
Chapter 84 Angel to Demon 32.1

"We\'re not getting married Ren, things haven\'t changed, and I don\'t think I can handle it again if you pick me up and drop me again. However, I am your ally I will do anything to prove it to you. Even if it means jumping head first into hell." I whisper focusing out the window. I can still feel his eyes on me giving me his full attention. The air felt as if it changed, I glanced over my shoulder he was standing next to me. A passion and fire in his eyes like warm honey.

"If you\'re my ally then let\'s combine the clans Anna. This is the way of our word. You don\'t want to hear about feeling you don\'t want the ups and downs that is fine by me. This is what you can do to prove your loyalty. I\'ll give you time to think it over." His hand gently brushes a lose strand of my hair out of my face then turns and leaves me in the room alone.

I take a deep sigh. This was one hell of an emotional roller coaster and I can\'t stand much more. I love him and hate him all at the same time. After everything\'s it\'s like he likes I\'ll jump on board what he\'s handing me even if I love him but fact still is he can drop me so easily and he asked me to marry him smelling like some cheap piece of ass. I don\'t know where he was, but I can sure as hell guess what he was doing, and he didn\'t even explain. Unable to sit still I leave the room and head for the secret passage I remember from before. Mike is standing guard.

"Hey little sis!" His smile is as big as can be. "That\'s one hell of a shiner even worse than the one I gave you when we first met. Going to go repay the favor?" He points to the wall behind him.

"Something like that." I say laughing a little. Unlike Ren Mike is encouraging as you pull out a remote and clicks in an access code and the panels open. We step in together, he pushes the down button and thy closes.

"Boss man change your mind yet?" I say nothing just look at my feet. "In his defense to one of your concerns you said in the car he had only tried to sleep with someone because he thought you where marrying someone else and he was trying to kill the pain." I look at him eyes wide, but he wasn\'t meeting mine. "That\'s my fault I told him you where marrying Elder Berstons before you arrived. I thought maybe it light a fire under his ass at first, I thought it was working but it ticked in the back of his mind and made things worse. Guess unlike Maliki I\'m not so great at the match making. Forgive me sis, and please forgive Ren he\'s stubborn but we all know how he feels. When he says he loves you he does mean…" The door swings open before he can finish his sentence and Ren is standing there glaring.

"Why the hell did you bring her here?" Ren Is scolding Mike.

"I ordered him to bring me here if I\'m going to marry you, he has to listen doesn\'t he so stop bitching." I hiss cutting him off from lashing Mike. I swear he practically bites his tongue as he chases after me.

"What did you just say to me little girl?" He shouts behind me I look behind and stick out my tongue.

"I said stop bitching open up your ears geez."

He growls "Not that part." I roll my eyes and wave to a man standing guard in front of a door he opens it for me, and I feel Ren grow more annoyed. "Stop helping her." He shouts. The guard looks startled and confused.

"Ren either come in with me so you can stop worrying about me because I want to hear what he has to say or stop complaining please." I say softening my tone. I watch as his shoulders drop conceding.

"Second you even look close to ill or scared your fucking leaving I don\'t want you exposed to this shit. I wish you\'d understand that. He follows me in the door closing behind us.

The second we walk through the door Maliki looks up. I can\'t hide my wide eyes seeing his hand fistfuls of David\'s hair. David\'s head held just inches above a deep metal bowl of water from Maliki\'s grasp. His face soaked and coughing. Maliki creases his eyebrows together looking at me then to Ren.

"Is he talking yet?" Ren says stepping past me.

"No, my lord, the bastard is tight lipped." Maliki says than forces David\'s face back into the bowl of water. I watch in horror as he struggles in Maliki\'s grasp desperate for air. Seconds later he\'s pulled out again coughing and heaving cursing. I hadn\'t realized the cursing had been at me until Ren had suddenly pushed Maliki out of the way grabbing David\'s hair and slamming it off the table threatening him to watch what he says about me.

"Hahaha, go ahead great Lord Feng no matter what you do you can\'t hurt me." David looks up at me sinisterly. Leave me alone with her though and maybe I\'ll talk.

"How about I finish what I started and slowly slice off what\'s left of your balls and pathetic excuse of a dick." I snarl at him as I walk over slamming my hands on the other side of the table. "Because of you Shion is probably being tortured as well. So maybe you should stop playing games and protect your girlfriend from the pain your causing her." He begins laughing manically his head still pinned to the table. I almost feel my heart sink for her. This man was a cold heartless bastard who just uses people. "I swear to god someone get me a god damn knife I\'m going to cut him up like the piece of shit he is. No one will know who he is." I shout turning and storm over to bang on the door shouting at the guard. Ren chuckles behind.

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