
Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Chapter 08

“Sir, everything is prepared. We are good to go.”

In any normal situation, this kind of report would be made hours before the walls of the city would come into view. Sadly, because of the frantic rush forced by the lack of time, everything was finally finished only right before the party would begin.

“Good. Send the first two companies in.”

Even within the second legion, it was possible to find some veterans. For some, it was a chance to get their lives back on track after a period of anxiety-infused reunion with society. For others who got in contact with lesser known branches of Saulus’ influence, it was a chance to get back at the patriarch for spitting at their patriotic feelings.

And it would be the job of those veterans, who found themselves in the third and fourth companies, to light the spark on the pile of patriotic resentment that Aldo was.

For as long as the local garrison held the city in its iron grip, nothing would happen. That’s why the very first move that Saulus aimed for was completely paralyzing their means of operations. Preferably, without even a single person engaging in combat.

“Everyone! Thanks to the great mercy of our general, tonight we sleep in proper barracks!”

Just a few moments after the young general passed the orders, the word already started spreading through the ranks of the legionaries. Those who knew what was about to happen would prepare themselves for the worst. For heavily armed legionaries like them, urban combat was their greatest nightmare.

Those who were oblivious to the situation that surrounded them simply rejoiced at the prospect of spending the night in a warm shelter. Sleeping without the need to worry about the rain turning the night into a wet mess was something they considered a luxury.

And that was exactly what Saulus hoped to see, especially from the first two companies that were already approaching the gates of the city.

“Let’s go, it’s our turn now.”

Instead of letting his soldiers take care of the obvious trouble that was bound to appear at the gates, Saulus stormed forward. With his entourage following right behind, by the time his small group arrived at the gate, they would be hard-pressed to call their detachment “small” anymore.

“Come on, faster! We don’t have time to slack! They need us in the south posthaste!”

Scolding and hurrying the random soldiers that were unlucky enough to appear in his path, Saulus rode all the way to the very front of the formations. There, the first batch of legionaries were already clashing with the city guards.

“I cannot let you in.”

Seeing how tightly the guard was grasping the handle of his halberd, even an idiot would notice that his current stance was just for show. With just a little push, he would break down and do whatever they wanted…

But that wasn’t something that could happen, yet. Not now, not so early.

“Soldier, what seems to be the problem? Can’t my troops rest in the comfort of the barracks before departing on an arduous journey south? Did someone give that kind of explicit and treasonous order?”

By both declaring anyone who would stand by the idea of keeping his forces at the gates a potential traitor, Saulus gave the young guard a simple reason to stand down right away. Give up his responsibility and let his superiors take the blame. Even if that meant no bonus pay for this month or some scolding, it was still better than standing against someone dressed as impressively as Saulus, wasn’t it?

Perfectly aware of the effect that his fully decorated uniform would have on any young and naive soldier, Saulus simply smiled at the guard, still taking his time in answering.

“Since you have no objection, that means everyone is in. Soldier, please be so kind as to open the gate. If these slackers are to catch up with the rest of the legion, I need to give them at least one good night’s worth of sleep.”

Assuming the role of a worried father to the troops, Saulus looked at his people with a face twisted in faux anxiety. Posing his face like that was a child’s play, something that the general learned even before becoming an officer in the patriarch’s forces.

At first, Saulus thought that it was just a matter of time before someone would appear only to stall him again. Thankfully, the next person that arrived was smart enough to recognize the general’s outfit. Asking no further questions and thereby risking the mood of the general deteriorating, the massive wings of the steel-reinforced gate opened up before Saulus’s legions.


Nothing of importance happened.

The first two companies, over six hundred people, had absolutely no idea what they were signing up for. Just by thinking about the next few necessary steps, Saulus’s heart tightened. Soon, there would be no maneuver, no tactical deployment. In the fights like the one that was coming, it was just a mass of people from one side clashing with another crowd in a brutal and relentless fistfight.

Frankly speaking, it wouldn’t be a huge stretch to claim that Aldo might just be the very first city that would be liberated with knuckles instead of swords and fire.

“Sir, the first company is approaching the barracks…”

The overall split of the military within the Retesia household was what would ultimately doom this damned country. With each lord governing over their own respective force, the legions were the one thing that remained in the patriarch’s hand. It was his only tool to counteract the power of his subjects outside of a small group of veteran mercenaries.

And just like expected, the soldiers that could be found in the barracks of this golden city barely even filled a fourth of what the local garrison could house. After all, the information about the looming war would arrive soon, and why would a local lord bother paying for the troops he didn’t need at the moment? Even then, most of his forces were likely busy policing the area and making sure that the entire province was calm and obedient.

“Good. We will stay here. After all…”

Starting with a low voice to his direct subordinates and ending on a loud note audible to anyone passing by, Saulus smiled when his eyes caught the surprised reactions of the citizens.

“… our poor boys need some rest after an entire day of forced march!”

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