
Chapter 484 108.4 - Monster

Chapter 484 108.4 - Monster

His heart was pounding, not from exertion but from the vivid vision that had just unfolded in his mind. The memory of the silhouette moving under the moonlight, the translucent energy that radiated with deadly precision—it all felt so real, so attainable.

For a moment, he stood still, processing the revelation. The breakthrough he had experienced wasn\'t just about the virtual core; it was something far deeper, something connected to his very essence as a [Martial Artist]. The vision had shown him a path forward, a way to integrate everything he had learned into a new form of combat.

\'Lethal Arsenal Ascendancy…\' he thought, the name of his combat art echoing in his mind. The vision had revealed the potential locked within it, a level of mastery that transcended anything he had known before. And it wasn\'t just about the stances—it was about the energy he wielded, the moon mana that pulsed through his veins.

He closed his eyes once more, focusing inward, feeling the familiar surge of his lunar mana. But this time, he didn\'t let it flow through the usual virtual core.

Instead, he began to mentally map out the multiple judgment points he had envisioned, positioning them at key locations throughout his body.

He imagined the energy flowing not from a single source but from a network of nodes, each one controlling a specific part of his body. The memory of the translucent energy from his vision—the energy of the Waning Crescent Moon—guided him as he directed his mana through these nodes.

\'The energy of the Waning Crescent Moon,\' he recalled, understanding now that this form of mana was raw, primal, designed to increase the strength of his attacks and enhance his body\'s physical capabilities.

He took a deep breath, centering himself, and prepared to test this new method. Moving into the [Storm Stance], Astron began to circulate the energy through his body, directing it through the newly established judgment points.

At first, the process was not as smooth as he had envisioned. The mana flow was uneven, the energy hesitating at certain points as if unsure of where to go.

His first strike—a [Thunderclap]—lacked the explosive power he had seen in his vision, the energy dispersing too early, the force diminished.

But Astron didn\'t feel discouraged. Instead, a rare small smile crept onto his face.

\'Interesting….Why do I feel like challenged?\'

It was not something that was too weird. Whenever he had a hard time doing something that Silhouette would do, he would feel a weird sense of competitiveness rising. It was a weird but subtle feeling that he would rarely feel.

Most of the time, he never felt the competitive urge, aside from some rare moments, and this was one of those.

It was not something that was too weird. Whenever he had a hard time doing something that Silhouette would do, he would feel a weird sense of competitiveness rising. It was a weird but subtle feeling that he would rarely feel.

Most of the time, he never felt the competitive urge, aside from some rare moments, and this was one of those.

\'The problem is not about the idea…..I just can\'t execute it.\'

He could sense the potential, the underlying power in this new method, even if it wasn\'t fully realized yet.

The problem wasn\'t with the concept—it was with his execution. The complexity of managing multiple judgment points simultaneously was a challenge, but it was a challenge he welcomed.

He reset his stance, this time focusing more intently on the flow of mana, ensuring that each node received the energy it needed at precisely the right moment.

He visualized the translucent energy, the raw power of the Waning Crescent Moon, and how it had moved so seamlessly in his vision.

His next strike was more controlled; the energy flows slightly more even. The [Typhoon Burst] he executed carried more power, and the sweeping motion of his mana was sharper and more defined. It wasn\'t perfect, but it was progress.

\'It\'s working,\' Astron thought, his excitement building. \'It\'s not easy, but I\'m starting to understand how it works.\'

He continued practicing, repeating the sequences over and over, each time adjusting the flow of mana, refining the process.

The energy began to move more fluidly through his body, and the judgment points became more responsive and synchronized with his movements.

As the minutes passed, Astron felt himself improving. The strikes became more powerful, and the energy was more concentrated.

The initial clumsiness gave way to a growing confidence as his body and mind adapted to the new method.

He tried a [Quake Fist], focusing on grounding the energy through his legs and into the earth. This time, the strike sent a noticeable tremor through the floor, the mana circulating through his body with greater efficiency. The ground beneath him cracked slightly, the force of the strike much closer to what he had envisioned.

Astron\'s smile widened. He could feel it now—the connection between his body, his mana, and the new method of control.

\'It may not exactly be like [Tempest Fang] as the style was different…..But, for the time being, first figuring out how to get rid of the Virtual Core is definitely more important.\'

He thought. The vision had shown him the way, but it was nearly impossible for him to instantly imitate and learn the [Martial Art] that was shown there. He tried it, but he was unable to, as there was something missing.

And now, through trial and effort, he was beginning to walk that path.

He took a deep breath, centering himself for another attempt. This time, he would try the [Stormbreaker], the most powerful of the five strikes.

Gathering his mana into the multiple judgment points, he focused on compressing the energy, feeling the raw power of the Waning Crescent Moon within him.

With a powerful shout, he unleashed the strike. The energy surged through his body, flowing through the judgment points and into his fist. The impact was explosive, the force radiating outwards in a shockwave that shook the entire training hall.

It wasn\'t perfect—the timing still needed work, and the energy could be more focused—but it was a significant step forward. Astron could feel the potential, the raw power that he was beginning to harness.

"Haaah…..Haaah…..This is….just insane…."

