
Chapter 561: Green-Skinned Garth

Chapter 561: Green-Skinned Garth

The knights quickly devolved into a frenzied state of slaughter.

Despite being on the front lines, Sein maintained the composure expected of a spellcaster.

As he flew toward the battlefield’s center, he deliberately navigated toward the area where Jeremy the Rank One knight was located, steering clear of the most intense conflict at the center.

That area was where creatures of Rank One and above—the elite of the Thunderfall World’s forces—were fighting.

The first to engage with these ranked Garths were the strongest among the enslaved creatures legion, along with a few knights who were extremely confident in their own strength.

Sein was not avoiding that section because he was a coward; he merely preferred to join when things were less intense there.

The Rank Three Sky Knight, who previously rallied thousands, had already reached the heart of the battlefield, fighting a purple-skinned Garth standing on the back of a behemoth.

It wore a crown atop its head and its body was marked with peculiar patterns, indicating its significant status among the other Garths in the Thunderfall World.

As soon as the battle erupted, Yuri materialized at Sein’s side, serving as his loyal guard.

After some deliberation, Sein released another four sea lizards.

These creatures had not attained Rank One yet and, in a war of this scale, they were merely cannon fodder.

Without facing struggles and gaining experience, these hatchlings would never truly grow.

Merely feeding them high-quality flesh would result in nothing more than four overfed pigs, rather than the battle-hardened allies Sein required to lighten his burden.

This was the sea lizards’ first taste of an interplanar war, a melee involving nearly two hundred thousand from both sides—a far greater challenge than the beast hordes they had faced in the Knight Continent’s trial zone.

Despite their initial panic and confusion, the young sea lizards soon adapted to the chaos.

Hidden within their wary glances was a spark of burgeoning excitement.

These children were born amidst the beast hordes in the Knight Continent’s trial zone and had endured their rigorous trials.

Leena had hatched them through rituals and arrays typically involved in synthesizing undead chimeras.

Hence, their battle instincts and readiness to die surpassed that of typical Rank One creatures.

This melee, with its varied ranks of combatants, provided the perfect arena for them to showcase their skills.

The four young sea lizards navigated through the battlefield like a fish in the sea.

Although they were still young, they showed great promise!

Sein, now transformed into a towering flame giant, began decimating the hostile forces before him alongside Yuri and the four sea lizards.

The sheer size of Sein’s verdant flame form and Yuri’s Burning Flame Unit made it clear to others on the battlefield that they were no easy targets.

Their presence drew not only the attention of nearby knights but also incited the ire of many creatures from the Thunderfall World.

With a single wave of his hand, he inflicted substantial damage on the Thunderfall World’s native creatures with his verdant flames.

While these creatures were highly resistant to the electro element, they were vulnerable to pyro the element.

Like a relentless war machine, Sein cut down the weaker lives in his path.

The badge he wore on his chest was a temporary one issued by the Order of the Steel Fist for this interplanar war.

It was equipped with recording, positioning, and voice transmission capabilities, functioning as a sophisticated piece of magic equipment, akin to the Divine Tower of Verdant Spring badge Sein already possessed.

With this badge, the number of the Thunderfall World native creatures Sein killed on this battlefield could be tallied post-battle, ensuring he received a fair reward.

Although disputes over loot were common in interplanar wars, the records of these badges could serve as evidence to resolve such issues.

Armed with the Verdant Flame Heart Rod and other magic equipment, Sein was as formidable as any Rank Two creature on this battlefield.

Perhaps he had already surpassed even a Rank Two Land Knight in terms of kills.

After all, as a mage, Sein could fell multiple opponents at once.

Unlike knights, who were limited to engaging one target at a time with their battle qi, Sein could harness minimal focus to channel the surrounding elemental energies, unleashing powerful magical strikes.

Although the fierce battle had only just commenced, the number of the Thunderfall World creatures Sein had killed or injured was already in the hundreds and swiftly approaching a thousand!

“GARTHHSSSS!” A piercing scream erupted from the left front as Sein cleaved through the ranks of the Thunderfall World creatures.

Finally, a powerful native could not bear to watch any longer.

The creature that now entered Sein’s line of sight was a green-skinned Garth, merely 1.5 meters tall, wielding a black wand.

Thunderfall World’s Garths were not exclusively blue-skinned; those were simply the most numerous.

There were Garths of various other colors, possibly representing a minority within their species.

On this battlefield, many non-blue Garths appeared, generally demonstrating greater strength and higher status than their blue counterparts.

Sein had long coveted such Garths as trophies and was surprised when one presented itself as an opponent.

This was a true Rank Two Garth, unlike the imposter Sein had previously vanquished in the Rocky Range.

The green-skinned Garth before him had also amassed significant conquests on the battlefield.

It would appear that its height did not hinder its ability to overpower stronger adversaries.

Electricity crackled around its hand, gripping a behemoth’s head that had been charred by its electrifying power.

This head once belonged to an elite enslaved creature from the Magus World, likely possessing at least a Rank One life level before meeting its end at the hands of this green-skinned Garth.

In its black eye sockets, there lingered no trace of its final moments.

The battlefield had claimed many such obscure lives.

Gathering the verdant flames on his back into a pair of wings, Sein propelled himself rapidly toward the Rank Two Garth.

Any lesser Thunderfall World creatures that obstructed his path were instantly scorched or burned to death by the sweeping verdant flames.

Sein’s power was unparalleled among ordinary Rank One creatures.

Meanwhile, the defiant Rank Two Garth unleashed a lightning chain from its wand that reduced the nearest Magus World enslaved creatures to charred particles.

It then sprang forward, leaping toward Sein.

The creatures of Thunderfall World were not only adept at manipulating lightning but also formidable in close combat.

This confrontation was shaping up to be a formidable challenge.

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