
Chapter 249: Other people’s lives through the window (2)

“I’m sorry to correct you, but that’s Venice in Italy. This is Venice in Los Angeles. It’s another place.”

“Oh, really?”

“But it’s probably better here. Especially when you visit this bakery, you’ll see why this is the best Venice.”

“Man, I’m so nervous as you say it like that.”

Marco looked out the window, laughing like a boy. They didn’t drive long.

Soon, they arrived at the bakery Min-joon referred to. Min-joon got out of the car first and entered the bakery. Then he looked around and headed to Lisa at the counter.

“Where is Ella?”

“Are you looking for Ella, not bread, here?”

“Of course I am here for bread. But I want to see Ella.”

“Sorry, but she already went to the kindergarten. I read an article about Kaya in the newspaper. Something happened to her?”

“Yeah, I know. I want to live quietly, but it’s very hard.”

“But it wasn’t that bad. She braved it out proudly even before the stalker’s threatening behavior. Besides, as her boyfriend, you didn’t forget to behave politely in front of reporters even in such an urgent situation. It seems you must have been very nice to them. All good stories about you.”

“Really?” he looked at the cameraman with a broad smile.

The cameraman lifted his thumb up. At that moment, Lisa turned her eyes at Marco.

Min-joon opened his mouth in a hurry.

“Oh, this is my friend. He is very talented at baking. So, I would like to have him taste your bread.”

“Are you sure that’s your original purpose?” Asked Lisa.

“To be honest, I’m going to ask you to give him a job offer. You said you need a hand right? Marco is really good. I guarantee that.”

And his system window also vouched for his cooking talent.

Marco’s baking level was 7. Min-joon glanced at Marco then he closed and opened his eyes.

‘… Uh?’

[Marco Denver]

Cooking Level: 6

Baking Level: 8

Gastronomic Level: 8

Decoration Level: 7

Marco’s overall level was up. In particular, his baking level was 8 now.

What happened in the meantime? Marco looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“Why are you looking at me like that, Min-joon?”

“Oh, I was thinking about something for a second. But Marco, can I ask you something?”

“Of course. What is it?”

“When you could not come up with your own recipe at the New York bakery, what were you doing?”

“Well, I checked the condition of dough or oven temperature. In fact, I worked like his assistant. Of course, I know that assisting is important…”

“I guess it was different from the contract that you signed. I understand. So, the owner who came up with his own recipe was good at making bread?”

“I can’t say he is poor at making bread. Though he abused my name, customers liked his bread after all.”

“Well, such bread is not good,” Lisa cut in suddenly while they were talking.

Marco looked at Lisa for a moment with an embarrassed expression.

Lisa put a sandwich made of Ciabatta in front of them. It was a sandwich with cheese, avocado cream, lettuce and tomato, and slices of smoked turkey chicken breast.

‘The cooking score is 9!’

It was a simple dish, but was it because the bread itself was good? The score was also very good. Min-joon glanced at Lisa and said, “But we haven’t yet paid or ordered yet.”

“Don’t mention it. That’s on me since you have been so nice to Ella. But don’t come here every day, hahaha,” Lisa said with a slight smile.

With a broad smile, Min-joon bit the Ciabatta sandwich. And at that moment, he put on a happy face. Compared with rice, he could taste the sticky texture of the bread in every grain.

‘Wow, she is making bread so well just like how Jack’s daughter should.’

In fact, Lisa watched her father making bread and learned baking skills from him for more than 30 years. Accordingly, it would be very difficult for Marco to overtake her skills overnight.

Like Min-joon, Marco could feel it more clearly. He opened his eyes wide, and both of his hands that were holding the sandwich trembled since he was overwhelmed.

“Did you make it yourself?”

“Of course I did. Do you think I use any instant bread?”

“Oops! I think I asked you a stupid question.”

Smiling awkwardly, Marco scratched his head. Lisa smiled then glanced at Marco’s hands.

Some people think a baker’s hands might be soft as they touch a soft dough, but that was not true. The dough sometimes hits one’s hand like a whip, and eczema often occurred because a baker often soaked his hands in hot or cold water from time to time.

‘It looks like you worked hard with your hands. I see the swells on your hands didn’t subside yet. And your palms looked hard like a bark.’

Of course, Lisa expected such hands because he was the man Min-joon introduced. She knew Min-joon would not bring a baker who was not competent or tenacious enough.

Although she met Min-joon only a few months ago, Lisa trusted him. He was a great chef and a nice guy. Was it because of that? Lisa already began to have high expectations and trust of Marco just because Min-joon brought him here.

