
Chapter 101: Plushie

Chapter 101: Plushie

“Stop this..... you are not like this.....” A voice sounded across the room, effectively stopping the man from attacking.

The sword stopped, just a hairbreadth away from Tang Li’s forehead.


Tang Li was frozen in place, her survival instincts kicking in. She dared to not move, since her body was telling her so. She just trembled on the floor as she sent pleading looks to the man.

“Tang Li ish good girl....... Pwease don’t hurt me...... pwease...” The man’s look switched from desperate to conflicted as he heard Tang Li’s plea.

But then his face had a hopeful look as he looked towards the middle of the room. He clearly heard someone’s voice right there!

“Ruby..... is that you?” The man dropped his sword at the floor as he ignored Tang Li.


The sword let out a sound, managing to elicit a flinch from Tang Li. The man seemed to have not noticed this as he slowly caressed the head of the creature inside the room.

This creature was around 7 meters long, with black scales across its body. Its wings, fangs and limbs indicate that this was a dragon. However, just like what the rumors say, this dragon was under a strange sickness.

The dragon’s skin was covered in disgustingly pulsating green pustules. Green pus dripped from it, dripping down to the floor. The floor part where the pus hit should have melted already if not for the magical spells placed upon it.

The man seemed to look manic as he desperately waited for the dragon to speak up.

“She is like me.... With divine bea.... loodline... protect her....” The dragon’s words got shorter and shorter after this. “Last time....can speak like...this... if they fail..... please kill me......” The dragon suddenly started spasming in agony as pain ripped across her body.

The man managed to stop his tears as he saw the pitiful condition of his wife. Hearing her request, he swore to himself,

“I swear my love, I shall do what you want! If they fail, I shall make your death painless!” He then straightened his posture as he tried to regain his wits. He gave a kiss on the dragon’s forehead before he went outside the room. He could only clench his teeth as he heard more agonized roars from the dragon.

He also picked up the now behaved Tang Li along the way.

“Bang!” The iron door shut itself when the man and Tang Li left. The restrictions and the spells covered the door again.

Once outside the room, Tang Li felt that her bloodline abilities had returned. She freed herself from the man’s grasp as she was able to fly again. The man paused in his steps as he stared at the now floating Tang Li.

“.......” Tang Li crossed her arms as she pouted to the man. She clearly wanted some explanation on what happened to her abilities.

“Hahahaha!” The man let out a laugh upon seeing the wronged look upon Tang Li’s face. She still looked cute even when she was angry.

“What was inside that room was what you call bloodline suppression.”

“Bwoodwine supwession?” From what Tang Li can instinctively remember from her bloodline, those with Godly Divine Beast Bloodlines can easily suppress those with Divine Beast Bloodlines if they want to. But that dragon earlier only had a Divine Beast Bloodline.

“It’s because of the difference in your cultivation base.” The man who was looking depressed earlier seemed to regain some semblance of happiness as he patiently explained everything at Tang Li.

“My wife was at the Fourth Stage while you seemed to have not even stepped on the Body Refinement Stage. It was only natural that her bloodline will suppress you.” The man then sighed as he continued. “Though if she was healthy, she can control the suppression. But because of her sickness, she cannot control her body at all!” He gnashed his teeth as he blocked some painful memories from his mind.

“Sis Dwagon ish shick? That’s shad....” Tang Li felt miserable upon remembering what she saw earlier.

“But I am shure Sis Fang Yu will help!” The man’s eyes ears perked up as he heard what Tang Li said.

“Fang Yu.. do you mean that ‘Fang Yu’? The disciple of Xiao Ya?”

“Un! Sis ish the best!” Tang Li was also tempted to say that her ‘bweastmilk’ was really good, but she remembered that Fang Yu does not want anyone to know about it.

“Where are they now! Are they heading towards the castle already?”

With her bloodline, Tang Li could detect her Sis quickly approaching the castle.

“Sis ish coming!”


“Ha, ha, ha.” By the time Fang Yu arrived in front of the castle, some of the disciples who ran with her were clearly exhausted. Their bodies must have been suited for magical arts and not on the physical side.

Fang Yu stared at the gloomy castle. She shivered, clearly feeling something sinister was being stored inside the castle.

“Halt! Who goes there!” Fang Yu sighed, knowing that this is the moment where a guard will question them again. But she widened her eyes when she saw that the one approaching them was no small fry.

The practitioner stage of the one approaching them was at the Fourth Stage! Fang Yu could only mutter to herself,

“It’s just guarding the gates, why do they have to make it an overkill?”

“You all must be thinking on why someone as strong as me was guarding here right?” The guard’s expression lightened when he saw the Immortal God Sect Robes that Fang Yu and her companions were wearing.

“I am actually curious about that.” Fang Yu managed to speak up before Ling Tian could do so.

The guard then continued speaking. “With the general unrest of this Kingdom, multiple attacks have been already sent to end the queen’s life. So, I was sent here to prevent that from happening.”

Fang Yu’s eyes scrunched upon hearing this. She did not expect that the condition of this Kingdom had already degraded at this state.

“So, what do you think you should do about the queen?” To Fang Yu’s surprise, Ling Tian asked the guard with such a question.

“What the hell Ling Tian? You still want to sow chaos even here?” Li Min was evidently pissed with what Ling Tian did.

The guard was surprised by Ling Tian’s query. But before he could give a reply, he paused, as he seemed to have received a divine sense message. He smiled as he looked at the Immortal God Sect Disciples.

“The King has heard about your arrival. He invited you all on his waiting hall.” The guard opened the gate as he continued saying, “Someone will guide you there.”

When they entered the castle, they saw another guard meeting up with them. They followed him as he ascended on the stairs. After 10 minutes of walking, they were brought inside an open hall.

There was a long table laid in the middle of the room. Multitudes of food and drinks were lain there. Some maids and butlers were milling around the room. They straightened up as they saw the arrival of the Immortal God Sect Disciples.

The most dignified looking butler in the room bowed elegantly as he said, “Please make yourselves at home here. Feel free to feast upon our delicacies. The King was inside his room, and he stated that he will meet each disciple one by one. So, you can have your fill here while waiting for your turn.”

The disciples then started filling themselves up with the delicious foods and drinks. But before Fang Yu could have her first bite, she heard the butler’s announcement.

“The King wants the presence of Miss Fang Yu! The next one shall be Ling Tian!”

“What the hell!” Fang Yu cursed inside her mind. “I could not even enjoy some food!”

She left the hall as she approached the King’s office. She took a deep breath as she opened the door.

Once inside, she felt something streaking across the air, colliding with her breasts.

“Sis!” Tang Li happily grabbed Fang Yu’s twin peaks as she merrily played with it. Tang Li’s near-death experience had rattled her earlier, and Fang Yu’s soft ‘mountains’ were Tang Li’s stress relievers.


An awkward sounding cough echoed across the room. Tang Li pouted as she stopped playing with Fang Yu’s snow rabbits. Fang Yu on the other hand, was flushed as she tried not to look at the man who saw everything.

“So what Tang Li boasted earlier was true...... you are a good ‘plushie’.”


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