
Chapter 14 In or Out 4.3

"You disgusting pigs let go!" I squirm and kick trying to fight as they try to pin me down. Surrounded by ten men in the dank empty storage warehouse I pray help will come.

"Hold still will you." A man roughly rips my dress sitting on top of me to keep me from kicking. I scream out, my body hurts.

"Shut up!" I'm suddenly looking down a barrel of a gun as it is being pointing in my face from a man standing above my head. I freeze with fear will I die after all maybe Ren didn't even answer, maybe he's still in bed with that woman I never felt so heart broken.

"Ren! You womanizing, bastard, jerk…." I holler out in frustration, I'm here because of him but find my rant is cut off from the sudden sound of giant doors banging open and everyone freezes looking back at who entered.

A man rushes into the building whispering into the old man's ear panting, "Bad news sir Lord Feng is here"

"Oh, with how many men?"

"It appears he's alone." The man's face contemplates turning to look at me smiling.

"Very well stand down for now, he might like the show."

If I heard right, I think he said Lord Feng but I thought this old man was leader of Feng. My face pales. Lord Feng of the underworld is supposed to be ruthless and blood thirsty. As the crowd parts the face that emerges is Ren Hashiro's. His gaze filled with a killing aura lands on me. Then he turns around looking at Mr. Michovali smiling as if he doesn't give a damn. Why is Ren here on his own, didn't he come for me, didn't he call the police? I watch his shoulders as he is quietly talking and smiling to Mr. Michovali. While distracted a man comes up behind me his hands suddenly slipping into my Panties. I cry out struggling. Sound of a gunshot echoes in the warehouse, closing my eyes I wait for the pain afraid it was at me that was shot. However, instead of pain I feel something warm and sticky dripping down my shoulder and crawling across my chest I look down as red liquid is seeping across me. Looking to the side the man that was touching me has a hole in his head. I cry out at the dead corpse laying against me I try to inch away from it. How, my eyes widen when I look around to see Ren not even looking this way has a gun pointed in the direction of the man where I was. Was he pointing it at me and shot this man instead. All the men's eyes are on me and the body except Ren. I didn't even see him pull that gun.

"Lord Feng what are you doing." Mr. Michovali hollers in question to Ren's actions.

Calmly he smirks at Mr. Michovali "the bitch's screams are killing my head if you're going to play please wait till I'm done here." He pulls out a stack of papers.

"This is what I believe we discussed." He holds it out to Michovali.

"Lord Feng, does this mean you will join the clans through marriage," Mr. Michovali was now smiling earnestly he looked as he wanted to jump for joy.

"NO!" Oops covering my mouth I realize I let the surprised words slip through my lips. I watch as Ren turns to face me with that damn smirk of amusement. I want to hit him every time he looks at me like that. Walking toward me the room goes silent. He circles me like a vulture getting so close his hot breath is on my ear and his sweet smell course through me with the stench of blood almost fading in comparison.

"Heh and what would a prostitute like you care what Lord Ren Feng does?" His eyes look so serious. Swallowing hard what do I say. My heart races as I look into his eyes I really did find out more then I bargained for. I now knew what he meant and why he looked that way when he told me to stay away, he wanted to protect me from this. I bite my lower lips as I look at him.

"I don't care what you do Lord Feng or who you marry, but I am your prostitute is it okay to disposes of such high-quality merchandise. Surely your sales will drop and here after you worked so hard to train me," I turn my head pretending to be upset. "You wanted me to make my debut tonight I was working so hard to please you tonight and here on my first night your comrades go and do as they please without your permission or even paying for it." I try to talk as if pouting and I need to make them look like they betrayed him. This should appear to his benefit of keeping me as if he is my boss maybe then he will save me. The Ren I know wouldn't abandoned me like this, but his position might not let him lift a hand to save me is what I'm guessing or he'll appear weak my gut is telling me so and I've watched a lot of mafia movies to know they care more for their money and power over all. I hear a chuckle in my ear and a low tone saying good girl. I want to blush, I was right I was relieved but try not to show it.

"Lord Feng you miss understand, this situation is all a misunderstanding," Mr. Michovali desperately tries to explain face going pale after I accuse them of betraying Ren.

"Oh, how so, do tell" His gun now pointed at Mr. Michovali. "You should know better than anyone what happens to those who betray me. And stealing on top of it everyone pays up right now for touching her and she isn't cheap, if you don't I blow your fucking head off now." Fear consumes me watching his anger grow, he's not kidding I know this is the real Ren. At Mr. Michovali's instructions the men one buy one start dumping money on the table.

