
Chapter 325 - Disappointment To You

"You're eight? We are six and we are taller and bigger than you." One of the kids laughed starting at Elijah.

For the first time, he noticed the other kids and how they looked like with different eyes as if he could see for the first time their height and how big muscled they were compared to him. 

The other kids had the same similar body shape except him. 

His eyes filled with tears, they had a point and he could do nothing besides believe and accept the hard brutal truth.

"Poor John, he must be so disappointed and ashamed to have a kid who is defective." Another vampire added joining in the laughs.

"It's his fault if he married a human." Another one added between the laughs.

Elijah's tears are even harder to repress.

Until he exploded in tears, right before he turned around to run away.

He didn't even speed, it was like his energy worn out as soon as the tears fell out of his eyes. His run lacking speediness made the kids laugh even more at his desperate attempt. 

Elijah reached the wood enough afar from the other vampires and once alone he started sobbing and crying.

What was wrong with him and why did he never notice he was different from the other vampires? 

All his efforts in practice were in vain? 

He put his hands on his head and pulled his hair off in anger as he let out a groan of frustration.

"Why are you crying?" A brittle voice echoed weak and low from afar making Elijah halt.

He turned around and saw the same girl he saw at the orphanage.

"What are you doing here?" Elijah answered her question with another question, then he quickly wiped off his tears, he hated to be seen crying and he didn't expect to find a human staring at him.

"I... I came to look for you." The girl said hinting at a smile but Elijah shook his head. 

"You should get back inside it's dangerous here..." Elijah said gazing at the surroundings.

"what are you? Do you have superpowers?" The kid took a step forward Elijah, her gaze traveled through his body and paused when she noticed his fangs and claws.

she swallowed down, but her eyes didn't reveal the fear, maybe just puzzlement and confusion. 

"I have to g..." Elijah said charging but her voice shouted before he could speed away.

"Wait..." she said, when Elijah turned around he frowned.

she was carrying the dossier he was reading. She leaned it forward him, her thin arms shook for the heavyweight of the dossier which she carried till there. Elijah wondered what she would have done if she didn't find him. 

"I saw you were looking for this so I brought it to you." She said, looking down shyly.

He took it and lifted it with one head easily, he browsed through it until he found the page of Sebastian's name. 

He skimmed through the pages, and when he finally spotted Sebastian's parents' names. He looked down at the girl, "do u have a pen?"

she searched in her pocket and then gave him a marker.

He copied the names on a leaf.

"Thank you," he said.

"Why did you help me?" He then asked closing the dossier.

She shrugged, "I don't know. You seemed very desperate to look for it so I wanted to help you."

She replied then she gazed to the orphanage and then up to the sky, "I should go before the tutor finds out I sneaked out." She whispered, her voice was slightly concerned.

"I can give you a lift back there," Elijah said. She widened her eyes astonished by what she heard, "a lift?" She repeated to make sure she heard it right but he nodded.

"yes." Elijah stretched his hand and when she took it he wrapped his hands around her hips in a shy embrace.

they both blushed and inadvertently looked down until Elijah finally speeded away. In a matter of a few seconds they were in front of the orphanage, Elijah gave her the dossier and she waved to him goodbye before she sneaked back inside walking through the opened window.

Elijah was still confused about what had happened, he didn't expect that girl to help him and even go look for him in the middle of the night. He wondered who she was, if she came from the orphanage maybe she didn't have parents too and she needed help just like Sebastian. 

For a fraction of a second, the thought of saving her from that place occurred to his mind but then it was too complicated to even be thought. He should need a place and he couldn't bring her to Kratez since the other supernatural creatures may smell her human blood and harm her.

He didn't even ask her name, he slapped his forehead at his silly gesture but he wasn't used to talking to girls before. He only had male friends in Kratez since boys and girls trained separately.

He breathed out a sigh, then finally he speeded back to Kratez.

As soon as he got home he immediately reached his father, he looked at him straight in his eyes, and then when they filled with tears while the words of his friends echoed in his mind. 

He couldn't stop thinking of one of them's statements claiming John must be disappointed in him.

"Am I a disappointment for you??" He asked out of nowhere making silence fall in the room and the gazes of the family join on him.

"What are you saying?" John said confused but Elijah shook his head and raised his voice, "am. I. A. Disappointment. for. you??" His gaze looking for an answer as he burst in front of John's puzzled gaze.. John didn't know what to answer and he wondered who told him such a thing and why he would think his son would ever be a disappointment for him.

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