
Chapter 418 - Impending Arrival

Chapter 418: Impending Arrival

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A neat and crisp arrest operation: as the goal was precise and clear, and Wu Zhixian had no manpower in his arsenal, his ability to resist was basically zero. Therefore, in just half a days’ time, the whole farce was brought to an end. The core personnel of the Capitulationists were completely subjugated, with their freedom constrained. Except for verbal conflicts, there was not much confrontation in the whole course of action, and the number of casualties was zero.

To describe it as a farce was profoundly befitting.

Mu Yunhua was always in control of the big picture. Her jurisdiction was unassailable.

However, she did not dare to do anything about the alien’s agent Wu Zhixian. She only restricted his personal freedom and disallowed him from bringing up nonsense. She was even fearful of disposing of this hidden peril and physically destroying him. After all, he was the alien spokesperson and the leader of the Capitulationists. Putting him out would signify a full-on revolt, thus expelling any possibility of discussion with the aliens. It would mean severing their way out and emitting a signal that they would fight until the end.

Mu Yunhua, who had the entire civilization on her shoulders, had no courage and boldness to do this. Therefore, Wu Zhixian and others merely lost their freedom and would still get to wallow in sumptuous and scrumptious meals every day, as nobody dared to mistreat them.

But the threats and menaces of the aliens were still hovering around.

The aliens who were surveilling everything issued an ultimatum, demanding Wu Zhixian to be released as soon as possible, or else they would do this, do that... Their attitude was tenacious, just like a master protecting their dog.

Each demand was able to inflict a wave of terror, causing the number of people that were inclined towards “surrendering to gradually increase. There were also more and more voices that called for Wu Zhixian’s release and for Mu Yunhua to surrender her authority.

This state of affairs lasted for about three years.

The remnants of humanity spent those three years in ever-growing terror.

The proportion of people who supported the Capitulationists was constantly on the rise, especially after the recent ultimatum issued by the aliens that said, “If in three days, Wu Zhixian is not yet released and Mu Yunhua has not yet surrendered her authority, you will all be annihilated.” The nerves of the people in the Capitulationists’ party, which had been suppressed for ages, finally collapsed. In order to survive, they spontaneously organized themselves, barged into the prison facility, and, after some conflict, they succeeded in freeing Wu Zhixian. At the same time, they issued a petition: “We hope that Mu Yunhua will surrender her authority and allow us to opt for the greatest chance of survival.” The number of signatures reached 80,000... which accounted for about 70% of all human survivors.

In the face of such public opinion, Mu Yunhua knew that, if she remained on that seat and does not get her a*s off of it, riots were the only thing that could ensue. It could only lead to humans killing each other.

Huhuh, surviving humans who are less than 10,000 in number, massacring each other in an internal war, shedding rivers of blood of their own kind before the alien fleet even arrives, solely because of fear.

How cowardly and pathetic was this?

But this was often human nature... everyone wished to survive, even if it meant living in a petty and low state.

Biting her lips, she held down a grief that was painful to contain. Before the final deadline, in order to avoid internal bloodshed, Mu Yunhua reluctantly handed over her authority and chose to give in. She heeded the aliens and allowed Wu Zhixian to take over her position as the supreme leader. Immediately afterward, Mu Yunhua was placed under house arrest and thus lost her freedom. As for her adherents who supported her, some were dismissed, while some were exiled; they were thoroughly purged.

The Capitulationists obtained absolute dominance.

The surviving humans were no longer struggling and resisting. They had chosen the spineless path of slavery.

They froze all unnecessary research/construction projects by the aliens’ arrangements, and only engaged in the work of terraforming Planet Walf, striving to achieve good results before the alien fleet’s arrival.

During this process.

As their most reliable and faithful dog, Wu Zhixian’s communication with the alien fleet became much more frequent. Through these regular interactions, a lot of key information had been obtained.

For example, approximately when would the alien fleet arrive?

What were the number and the size of their interstellar battleships?

They gained a rough idea of some of the most basic information about the aliens.

The mysterious alien force began to become less mysterious.

Anyhow, to such a low-level civilization that posed such a meager threat level as human beings, and a low-IQ, dishonorable bootlicker such as Wu Zhixian, it seemed just fine to reveal some of their non-critical information... After all, the human remnants who had been manacled would never be able to set off any significant waves.


Deep in space.

An interstellar fleet was cruising at high acceleration, a faint blue ignition lugging behind.