"To bad you're short," an evil smirk across his face from ear to ear his eyes elated. He's enjoying this.

"Who to kill first, I'll leave it to you Mr. Michovali." Ren says as he waves the gun around his eyes serious, he wants blood.

"Wait Lord Feng!" The old man showing nothing but fear looking at Ren and begs. Ren squeezing the trigger tighter as sweat drops down the old man's face.

"Did you not agree to my terms," he tilts his head sneering. "If you care so much for them then I will just take your territory as collateral to cover the rest of the expenses. Or I can just settle for your life but I promise it won't be quick. I will blow off every little piece starting with your fingers till I kill you." The man before me is like a demon. The old man cowers like a groveling baby head on the ground and agrees to hand over the Golden Dragon clan territory.

"If you fail to deliver I will run your whole family so far into the ground that you will be completely forgotten not even a tomb stone to mourn at, you will disappear. Darkness surrounds Ren as he speaks. Mr. Michovali nods unable to talk back. How can one man come in and create such fear among many. Fearful of the man before me I was cowering in the corner as I watched. However, seconds later from the deal being struck I'm in his arms being carried like luggage over his shoulder but his grip is gentle. My tears drop down his back biting my lower lip to keep from making a sound.

Gently lowered into Ren's silver Mercedes I sigh with relief. He might be a ruthless Mob boss but he saved me. The car pulls away quickly looking out the window I see two other sports cars following in to darkness.

"Ren, I think we are being followed!" Worried it's those men I mention it however, he just glances over at me before speaking.

"No need for alarm it's Maliki and another bodyguard." I can't help feeling the shock at hearing him announce they are bodyguards. Everything I learned and seen all becomes all too real. I go back to looking out the window.

"When you called did you already know who I…?"

"How could I?" I interrupt his question. "You might act like a jerk and a pervert but that's the last thing I'd have suspected." I blurt out forgetting who I was speaking to. I cover my mouth.

I could feel tears welling up again I had just hoped he wouldn't be so mad to not answer, that he'd get me help.

"I see so rather then you knowing you were just believed in me that much that I'd somehow save you." I nodded I didn't dare speak I didn't want him to get mad at me. "Then tell me why the hell did you leave the building in the first place." His was speaking dangerously low. "Where you planning to just leave after I told you to wait? How on earth can I believe what you say when you didn't even believe in me in that moment?" I can see him getting angry his face hardening as I look at him. "Then to top it off I hear you cursing my name as I approached the warehouse when I came to save you which pissed me off, you left my side even if it was going outside while I was taking care of business. Did you want to piss me off so much?"

"No! I….I just didn't want to hear the gossiping that was being exchanged by the other woman so; I went out for fresh air. I had no intention of leaving, more like after you told me to stay I couldn't I admit openly. I am so sorry, so very sorry." I tighten my fist in my lap. I surprisingly feel his hand patting my head.

"It's ok, besides you were actually of some use with what transpired." His silly smirk appeared as he gave me a sideways glance.

"I don't know why you thought you should suddenly act as if you where my merchandise but because of your quick-thinking I was able to take control of everything from them. Their power, land, and even money from all the resources that came with the land." His evil grin appears in amusement.

"I.. I wasn't trying to really help you. I just, when I looked in your eyes, the way you looked at me I knew everything was true. I then, I knew you wouldn't be able to just scoop me up least that's what I was feeling. The reaper of the underworld looking so weak and worried about a useless girl, it would never happen that's why you came in looking as if you didn't give two shits right? Not to punish me least I hoped when I thought about it I mean you did come. So, the only way would be to appeal to what you value more money and power. I have watched a lot of movies about mafia and came to this conclusion. I thought if that's what I valued then I'd be furious if I was betrayed and stolen from, so I tried hard to work to this appeal hoping you would save me. Please forgive me" I feel like hiding I lay my head on the dashboard. Looking at my feet.

"Why are you apologizing, you where praised weren't you." He suddenly is chuckling, he's actually laughing at me now. All source of anger is gone. "That thinking is incredible during life or death situations. You handled yourself well." The car stops in front of my apartment. I watch him lean his head on the steering wheel looking at me affectionately. My stomach feels like there's butterflies trying to escape when our eyes meet.

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