
Chapter 113: Success

Chapter 113: Success

Date 23 Mar 2321

Time 21:12

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234, Card lab

Done with the neural and power system, I continued to other systems on the list, thermal heating and cooling systems. This one is going to be tricky cause instead of using ingredients for this I decided to use the liquid black steel alloy to form a thermal organ I designed back on earth, this thermal organ I designed was very popularly used in space explorer shuttles but this design was the dumbed-down design of the original design I came up with which was not possible to be built at that time as due to lacking technology.

But right now technology did not matter as long as my mental strength could conjure it then it was possible. So without any delay, I built and installed the artificial thermal organ successfully establishing a thermal cooling and heating system.

Next came the skeleton and muscle structure, right now the ginormous black steel alloy sludge was only imitating the elder giant shape it was not strong enough and would crumble into sludge with enough force therefore it had to have a strong skeletal and muscle frame otherwise it would not be able to make use of its complete power but crumble with enough force.

Hardening the liquid black steel alloy to form a skeletal frame and muscle layers is harder than said, to form the skeletal frame and muscle layers the liquid black steel alloy has to be melted again at different temperatures. For the skeletal frame, the liquid black steel alloy had to be as hard and tensile as possible therefore it had to be heated to abnormally high temperature using the high spit firestones and then cooled rapidly so that it would lose its ductile ability and get a perfect skeletal frame. Thankfully I had created a thermal Organ earlier which could absorb the heat of the liquid black steel alloy rapidly cooling it giving rise to a perfect skeletal structure.

After establishing the skeletal frame next, I had to smelt the liquid black steel alloy to a moderate temperature and cool it slowly as it achieves a state similar to muscle fibres. Then using the soul pathways of the elder giant core we wrap the skeletal frame with the newly formed muscle fibres to form a black steel alloy elder giant.

Next on the agenda is the exo-armour for the black steel alloy elder giant which currently looked like a skinned elder giant, it was a hideous and stomach-churning sight.

Thinking of the exo-armour I did not know which one to choose from as there were many designs to choose from but considering that this card is not mine but Pax I thought it would be better to consider his choice then I remembered that Pax’s pendant the Idol on it had an amazing armour on and with wings it looked heroic. Since Pax is attached to this idol I decided to design the exo-armour in its form.

With the help of my slave consciousness, we created the exo-armour in no time. The exo-armour was an absolute replica of the Idol’s armour, all it was missing were a pair of angel wings.

Thinking about the angel wings I decided to create and install an Aerial system to the card. And I had a good design in my mind.

To form a pair of angel wings, I had to smelt the liquid black steel alloy at high temperatures as the alloy used for wings had to be very thin to reduce the imbalance in weight and also allow the wings to cut any wind resistance. This step was very hectic, I needed to be very patient and precise, I could but why when I had a slave consciousness specializing in this. Leaving the creation and installation of the aerial system to my slave consciousness I head to the next step, the Weapon system.

Considering Pax’s specialisation in ranged combat, the weapon system will mostly be consistent with guns and cannons for marksmanship and ranged combat.

I was going to add 5 weapons to the card,

Left shoulder-mounted laser cannon

Right shoulder-mounted Gatling machine gun

Twin upper wrist-mounted laser cannons

Twin under wrist hidden laser blades

Hidden fusion chest Gatling cannon

All these 5 weapons would be powered by 5 separate soul power reactors. Slave consciousness was done with the aerial system and then it helped create and install the weapon system.

Sensory system, I used my heat sensors, motion sensor and other high tech sensors to grant the black steel alloy elder giant with vision, hearing and other senses.


Neural system, check!

Power system, check!

Thermal system, check!

Skeletal system, check!

Muscle fibre inner armour, check!

Exo-armour, check!

Aerial system, check!

Weapon system, check!

Sensory system, check!

Thankfully this was a card letting me skip on creating and installing the emergence exit step as if Pax wanted to exit from this could just deactivate the card. Right now inside the origin core, I saw the soul pathways intertwined to form an exact mechanical replica of Pax’s demigod idol attached to the pendant. But I was not done here as this was just tier 3 of what I promised Amy. Still, tier 1 and tier 2 were remaining.

Tier 2 was a human-scale version of exo-armour which was shaped as a replica to tier 3. It had the exact systems, abilities and weapons as the tier 3 but they were all in human-scale version. But it had two extra functions that were cerebral and soul link.

Tier 1 is a derivative of tier 2 where the black steel alloy fuses with the host at nano-level giving the host the scaled-down version of all the abilities of tier 2 and tier 3.

Completing tier 1 and tier 2, I had successfully completed the origin card creation and just when I was about to retrieve both my mental strengths from the grimoire creation page after morphing the origin core into the origin card a white light filled the card lab. Unlike other lights this light was gentle and I did not have to close my eyes in discomfort but all I could see was just holy white light I had no clue what was happening but the white light in the room kept getting brighter and brighter but interestingly enough the brightness did not hurt my eyes instead I felt like being embraced in a gentle warm blanket made of light.

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