
Chapter 517 Silent But Diligent

Chapter 517  Silent But Diligent

To see him now, in attire so mundanely modern and human, yet somehow accentuating the very essence of his physical prowess, was disarming.

The fabric of the t-shirt clung to his form, outlining every muscle with an artist\'s precision and squeezing around his huge biceps.

His arms, defined and sculpted, spoke of strength without uttering a single word, while the relaxed fit of his pajamas suggested a comfort and ease that was starkly at odds with the intense aura he typically projected. This unexpected vision of their Master, so starkly different from the aloof and daunting figure they had seen during the quest, sent a ripple of astonishment through both girls.

Yui could scarcely hide her astonishment. Her cheeks tinged with a rosy flush of embarrassment, her eyes wide as they inadvertently traced the lines of his muscular form. Each detail, from the casual tousle of his hair to the relaxed posture he adopted, added layers to his charm, rendering him at once more approachable and yet somehow more enigmatic.

Emiko, for her part, strived to maintain a composed exterior, but the surprise that flickered in her eyes betrayed her just as much. The sight of him, so contrastingly different in this light, stirred a blend of admiration and a curious sense of wonder within her.

But more so, the two of him couldn\'t help but feel lost in the golden pool of his eyes that resurfaced certain memories in their minds they could never forget.

"S-Sorry if we are late, Master," Yui stuttered upon coming back to her senses, her voice barely above a whisper as she bowed deeply in respect, with Emiko quickly mirroring the gesture.

Asher\'s response was a chuckle, light and disarming, as he waved off their concerns, "You two could have come a bit later and I still wouldn\'t mind," Asher thought, thinking how Rebecca must be feeling quite lucky today.

Rising from their bows, Yui and Emiko exchanged puzzled glances, unsure how to interpret their Master\'s comment.

"Get in and lock the door," Asher instructed casually, turning back into the apartment. The girls hesitantly stepped inside, their initial nervousness fading as they were greeted by the apartment\'s vast, luxurious interior. Their eyes widened in awe; they had never before experienced such an environment where the air felt purer, and the ocean view from the window was nothing short of mesmerizing. It was as if they had stepped into a dream far removed from their own realities.

Leaning against the wall with a glass of wine in hand, Asher observed their reactions with a mixture of amusement and curiosity, "Where did you two used to stay before meeting us?" he inquired, his voice carrying a note of genuine interest as he sought to understand more about the lives they had led before their paths had crossed with his.

He realized he never had the time to properly learn about these two girls who had always silently but diligently carried out his orders without any question.

Any guild or cult would kill to have people like these two.

However, his question about their past opened a door to memories that Emiko and Yui would rather have kept closed. n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Their faces, previously lit with the wonder of their new surroundings, dimmed as shadows of past memories flickered across their expressions.

The two girls exchanged a glance, a silent conversation passing between them before Emiko, her voice barely above a whisper, began to unveil,

"It uh...wasn\'t a good place," she started, her voice laden with the weight of memories best forgotten, "There wasn\'t much light, or any windows. We lived with so many others that there were never enough resources for each. We had to sometimes fight off others who tried to steal what was meant for us, especially Yui\'s." Yui\'s grip on Emiko\'s hand tightened upon hearing her reveal how they lived in the past.

Asher listened, his features set in a mask of controlled reaction, though the mention of their strife stirred unwelcome memories of his own past, especially the ones that followed right after his mother\'s death.

"What kind of pl-"


Before he could delve deeper into their history, an abrupt cry of frustration disrupted the moment, startling both Emiko and Yui who recognized it was the demoness.

Asher, however, remained unphased, though a sigh of annoyance escaped him. He turned his attention to Yui, "Yui, go inside and check on her before she causes some kind of mess in there."

Yui, taken aback by the command, hesitated, fear flickering in her eyes at the prospect of confronting the demoness who had almost spelled their doom. Yet, the weight of her Master\'s order propelled her forward. "I-I…" she faltered before gathering a semblance of courage, "O-Of course, Master," she affirmed, though her steps betrayed her trepidation.

Emiko reluctantly let go of her hand, silently pleading with her Master to reconsider, to not send Yui alone into what they perceived as a tigress\' den.

Sensing their unease, Asher stopped Yui just as she was about to pass him with a gentle but firm hand on her shoulder, "Don\'t worry about her. She can\'t hurt you or anyone in our cult. A slave can never disobey their Master, even if it\'s against their wishes." Yui\'s face relaxed upon realizing that she had forgotten that critical part, and she nodded with a radiant smile, "Thank you, Master," she said, bowing slightly before turning to continue walking towards the room.

Emiko felt relieved as well and remembered the order their Master had given that demoness when she first woke up in this world.

"There are three rooms here. You two can take one of them and settle down. We will need the third one when Amelia is back from her tour," Asher said, to which Emiko nodded with a brief bow, "Thank you, Master."

She never expected to have an entire room to themselves and looked at his back as he walked away, wondering just what kind of person he truly was.

Meanwhile, Rebecca found herself in an unusual predicament within the confines of a posh bathroom, her figure enveloped by a plush white bathrobe. The modern luxury that surrounded her, with its sleek surfaces and myriad metal buttons, seemed more like an annoying puzzle than a comfort. She stood there, her frustration mounting, as she faced the perplexing array of controls before her, unable to figure out which was supposed to help her take a bath.

"Tch!" With a frustrated click of her tongue, she stabbed at another button, only to have her eyes widen in surprise as the showerhead above unleashed a torrent of water upon her.



In a panic, she jabbed at the surrounding buttons, only to be met with more assaults from the side shower heads, each blast of water further soaking her and molding the bathrobe to her form, highlighting her curves in an unwelcome embrace.

Her patience wore thin, and her hands began to glow with the ominous light of dark blue mana, ready to freeze the offending shower heads into submission.

"Please turn off the shower."

Just as she was about to unleash her devastating power, the soft, sweet voice acted like a charm, halting the water\'s fury in its tracks. Drenched and disheveled, Rebecca turned toward the source of the intervention, only to be surprised to see one of Asher\'s soulservant, standing timidly by the door.

Her back was turned towards Rebecca, and her head was lowered, her voice a nervous whisper. "A-Are you having trouble with the shower? I uhm...I might be able to help. May I come in?"

Rebecca, momentarily taken aback by the offer of assistance, let out a disdainful "Hmph." Her pride chafed at the situation; if not for Asher\'s insistence on her learning to bathe in a manner befitting humans, rather than using her mana for cleanliness, she would not find herself in such a demeaning position.

However, her lips curved into a cold smirk, her eyes narrowing as she took in the timid human before her. This human\'s nervous demeanor reminded her of the subservient servants back home, their deference and obedience a familiar comfort. In that moment, she felt a surge of power, reminding her of her true status.

Why should she bother learning to bathe like a human when she can make this lowly human wash her and prepare everything for her?

She began with imperious certainty, "You come here and-" But as quickly as the words left her mouth, Rebecca\'s eyes widened in shock. Her voice, her commanding tone, had suddenly failed her. It was as if an invisible force was silencing her, a force that reminded her of Asher\'s stern warning.

\'You shall not order my Soulservants around. They are of greater worth than you. So make sure you behave.\'

The memory of that alien bastard\'s words hit Rebecca like a physical blow, and she found herself gritting her teeth in frustration.

"Urghhh!" The frustrated growl escaped her lips, and Yui flinched, her eyes widening as she wondered if she had somehow offended the demoness.

"Fine. Just come in and tell me how to use these stupid things," Rebecca finally conceded, her tone heavy with irritation as she crossed her arms defensively.

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