn\'t this the Dark Elven territory, if I remember correctly?" Anon asked with a puzzled expression.

"Yes, our presence was requested here by the Chief Commander of the Dark Elves," Faith replied.

"Do you know anything about your mission?" Anon inquired.

"No, but the official letter said that it was a very critical matter, and we had to come as soon as possible, so we came," Faith replied as she started walking inside, and all the soldiers followed.

As Anon and Faith proceeded toward the grand mansion, the main gates opened, revealing five Dark Elves in dark blue plate armor who stepped out.

Upon reaching a certain distance, both groups halted.

"Hello, I am Julia, the Chief Commander of the Dark Elves, and this is my Vice Commander, Ella," Julia introduced herself, shaking hands with Faith, followed by Ella.

"I am Faith, the one and only Chief Commander of the White Elves," Faith responded.

"It\'s nice to meet you, ma\'am. I am very sorry for summoning you on such short notice, but it was very important," Julia explained.

"No problem. Let\'s proceed and take a look without wasting any more time here," Faith suggested.

"Please follow me," Julia said, leading everyone inside the mansion.

Faith walked alongside Julia, while Ella and Anon walked together.

"Jule," Anon introduced himself, extending his hand for a handshake. However, Ella just looked at Anon without responding.

"My name is Jule," Anon repeated.

"I understood the first time. What role do you play in this team?" Ella asked with a disgusted expression.

Anon quickly withdrew his hand and responded, "I am just a nobody."

"Are you a noble, Mr. Nobody?" Ella questioned.

"I am not, ma\'am," Anon replied with a smile.

"Then keep your disgusting hands away from me because I am a noble girl, Mr. Nobody. Even if I am dying, you don\'t have to touch me. You know what? Don\'t even talk to me with that pathetic mouth of yours," Ella declared with an egotistical tone.

\'Yep, that\'s the right amount of attitude to get you killed. I can\'t believe she\'s still alive,\' Anon thought.

"Got that, ma\'am," Anon responded with a smile.

"Ella, be nice to the guests. How many times do I have to tell you this? Please forgive him, Sir. She is just a spoiled kid," Julia intervened.

"Sorry, ma\'am," Ella muttered in a low tone.

"So, what happened here?" Faith asked as she noticed bloodstains on the wall.

"This morning, we received a report of unusual events taking place in this house. The neighbors continuously reported hearing loud shouting noises and sharp scratching sounds coming from this house.

Our teams were immediately dispatched to investigate, but..." Julia began, her expression turning somber, and she stopped mid-sentence.

"But... what?" Faith inquired.

"None of them returned from the mansion," Julia continued.

"Why? What happened?" Faith pressed.

"We don\'t know," Julia replied.

"What do you mean?" Faith asked.

"He will explain everything to you," Julia said, leading everyone into a room and gesturing toward a well-dressed Dark Elf seated inside with his hand on his temple.

"Mr. Freeman, I have called for backup. Please explain the situation to her. She is the Chief Commander of the White Elves, Mrs. Faith, and these are her soldiers," Julia said before leaving the room.

"Why is Julia involving White Elves in this matter?" Mr. Freeman whispered in a hushed voice.

"Please explain quickly. We need to take action," Faith urged as she looked at the man.

"Yes... please, have a seat," Mr. Freeman requested.

Both Faith and Anon took a seat on the sofa, their curiosity evident as they focused on Mr. Freeman.

"My daughter, Levine, got involved in some illegal work related to the transportation of illegal substances, or what you might call..."

"Drug supplier. She\'s a drug supplier, right?" Anon guessed with a smile.

"Yes, that. She was a drug supplier, but twelve months ago, she got in contact with a man who paid her a significant amount of money just to test his drug.

She began taking it for fun, but within three days, she developed an addiction, and within six months, she was fully addicted to that drug."

"Wait, you let your own daughter take drugs?" Faith asked with a puzzled expression.

"I am ashamed of that... I became so consumed with making money that I forgot to take care of my baby daughter, and God is punishing me for that today. Sob-Sob," Mr. Freeman said, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Okay, what happened after that?" Faith inquired.

"She stopped going out, but her friends started visiting our house more often. At first, I thought it was normal, but after some time, they began staying here in my house. They wouldn\'t leave. This morning, some of our maids took breakfast to their room, but as soon as one entered the room, a very horrific and terrifying scream started emanating from it.

The head maid immediately informed me, and I rushed to her room as quickly as possible. When I opened that door... I saw something very horrifying," Mr. Freeman paused, a traumatized look on his face.

"What did you see, Mr. Freeman? Tell me, what did you see?" Faith urged, waving her hand in front of him.

"C-Cannibalism... S-She and her friends were eating the maid\'s body like some monsters. I immediately closed the door and retreated to my room. Before I could call the authorities, many guards were already standing on my doorstep.

They barged into the house but when they barged into my daughter\'s room, not even one of them came out of that room.

I opened the door slightly and saw that all of them died brutally and that they are being eaten by my daughter and her friends.

Suddenly another batch of soldiers barged into the house, i warned them to stop but they didn\'t stop and barged into the same room.

This happened for the next one hour, no matter how much armed you go inside that room, you turn out to be a dead body." Mr. freeman explained.

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