
Chapter 19: Making Xu Fang Mine

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Making Xu Fang Mine

Xu Fang had become more than just a task to him. She was a challenge, a forbidden temptation, but also someone he genuinely admired. And with that attachment came a bold new idea—he wanted to take their relationship further. But not just physically. He wanted to spend time with her, to explore what they could have outside the walls of the estate.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, Li Tian leaned against the wooden railing of the estate\'s courtyard, watching Xu Fang sip her tea in her usual serene manner. Her elegant form and the way her robe clung to her body made it hard for him to focus on anything else.

"Xu Fang," he began, his tone more serious than usual.

She glanced up, sensing the shift in his mood. "Yes?"

"I\'ve been thinking," he continued, his eyes meeting hers. "We\'ve been spending more time together, and I\'ve come to appreciate your company... more than I expected."

Xu Fang raised an eyebrow, but remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

"So, I was wondering if you\'d like to go out on a date with me," Li Tian said, his voice steady, though his heart raced. "Just the two of us. Maybe take a break from this estate for a while."

Xu Fang stared at him for a moment, clearly taken aback by his bold request. She placed her teacup down gently, her gaze never leaving his. "You can\'t be serious, Li Tian," she said, her voice calm but with an edge of disbelief. "How can I go on a date with my own stepson? What you\'re suggesting... it\'s improper."

Li Tian smiled, though there was a hint of determination in his eyes. He wasn\'t going to back down so easily. "Improper?" He leaned closer, his voice lowering to an intimate whisper. "I don\'t think it\'s as improper as you might believe. After all, it\'s not like Father treats his wives the way they deserve."

Xu Fang stiffened slightly at his words but didn\'t interrupt.

"I\'ve seen it," Li Tian continued, his tone firm but not harsh. "Father is incapable of keeping any of you truly happy—both in mind and in bed."

The courtyard seemed to fall into complete silence after Li Tian\'s words. Xu Fang\'s eyes widened for a brief moment before narrowing, her composed facade beginning to crack. Her fingers tightened around her cup as she processed his bold statement.

"You\'re crossing a line, Li Tian," she said quietly, though there was an undeniable tension in her voice. "This is dangerous territory you\'re treading."

But Li Tian wasn\'t intimidated by her warning. He could feel the pull between them, the tension that had been growing for days. He stepped forward, closing the distance between them, his eyes locking onto hers with unshakable confidence.

"Maybe," he replied, his voice soft but insistent. "But it\'s only dangerous if we deny what\'s really going on between us."

Xu Fang\'s lips parted slightly, as if she wanted to protest, but no words came out. She turned away from him, her back stiff, though her body language betrayed the inner conflict she was feeling.

"Li Tian, this is madness," she said after a long pause, her voice quieter now. "You don\'t understand how complicated this is."

Li Tian smirked, undeterred. "I think I understand perfectly, Xu Fang. I know Father doesn\'t appreciate you the way you deserve. He doesn\'t even look at you the way a husband should. And I... well, I\'m not bound by the same restrictions."

Xu Fang remained silent, her back still turned to him, but Li Tian could tell she was listening—really listening. He could sense the hesitation in her, the way her resolve was slowly crumbling, though she was trying hard to maintain her composure.

"You deserve better," he continued, his voice dropping to a near whisper as he took another step closer. "You deserve to be desired, appreciated, and fulfilled in every way. And I\'m willing to give you that."

Xu Fang spun around to face him, her expression unreadable, though her eyes betrayed a flicker of something—whether it was anger, desire, or something in between, he couldn\'t tell.

"This... this isn\'t something we can just do," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "You\'re still his son. I\'m still his wife."

Li Tian shrugged, his smirk never fading. "Wife in name only, Xu Fang. You and I both know that. The only thing tying you to him is a title. And I don\'t think that title should stop us from pursuing what we want."

Xu Fang stared at him, her gaze hard, but she didn\'t move away. There was a long moment of silence between them, the tension thick in the air, until finally, she let out a breath, as if releasing some of the weight she had been carrying.

"You\'re impossible," she said, shaking her head, though there was a trace of a smile on her lips. "You really think you can just say all this and expect me to... to what? Fall into your arms?"

Li Tian chuckled softly, stepping even closer, until there was barely any space left between them. "I don\'t expect anything, Xu Fang. But I\'m offering you a chance. A chance to feel something real."

Xu Fang\'s gaze softened, though there was still uncertainty in her eyes. She looked away for a moment, her mind clearly racing with thoughts she didn\'t want to voice. Finally, she let out a sigh and met his gaze again, her expression conflicted.

"This is wrong," she muttered, more to herself than to him. "This is so wrong."

Li Tian smiled gently, reaching out to brush a stray strand of hair from her face. "It only feels wrong because you\'ve been taught to believe it is. But tell me, does it really feel wrong?"

Xu Fang didn\'t answer right away. Instead, she looked up at him, her eyes searching his face for any hint of deception or ill intent. But all she saw was sincerity—and perhaps a touch of mischief.

Finally, she shook her head, a small, reluctant smile tugging at her lips. "You\'re trouble, Li Tian."

He grinned, taking her hand in his. "The best kind of trouble."

Xu Fang didn\'t pull away from his touch, though she still seemed hesitant. "You\'re asking too much."

"Am I?" Li Tian replied, his thumb gently brushing the back of her hand. "All I\'m asking for is a chance. One night. Let me take you out, away from all of this. No expectations, no obligations. Just you and me."

Xu Fang looked down at their joined hands, then back up at him, her expression still conflicted. After what felt like an eternity, she finally sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly.

"One night," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "No promises."

Li Tian\'s smile widened. "That\'s all I\'m asking."

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