The flagship at the very front had the largest hull and was shaped like a flat long fish.

Inside the bridge deck.

A living creature with a blue crystal embedded on the back of its head, skin hardened to horn, a thickset tail, and a vertical pupil the color of a yellow agate was staring into the deep space ahead of him.

He mumbled to himself, “In about ten years, we will arrive at that galaxy.

“My wealth and my territory will soon be in my hands. The great Krrr’ada Clan will use this place as a beginning to launch a magnificent and glorious cause.

“A new colony will arise in the Selain Federation to infuse more vitality into our domain. The power of the Selain Civilization will grow stronger than ever!”

He was very excited, and his expression was overwhelmed with enthusiasm.

However, he then thought of the destination to which they were about to arrive, and the “Haierfareans” who were currently on that planet terraforming the environment.

His advisor standing by his side respectfully suggested, “Lord Krrr’da, although out of fear, those Haierfareans have directly surrendered to us. However, I think that they are not very reliable and are not worthy of our complete trust. Why don’t we decimate them upon our arrival to eliminate all of the potential perils?”

“Kill them all? Wipe out their species?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“But why? They no longer pose any threat to us.”

“Lord Krrr’da, it is intractable for any planet to accommodate two intelligent species. Even a difference in skin color and language is hardly tolerable. This will be a conflict between civilizations. The best way will be to exterminate one of the two, or else dangers will always be out there, lurking in the mist,” his advisor said.

“But they have already surrendered, and I have also promised that I won’t kill them. I... should honor my words.”

“The problem is that they are an intelligent species. They possess considerable potential within. Once our two species mingle together, they will be able to grasp our cutting-edge technology in no time. And besides, we are the destroyers of their home. They are full of hatred toward us. The moment they get a chance to take revenge, their loyalty will be no more, and they will make every effort to break free from our control... They will always remain a hidden threat.”

“Then we shall separate the two species. We could engage them in the low-level work.”

“Even so, with their potential, they will brush up against high-level technology very soon, and figure out its principles... As I said, always a hidden threat.”


Krrr’da was still hesitant. As a Selain, he was great at insidious and vicious conduct, and in using wisdom to crumble his enemies. However, he still had to uphold the most basic integrity. Honesty was the foundation of society and even the world. If integrity did not exist, many principles would collapse.

Krrr’da’s personality was inclined towards integrity.

He felt that, since he had promised the Haierfareans a path of survival, he should make his words count.

“Lord Krrr’da!” His advisor beside him became anxious and warned, “We only brought ten battleships this time, and all of them are sidelined crafts that are outdated. The mechanical system equipped on our vessels is also relatively obsolete. In all honesty, our combat power is nowhere near excessively strong. It is certainly more than enough to deal with those remnants of Haierfa, but once our power level has been exposed and they so happen to belittle us and somehow found a way to defy us—we do not have 100% assurance that we can put them back under control.

“Lord Krrr’da, the safest conduct is to completely eradicate the threat from its source. I beseech you to show them no sympathy, my Lord.”

His advisor’s hard-hitting appeal did not prevail over Krrd’da, but instead gave him a headache, his mind becoming all jumbled up.

Firstly, he couldn’t bear to abandon his character of stressing integrity that easily. Secondly, that leader of the Haierfareans by the name of Wu Zhixian was an extremely excellent bootlicker. Krrd’da was very delighted with his loyal acts and groveling. He even began harboring a good impression of him. He felt that the Haierfareans were not bad and would qualify to become servants to the Krrr’da Clan. Those inferiors might still have some usefulness in them. His advisor, however repeatedly, suggested: “Kill all Haierfareans, and eradicate the hidden threat from its roots.”

At the same time that he was in a tug-of-war with his values, he was having some doubts in his heart that gave him some unwonted thoughts. “Is he really just thinking about eliminating the threat? Isn’t it because I favor Wu Zhixian more, and he wants to compete for my favor so that I pay more attention to him?”

That would be considered abusing public power to retaliate against a personal enemy.

He secretly muttered, “Only the blessed would have the leisure to worry about such a thing. I wonder how hard he will actually work to offer me his most sincere loyalty.”

“Enough. I’ll consider your advice. Restrain yourself from mentioning the same thing every day.”

Krrr’da temporarily shoved this issue behind him.


Time flowed by ever so quickly. Ten years were gone by in a blink of an eye.

