
Chapter 37 Trouble at Feng Manor 10.2

"We were talking business." I try to explain not that I need to explain to Maliki. I feel like a kid who just got caught with my hand in to cookie jar.

"Listen here Maliki you guys work for me so I don\'t give a damn what she wants." Ren seems really annoyed now.

"It\'s true lately since she had come back from that one night away she\'s been acting like she\'s the head lady already with the way she\'s been barking orders, I even witnessed her punishing one of Ren\'s staff for not moving fast enough when she told him to fetch her things. The men have been tense even more then normal while she has been around.

"I understand your feelings sir, but you granted her to have Anna as her bodyguard she wishes to go out shopping and with all the attacks she demands that Anna is to go with her." Maliki never dropping his poker face even for a second relays the message no matter how furious Ren became.

"Tell her…"

"I\'ll go!" I say quickly interrupting Ren from losing his temper. He turns looking at me in disbelief.

"I will prepare the car Maliki says nodding to me and then leaves." Always the professional type.

"Please explain to me what the hell you mean by you will go angel and it better be good." I swear I could feel his lust for blood seeping from every pour as he looked at me.

"This was the job in which I was hired for." I say without hesitation. "Honestly I\'d rather take a bullet for you but…"

"I don\'t want you taking a fucking bullet for anyone you idiot." He was now yelling, he was pissed and i had made him that way. My heart beating so fast I walk closing the gap between us I feel almost like I\'m watching myself wrap my arms around his neck tightly, my lips hot on his. I feel his body tension fade, his hand suddenly wrapping around me. When I release I feel so embarrassed, I haven\'t made the first move before but he also looks as if I had just killed him, now pouting. I can\'t help giggling at this childish expression.

Leaning forward I kiss him good bye on the cheek, "I will come back tonight and I will listen to whatever you wanted to say to me."


I watch her rush out the door I feel like I was bewitched at that second, I couldn\'t even protest; she seemed so sure of herself. My angel had changed, she changed for me, but I still wanted to protect her like an idiot. At least she still gets embarrassed so easily I can have fun with this when she returns.

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