
Chapter 44: Unveiling New Power

Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Unveiling New Power

[New Task Unlocked: Train for the Upcoming Threat.]

Li Tian paused, then nodded in approval. The system always seemed to know when he needed an extra push.

[Task: Enhance your martial skills by 10% and train for the rogue cultivator\'s attack. Time limit: 3 days. Reward: \'Heaven\'s Wrath\' Technique Scroll.]

His eyes flickered with interest at the reward. Heaven\'s Wrath, huh? He had heard of this technique before — a devastating offensive skill that combined lightning and swordsmanship. It was rare, nearly impossible to acquire. But now the system dangled it before him as a prize.

"Well, let\'s see if I\'m worthy," he muttered to himself, stretching his limbs before beginning his intense morning training.

Hours passed, and the sun climbed high in the sky, but Li Tian\'s movements were precise and unwavering. His sword slashed through the air, each swing infused with more power than the last. He had been working relentlessly to push his body past its limits, driven by the allure of the system\'s reward.

As he trained, thoughts of his recent encounters flashed through his mind — Liu Mei\'s confession, the intimate moment they shared, Xu Fang\'s allure, and Li Xue\'s bold actions. They had all accepted him in their own way, trusted him, even though they knew he wasn\'t the typical man of their world.

But that acceptance also came with expectations. He had to protect them, keep them safe, especially with the upcoming rogue cultivator threat. And to do that, he needed more power.

[Training Progress: 5%]

He wiped the sweat from his brow, gritting his teeth. It wasn\'t enough. He needed to push harder.

Just as he was about to continue, the air around him suddenly shifted. A soft breeze stirred, and a faint shimmer of light appeared before him. At first, Li Tian thought it was some trick of his exhausted mind, but the light solidified into a figure — the goddess who had reincarnated him.

She hadn\'t appeared since the day of his rebirth, and seeing her now filled him with curiosity and a hint of unease.

"Goddess," Li Tian greeted, sheathing his sword. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The goddess smiled faintly, her ethereal form glowing softly in the daylight. "You have done well, Li Tian. But the path ahead will be more challenging than you realize."

"I\'m preparing for it," he said confidently, gesturing to his ongoing training.

The goddess nodded, but there was a seriousness in her expression that made Li Tian pause. "It\'s not just the rogue cultivator you must prepare for. There are forces beyond this realm that are watching your every move. Some will aid you, others will seek your downfall."

Her words sent a chill down his spine. He had always known that his reincarnation wasn\'t just an ordinary second chance. There were powers at play that he didn\'t fully understand yet.

"You will face many trials, but I am here to offer you guidance," the goddess continued. "There is a technique hidden deep within your new world — one that can only be unlocked through your bond with the women in your life."

Li Tian\'s eyes widened slightly. "My bond with them? What does that mean?"

The goddess smiled gently. "The more genuine and deep your connections, the stronger your abilities will become. Each woman who cares for you will unknowingly unlock a part of your potential. It is through them that you will gain the strength to overcome your greatest enemies."

Li Tian was silent for a moment, absorbing her words. It wasn\'t just about cultivating power through traditional methods. His relationships, the bonds he formed, they were just as important as the techniques he mastered.

"Remember this, Li Tian," the goddess said softly. "You are destined for greatness, but that greatness comes at a cost. Choose your paths wisely."

And just like that, she vanished, leaving him standing alone in the courtyard once more.

Li Tian exhaled slowly, the weight of her words settling over him. His journey wasn\'t just about brute strength or defeating opponents in the arena. It was about something much deeper.

But there was still the matter of the rogue cultivator.

He turned his attention back to the system.

[Training Progress: 7%]

With renewed determination, he resumed his practice, his movements sharper, more focused than before. The goddess\'s visit had given him clarity — and more importantly, a goal.

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