After decelerating for several years, the Selain fleet had traversed the Orte Nebula, entering the vicinity of the Walf Galaxy.

Walf, the planet rich in water, was already in sight. Within a maximum of a few months, they could fully embrace this galaxy and occupy this eminently promising domain.

After carefully observing through a high-precision astronomical telescope, the lookout in charge of the watch said, “Except for some ordinary civilian spacecraft, no large interstellar battleships have been detected. They have not prepared any rebellion. The fleet is safe to advance.”

“Twenty years, and they truly didn’t prep for any warfare?”

Krrr’da shook his head, although he was rather pleased on the inside. His intimidation strategy was indeed bewildering, but he was slightly disappointed with the Haierfareans feeble performance. Even the most loyal and obedient servant should at least display some valor, he thought. He, their master, certainly did not like the Haierfareans remarkable cowardly exhibition.

The fleet continued on a straight path, advancing towards the planet Walf.


At that moment.

Inside the conference room on Planet Walf.

The collective leadership headed by Wu Zhixian was experiencing some uneasiness and tension.

“I-in a few months, th...they wi...will be here. T-they will arrive on this planet,” a representative said stutteringly.

“Will they abide by their commitments and allow us to live for all the hard work we’ve done?”

“The environmental transformation on planet Walf is already 67% complete. In about 15 years or so, the air in the planet’s atmosphere will become normally breathable, like a natural planet. In credit to this, they will keep their promise.”

“I agree. We are useful and of value. We are extremely qualified vassals.”

Wu Zhixian, sitting at the very top, listened to these arguments.

For some unknown reason, although he had usually behaved as an active nitwit in the past, he was awfully silent at this particular moment. He did not engage in the discussions and utter some brainwashing statement that advocated loyalty to the Selain civilization.

A representative noticed this anomaly, and asked, “What’s wrong, minister Wu? Haven’t you always been anticipating the arrival of this exact moment? Given how far things have gone, what is there still for you to worry about? I suppose that you’re not your usual self, minister Wu.”

There was a bit of irony in these words.


Wu Zhixian did not take his words seriously. After clearing his throat, he said, “Of course I have nothing to worry about. We will be fine as long as we are ready for the welcome ceremony for our master’s arrival. We will all survive and live a life even better than before! This will absolutely happen! Just put your faith in me, everyone.”

“Really?” A representative at the corner glanced at him. “I hope so.”


At the same moment.

On a planet 14 lightyears away.

An image appeared in front of Chen Jin. He held his chin and looked at it for a while, shaking his head from time to time.

“It seems that we’re a bit too late. Even if I deploy the new first-generation super light speed spacecraft, it will still take more than a year for it to arrive. We will never make it in time.

“And besides, those aliens are exceptionally insidious and sinister. They are accustomed to fraud and use conspiracy to achieve their goals. Their words or promises can not be trusted at all.”

“According to Alice’s and Nuwa’s speculation—under normal circumstances, even if those surviving humans choose to surrender, their chances of suffering a genocide is still above 80% due to both sides having immense hatred towards each other. Their estrangement is too massive for them to establish trust. Even if that Wu Zhixian sucks up to them to the extreme, it will still be impossible for both sides to peacefully blend with one another. It is an “either I die, or you die” situation.”

“So... they’re done for. This is the end for the surviving Haierfareans.”

“But do not worry, citizens of Haierfa, I will avenge you. Those aliens will pay the price they deserve. I guarantee you,” Chen Jin said, clenching his fists.


Three months later.

Walf Galaxy.

The alien fleet consisting of ten interstellar warships arrived at the periphery of the asteroid belt and was about to go across.

But, having a view of the abundance of meteorite resources in the asteroid belt, it would occur to one that the materials on the battleship were becoming scarce and would require supplements.

Krrr’da laid down his orders. “Slow down the fleet. Deploy a group of prospecting spaceships to mine some supplies.”

“Yes, my Lord!”

The speed of the entire fleet decelerated as they penetrated the asteroid belt, replenishing various ore resources.

However, just around ten minutes into the meteorite cluster, myriad yellow dots abruptly emerged on the radar screen. They were approaching the ten alien warships at very high speeds. Since the yellow dots were only a dozen or dozens of kilometers away, the reaction time window was only a few dozen seconds. Some of the dots that were closer were already transforming.

Krrr’da’s eyes widened.




In the meteorite belt, massive beams of light that were beyond number illuminated around the ten alien warships, shimmering a million times brighter than the stars.

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