
Chapter 1689 Glutton

Chapter 1689 Glutton

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

Listening to Dredre say that she was doing the work of the few pixies all by herself, Wyatt shook his head letting out a sigh. He blamed himself for asking Dredre to build a forest for herself in the void. Since it took a few pixies to build a forest in a regular environment then it would be a lot more tedious to build a forest in the void. 

Considering Dredre\'s love for nature, it was not a surprise that she wanted to build a forest without thinking of the work she would need to put in, to see the matter through. She was like an addict and a child when it came to nature and wildlife, she could not help herself. As the one responsible for her, Wyatt should have known better than to ask her to indulge in it to keep her from missing her tribe. 

Well, in Wyatt\'s defense, he wanted Dredre to create a normal forest for herself since the void world was going to be her home for now to the possible, so it would not be a bad thing for her to give some personal touches so that she can feel at home. But who knew that instead of creating a regular forest she would end up trying to create a miniature flat realm in the seed world? 

Will everything for his good if not for this he would not have known the truth behind the pixies and their pixie dust nor would he be able to find his goal in his pursuit of strength. But now he had to make sure that Dredre did not end up dying because of overworking and exhaustion. 

However, he did not even know what the pixies did for rest and what their normal diet was. Considering their love for nature and wildlife they wouldn\'t be vegan, would they? Jumping the gun, Wyatt took out liquid soul energy from his grimoire and asked, "Dredre, you can drink liquid soul energy right?" 

"Yes," Dredre answered as she took the liquid soul energy from Wyatt and began to drink it. Seeing this Wyatt couldn\'t help but shake his head thinking, \'Yep, she was famished. What was I thinking? I am no longer alone and am responsible for such a cute and innocent soul. I cannot continue with my old ways. I need to take care of her.\'

Wyatt was used to working for days without food because of his gigamite physique and soul energy manipulation. So, never bothered to think that Dredre was not him and if she was hungry and needed to rest. That was until now. As his exclusive book guide, she did not even bother to remind him that she was hungry. 

Maybe the pixies too had a way of replenishing energy like him but seeing Dredre\'s reaction it does not seem to be the case. Besides the soul energy concentration in the seed world was nowhere close to that of the dark realm or the Infinity Library for Dredre to rely on her innate energy replenishment methods. 

Wyatt wondered if Dredre was too shy to remind him. Well, it was not her fault that he was a sloppy and ignorant host. At times, like these Wyatt could not help but miss Susan because if she were present she would have made sure that he and Dredre both were well-fed at the least. Dredre would have loved Susan\'s company. 

Recall Susan, Wyatt scratched the back of his head and then let out a long sigh. He then took out more liquid soul energy and passed it to Dredre asking, "Give me a list of things that you can eat you prefer to eat so that I can make proper arrangements for your daily three-time meals." 

"Three-time meals?" Dredre asked in puzzlement. 

"How many times do you have meals in a day?" Wyatt asked understanding that nights were longer in the dark realm, not to forget the difference in the speed of flow of time. 

"Six times," Dredre replied as she devoured the liquid soul energy. After a few seconds, she asked, "Don\'t you have higher purity liquid soul energy?" 

"No, I will buy some right away along with other stuff you need," Wyatt opened the demon codex page in his grimoire and began to purchase large amounts of high-purity liquid soul energy and the other soul energy ingredients that Dredre narrated as a part of her normal diet. 

After purchasing the necessary food for Dredre, Wyatt suck in a breath of cold air looked at the bill, and then asked Dredre, "How long will this ration last you?" 

"Three days," Dredre replied as she began to devour the higher-purity soul energy items that he just purchased. Listening to Dredre, Wyatt began to worry about his wallet. He finally understood why the Librarian had such sky-high fees to access the Infinity Library. If one pixie was able to make him feel poor again despite his bountiful gains from the VR Universe then what was the Librarian going through raising hundreds of thousands of pixies?

As if feeling Wyatt\'s concern, Dredre suddenly said, "Don\'t worry Wyatt this is temporary, once the forest spirit matures it will be able to produce pure liquid soul energy, you will no longer have to buy food for me." 

"How much liquid soul energy can such a small forest produce? Will it even be enough for you?" Wyatt said looking at her devour liters of high-purity soul energy nonstop. 

"Don\'t worry the dews of liquid soul energy produced by the forest spirit will be more than enough," Dredre assured Wyatt. However, he was having trouble trusting her words seeing her continue to devour the soul energy ingredients. He could not help but wonder how Dredre was able to fit all that in her tiny body. 

"You don\'t know do you, only the soul energy harvested from our forest can satisfy our hunger other soul energy will not satisfy our hunger regardless of the quality and quantity of the soul energy."

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