
Chapter 701 - The Angel

Chapter 701 - The Angel

While Kay was having the heart-to-heart talk with Sayuri, Joseph was going through his own demons as well.

He knew very well when his feelings started growing for the Angel.

Initially, he put it down to him being highly susceptible to such feelings because it was at his most vulnerable time. He was grieving and there was this beautiful Angel that helped heal him.

She was beautiful inside and out.

Who wouldn\'t fall for such a woman?

And therein lie the problem.

*Who* wouldn\'t fall for such a woman?

Who was he?

Just a kid, barely in his teens and crushing badly over such a magnificent person.

He resolutely pushed down those growing feelings and convinced himself that it was just a passing phase. She was the one who had been there for him when he was down, and she was the one that had been so patient with him no matter what he did. Or said.

He remembered clearly during one of his more … weak moments, he had lashed out at her. He cursed at her and to his shame, he had even hit her. It hadn\'t been hard, and he was just lashing out without thinking.

Yet, she just withstood him hitting her while she hugged him.

She didn\'t say a word, she didn\'t scold him but just held him close while saying comforting words.

He still remembered what she said during those times and whenever she hugged him tight.

\'Let my heart speak to your heart, and let your heart heal,\' were her words.

Joseph hit his forehead, willing for those memories to be forgotten. Wishing he could forget them.

But it was a part of him, a part of his soul and each time he remembered them, his heart would constrict.

He missed her.

He missed her so badly.

But he couldn\'t go over to the house and say \'hi\' now, could he? What was the reason for him going? What reason could he give?

He was surrounded by so many people. So many wonderful people but he was still lonely. Some girls were even kind and would try to cheer him up during his melancholy moods. Some were even bold enough to hug him for comfort.

Yet, it wasn\'t the same.

He acknowledged their kindness and acts, and he would smile brightly to them but he wasn\'t truly happy. Each time it happened, he couldn\'t help but compare it to the Angel.

He wished he could be more like his sister, who would shamelessly head over to the Smith Industries HQ just to visit Kyle. She was even recognised by the security there and had special treatment.

He knew he did as well, but he had no desire to go over. She wasn\'t there, after all. He also didn\'t want to bother Kyle since he knew that Kyle was a busy CEO.

Joseph sighed.

He tried advising his sister about going there so often but she merely scoffed at him. He remembered the first time he tried to and had been flabbergasted at her response.

"If he was really busy, I wouldn\'t bother him. I just wait for him in the office until he\'s done then we go out," she said, non-plussed.

"You sound like … like …" Joseph found that he couldn\'t finish the sentence and asked instead, "Aren\'t you afraid people would call him a peadophile?!"

"Oh God, Joey. Seriously?!" Lianne had shouted at him, "First of all, there\'s nothing between us and secondly, even if there was, so what? He\'s only 8 years older than me. Kyle is such a gentleman that he would never do anything inappropriate. We\'ll just wait until we\'re old enough."

Then, she grinned, "He also got rid of those who would spread such malicious rumours. He said that one should never let people talk bad about you and he would always have my back."

Lianne had rolled her eyes at him, "I may be young and a child to most people, but I know myself. It doesn\'t matter what other people think. If I was in love with Kyle, I\'d just work at growing up to be the sort of person that can be by his side. I\'d never deny my feelings but I wouldn\'t be rash either."

She walked off with a wave and the parting words, "Love is love, dear brother. But don\'t worry, there\'s nothing like that between Kyle and me."

Unknown to Joseph, Lianne had already known about his crush on Kay. She didn\'t see anything wrong with it, but she also knew how hesitant her brother was. Or rather, how stupid he was.

Her words were more to get him out of the restricted mindset about it. Lianne didn\'t know if her brother would end up with Kay, but she certainly didn\'t want him to give up without even trying.

People often brush aside young kids being in love as simply being \'puppy love\'. Lianne doesn\'t deny that that is the case most of the time - but not all of the time. There are exceptions and it can work.

She wasn\'t going to dismiss her brother\'s feelings, even if she found him annoying. She felt that Kay was a good fit with him for he needed some sense of stability and maturity in his life.

All the girls around him were just not cutting it.

Joseph was in deep thought after Lianne left.

His sister rarely talked seriously with him, so he listened to what she said seriously as well.

Was it really that simple?

Joseph shook his head.

Perhaps, if his Angel was a normal person.

He looked at the gossip magazine for the umpteenth time.

A picture of Kay, having dinner at a fancy restaurant. This beautiful and perfect woman, bathed in the glow of the lights like the Angel that she is, was just a natural part of such luxurious surroundings.

His fingers touched the picture gingerly.

This is where she belongs.

He could never give her this sort of life.

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