Lisa asked in a calm voice, “Where did you learn how to make bread?”


“I mean making bread. Did you go to any baking school?”

“No, I didn’t. I’ve worked in a restaurant a little, and I made it by myself as a hobby… That’s how I learned it.”

“It must have been hard for you. Making dough is really difficult unless someone teaches you properly.”

Marco lowered his head as if he was embarrassed.

Lisa glanced at the counter and the sandwich in Marco’s hand then stood up.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your meal. Would you like to come into the kitchen when you’re done? I’d love to check your skills.”

“Oh, I’ve come here to eat rather than to look for a job…”

“Thanks, Lisa. Let me send him to the kitchen a little later,” said Min-joon, stopping Marco who was trying to say something.

Lisa headed to the counter, and Marco looked at Min-joon with a sullen expression.

“I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

“Do you think you can make up your mind if you are doing nothing like that?”

“Maybe you’re right.”

“Sometimes you need someone like me to push you hard, right?”

“I know, man. But you are about to throw me, not just push me!”

“Don’t worry, I’m not strong enough to throw you.”

“That’s not what I mean, dude.”

Marco finally burst into laughter at his silly talking.

Min-joon looked back at Kaya and said, “Kaya, why are you so silent? If Marco lands a job here…”

“Let me tell you later. I’m busy now,” Kaya replied, looking into her smartphone.

Min-joon turned his head toward her then sighed.

“Are you reading the readers’ comments about your article again?”

“It’s my first time reading them today?”

“What’s it about this time? Stalker case?”

“The video clip in question was uploaded. It’s already 8 million views. It’s going to hit over 10 million views today.”

“Oh, really? I’m curious too. Show me.”

Marco reached out with his eyes sparkling.

Kaya replied with a calm voice, “Look at your smartphone..”

“Oh, sure,” said Marco.

He then picked up his smartphone with a sullen look. Shortly afterward, his face turned white.

He stuttered, pointing his finger at the screen, “No way! Did you kick his crotch?”

“Well, there is no better spot than that as your best defense against a stalker.”

“No, it’s not self-defense, it’s a murder technique.”

Even when he was talking with a trembling voice, Kaya shrugged it off as if it wasn’t a big deal. Marco sat down a bit away from her and checked the comments.

Yuki Noriyama: The stalker’s life is over. To be precise, I mean his life as a man.

└ Unexpected Troll: Silent prayer to his balls.

Sia Potlan: What the heck?! How come can a woman chef fight so well? It looks like Kaya fights better than the female martial arts champion.

└ Daniel Watson: After all, she has had a tough time in the market. Think about it. Anytime you go to the market, you can see someone fighting, right? Kaya spent her childhood there. I guess she is sick and tired of seeing such fights.

└ Caroline Bottura: @Daniel Watson That’s why she ripped her schoolmate’s chin. What a bad girl!

└ Daniel Watson: @Caroline Bottura Well, wasn’t it both parties’ fault? Was she Tess? I heard she was bullied because she tried to harass Kaya. In the end, she brought trouble to herself. So, I don’t think it’s fair to blame Kaya alone for that.

David Gordon: I guess Min-joon is going to be on a very short leash when he is married to her.

└ Kaya Jo: I agree.

└ David Gordon: @Kaya Jo I like your nickname. lol

└ Kaya Jo: @David Gordon Really? My boyfriend doesn’t like it.

└ David Gordon: @Kaya Jo What’s your boyfriend’s name?

└ Kaya Jo: @David Gordon That’s a secret.

While reading the comments, Marco looked at Kaya for a moment. She was typing something with an incredibly enthusiastic expression.

‘Oh, no way.’

“Marco, how about the bread here?”

“No, I didn’t think about that.”

“What? Hey, listen. What about the bread here?”

“Ah, bread. You asked me about the bread.”

When Min-joon looked at him strangely, Marco laughed awkwardly and rolled his eyes.

Then he looked down at the sandwich in his hand with a nervous expression.

He took another bite. Its chewy texture tasted so fresh that he couldn’t compare it with normal Ciabatta.

‘Great! How did she knead the dough?’

As a matter of fact, Marco felt he was not confident of knowing what to do if he was asked to make this kind of Ciabatta sandwich. That was why he always felt baking was difficult. Everything depended on the dough, but no matter how much he ate bread, it was difficult for him to figure out how the dough was kneaded.

Marco said in a low voice, “It’s great. It’s hard enough for me to catch up with her skill.”

“Don’t you wanna learn here? I think it will be a very good opportunity for you to learn baking skills here.”

“I agree, but…”

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