
Chapter 22 My Lord is My Love 6.3

The following day I was woken early, a change of clothes prepared for me. Ren all dressed in his suit and tie was waiting for me at the front door, Maliki was holding the limo door open as we came out. Ren Gesturing for me to get in first I slide all the way to the other side of the car so Ren would have plenty of room. As he climbed in he closed the distance nonchalantly sliding as close as he could to me. Desperately I try to ignore how close he is. The waft of his scent fills the back seat.

"Do you like me so much that you instantly lean back on me the second we're close?"

Shocked that I subconsciously had lean back on him I sit up leaning over against the door. I glance over noticing this bastard is wearing that wicked grin at me, he's teasing me again. He sat next to me so close on purpose. A sigh of relief however escape my lips.

"Well I'd only be a good shield if I am actually able to cover you, never know when a bullet will come through the window aimed at that big head of yours." I stick out my tongue jokingly brushing off his playful nonsense. Though he doesn't look amused with my remark. Though I can hear Maliki laughing upfront.

"Listen here I don't want you as a shield idiot." He flicks my forehead. "You will learn to shoot you will become so good that you will be able to accurately aim to where you can quickly shoot to disarm or to kill without missing the mark. I will personally be teaching you but that's later. Right now, you are working we are heading to 2 Love Cosmetics we are filming a commercial for their new perfume floral forever. I need to check on how the projects going because there have been reports that there have been complications in filming."

"Do you check on the projects often?" I ask taking out my note book.

"I don't have much time on my hands so, really only when its necessary or when its unusual circumstances like this time."

"Why is this time special?" I ask him confused, his mischievous smile appears.

"It seems that the actress for this shoot demands that if I don't come to the filming she will not proceed with the Shoot. So, to make this go smoothly I am going."

Agh; I shouldn't have asked, I should have known it had to do with another woman.

"Jealous much?" He begins to chuckle. As he looks at me.

"WHAT! No way what the heck are you smoking." I feel myself flushing as he watches me deny it. Damn womanizer I need to keep my guard up. Geez we are working.

"I clear my throat, so does this happen often?" I try to continue with work.

"More then he would like Miss." Maliki jumps in. "He is after all number one for being the sexiest eligible bachelor worth billions of dollars.

I can see Maliki's grin in the front mirror looking at me, makes me annoyed seeing his cheeky smirk like he's proud of Ren's womanizing ways. I glance over at Ren noticing he's been watching me the entire time. Now that I think about it, the first time we met when they were driving me home didn't he say it was annoying to look at me. Remembering that I feel frustrated a little, feeling somewhat awkward not wanting to make eye contact I look out the window, but the conversation stops. Through the reflection, I see him take out a cigarette and lighting it, the smell of smoke mixes with his cologne. The limo parks Maliki opened the door letting Ren and myself out. I follow suit as I follow them in to the building. We are escorted to the recording studio, as we enter Ren is quickly acknowledged by staff and more importantly a horde of squeals from the girls can be heard as they rush over to him. His fake cheeky business smile smeared across his face. I back up and follow Maliki to the back of the studio to just stand back and watch. Minutes later as he is talking to the staff a beautiful woman walks up to him as if she is superior over the others, declaring that he was there to see her so they should just get lost. Then quickly took his arm and pulled him off to her makeup station. I listen to the female staff grumbling as they dispersed.

"Thats Tara Lane she's a rising actress and already has a head too big for her own good." Maliki says gesturing toward the girl with Ren.

"He hates woman like this the most, despite that as Ren Hashiro, he has to put up with it and act accordingly to those he works with." Maliki looks at me as if he is trying not to make me feel self-conscious.

Did I look as if I was jealous or something, I could feel the blood draining from my face with this thought. It is true that there is a difference in how he looks at others for business compared to how he acts around Maliki and me but which is the real one I sometimes wonder.

"Umm I wasn't acting jealous." I whisper to him giving him a small grin from the side. "I was just observing. I know very well that I can't be special to him especially after last night." Suddenly feeling a little down, I take a deep breath and hold it for a second releasing it slowly as to not raise awareness.

"What are you talking about, last night in your room was the real Ren struggling with his own demons. If he can be that way around you when you're alone or the way he acts when it's just you and me with him; then trust me, you are more important than you think. Our world we can't show feelings, emotions get us killed and love is worse than anyone of them because it can be used as a weapon." I look up eyes big with surprised and my gut suddenly feeling as if it had knots. Then suddenly it hit me.

"Wait, when, how did you see what he was like in my room how do you even know he was in my room! I say surprised and loud enough that people turned to us, even Ren. I quickly covered my mouth. They still where not recording but I felt embarrassed for my volume and topic of conversation.

"I did see it, it was cute seeing him react when you threw that pillow at him you're always breaking his cold shell it's pretty amusing and only you can do it, well other than me and Mike."

"No way that's true." I whisper shaking my head instantly

"He just likes his games, I'm just happy that today he acted the same as normal after what he had said yesterday to me. I won't ask for more than that or think too big of myself." I lower my head and whisper embarrassed.

"How about I show you something amusing that will prove it." Maliki's mischievous grin appears as he speaks.

Without waiting for me to even reply he walked in front of me bending down. This feels like when I first met Ren. I feel his lips near my ear whispering lowly smell of clean soap so different from Ren's scent surrounding me.

"Now tell me, is he looking this way and ignoring Miss star?" Realizing what was happening I glance in Ren's direction our eyes meeting. Closing my eyes and looking away, I nod to Maliki's question, he was in fact glaring at us.

Maliki places his hands against the wall trapping me, his face right in front of me, close enough for our foreheads to even touch. Feeling flustered I didn't know what to do as he stared into my eyes.

"You know you actually are pretty cute with your emerald green eyes." His mischievous teasing smile is almost twin to Ren's as he looks at me.

What seemed like several minutes, but was only seconds that passed when a hand grabs the collar of Maliki's suit jerking him back freeing me.

"What the hell do you two think you're doing." Ren looking angry starts to scold us. Unfazed by Ren's anger and annoyance with the situation, Maliki straightens himself back up chuckling under his breath at Ren doing exactly what he expected and steps aside, leaning against the wall crossing his arms smirking at Ren.

"Damn dude, that was an even faster response then I even though you would give. I thought you would at least try to keep from being obvious and interfering until I did something that warrant you stopping me." He is laughing harder as Ren's Eyebrow twitches with more annoyance learning he was being made a fool of by Maliki. Noticing the stares on us Ren turns heel heading for the exit. Maliki and I followed suit closing the studio door behind us. Unable to know what's going to happen I don't dare speak standing in the hall, Ren's back to us. These two friends play around with me as if to amuse themselves. Maliki walks around Ren and stares at his face suddenly laughing harder. There so different when it's just them around.

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