Panting from the exertion, Astron stood in the center of the hall, his body thrumming with energy.

"The fact that the Everchanging Glyph also makes me adapt inside is even a bonus. I feel like the moment I figure it out everything….this will become something that can be applied in everything."

The path ahead was clear now, and he was eager to continue down it. The fact that he could apply this to any other method made both the challenges great and the rewards. He knew that with time, he could refine this new method, integrating it fully into his combat art.

He was on the cusp of something incredible, and he wouldn\'t stop until he had mastered it completely.


<Acrobatics Training, 11 A.M, Tenth day of training>

Tianna stood in the center of the training area, her expression serious as she prepared to teach Astron the final lesson.

This time the training grounds had been changed a little.

This last spell was one of the most advanced techniques in their repertoire, and she knew it would complete his transformation into a truly exceptional operative.

"Astron," Tianna began, her voice steady, "today I\'m going to teach you one last special spell. It\'s designed to reduce the impact of a fall by increasing the spring sensitivity of your legs and body, making the bending process more efficient and reducing the risk of injury. With this spell, you\'ll be able to jump from the highest buildings and land without making a sound or receiving any damage."

Astron listened intently, already visualizing the possibilities. "That sounds incredibly useful, Instructor."

Tianna nodded. "It is. This spell works by enhancing the natural elasticity of your muscles and joints, allowing you to absorb the impact of a fall as if your body were a spring. It also helps distribute the force evenly across your entire body, reducing the strain on any single point."

She demonstrated the spell, her body glowing faintly as she jumped from a nearby platform, landing softly and silently on the ground below. "You had already mastered all those things, so you should be able to see how my body is now much more efficient."

Just as she said, the landing process was far smoother than anything that Astron had seen.

"Indeed." He replied, nodding his head. He watched closely, his analytical mind already breaking down the steps. "The spell….I kind of understand the thought process. It works in a way that, when you land, the spell directs the mana to absorb and redistribute the force of impact evenly across your body. This prevents any single point from taking too much strain, which is what allows you to land softly and without injury. The key seems to be in how the mana interacts with the physical properties of the muscles, making them more efficient at bending and recoiling. "

"Yes," Tianna confirmed. "But there\'s one more aspect to this spell that\'s just as important: breaking air resistance. By controlling the flow of mana around your body, you can reduce the drag as you fall, increasing your speed and making your descent more controlled."

Tianna raised her hands, demonstrating how the air seemed to flow smoothly around her as she moved. "This technique allows you to maintain balance and control during a fall, ensuring you land exactly where you intend."

"I understand, now." He nodded.

For most of the parts, air resistance was something that would be more and more dangerous for strong hunters because the faster one would get, the stronger the resistance would become.

Of course, for a horizontal type of movement where a Hunter would use their own physical abilities, their supernatural body resistance would cancel the negative effects since for them to reach such a high agility stat, they would naturally be a high-ranked Awakened.

But, for a vertical fall, where one was falling from the sky….Things would be different, as even without being strong, one could easily reach higher speeds and eventually damage one\'s own body.

Tianna stepped back, giving him space. "Focus on channeling your mana to enhance your legs and body. Feel the elasticity in your muscles and joints, and let the energy flow through you. Then, as you fall, direct your mana to break the air resistance."

Astron closed his eyes for a moment, centering himself. When he opened them, he began to channel his mana as Tianna had instructed. He felt the energy coursing through his legs, making them feel lighter and more responsive. With a deep breath, he leaped from the platform.

As he fell, he instinctively directed his mana to reduce air resistance. He could feel the air parting smoothly around him, his descent steady and controlled. In a way, what he was doing was the same thing that he did when circulating his mana this morning.

But this time, rather than creating a mana force around his hands, he did right before his body in a sharp way, imitating the shape that Tianna had created.

When he landed, his knees bent effortlessly, absorbing the impact without a sound. He straightened.

Tianna\'s eyes widened slightly, though she quickly composed herself. "Astron, that was perfect. You\'ve grasped the spell instantly."


"Yes. Grasped. That movement was flawless. But something about your mana was different."

"That…..It was thanks to my own trait."

"Ah….Trait…..I see." Tianna\'s eyebrows twitched for a split second, but she composed herself. "Well, now you have completed everything. If you wish, you may train here the spell. The gravity here is adjustable. While we can\'t access the high-buildings that you would normally jump down, you can train them in the simulations."

"Understood." n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"I am going to register the training as finished. A new instructor and class will be assigned in my place. Congratulations," Tianna said, a note of finality in her voice, though her pride in his achievements was evident.

"Thank you for your guidance, Instructor Tianna," Astron responded, his tone sincere. He knew that her teachings had been instrumental in his progress, and he was grateful for the knowledge and skills he had gained.

Tianna gave a slight smile, a rare expression of warmth. "It was an honor to teach you, Astron. I\'m confident that you\'ll excel in whatever comes next. Keep pushing your limits, and you\'ll achieve even greater things."

With that, Tianna turned to leave, her thoughts lingering on the young man she had trained. As she exited the training area, she couldn\'t help but feel that she had played a certain role in a special person\'s journey.

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