
Chapter 401 - A Vengeful Person

Chapter 401 A Vengeful person

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Leo and everyone continued to tour the entire Sandy Town before they finally stopped at the south gate.

At this moment, in front of them was a group of hundreds or so of people, welcoming them with all smiles and cheers so loudly that the entire territory of Sandy Town could definitely hear it.

"Please," Mayor Jong motioned his hand to invite Leo and everyone to walk in the middle of the crowd.

Seeing this, Leo could only shake his head helplessly before prompting the Red Lizard he\'s riding on to move forward.

Cassandra and the others soon followed after.

Mayor Jong leads the way for everyone as they slowly proceed amidst the cheers of the people to a large manor which was obviously Mayor Jong\'s manor, right in the middle of the Sandy Town.

Along the way, Mayor Jong keeps on encouraging Leo and everyone to wave their hands to the people so as to show how \'friendly\' and \'down to earth\' they were.

They also received a necklace made out of some shiny stones by some beautiful woman of the Sand race. Shook hands with the important officials of the Sandy Town. And many more like stuff.

Simply put, they were making a show to the people of the Sandy Town.

Doing something like this for Leo was really troublesome. No, not only for him but also for everyone else. But they also clearly know that this was necessary in order to establish a close relationship with the people of Sandy Town. So, they choose to go with the flow while they slowly made their way towards Mayor Jong\'s manor.

Soon, they finally arrived at Mayor Jong\'s manor.

Leo and everyone disembarked on their mounts as they slowly made their way towards Mayor Jong\'s manor.

However, it was really out of their expectations that it was actually still not the end yet.

Mayor Jong invited them to walk on a wooden podium to say some words to the people of Sandy Town.

Without any exception, everyone pushed Leo forward as they all then turned around to act like they don\'t know him and that they aren\'t in any way related to this. They even quickly removed the necklace to really make their acting perfect.

"You..." Leo was immediately rendered speechless while watching them. He had never expected that it was actually this troublesome to be with people who don\'t like troublesome things.

It was really ironic how a person who hates troublesome things doesn\'t like people who have similar traits as them.

Actually, Cassandra and the others weren\'t like this in the past. They were obviously infected by Leo\'s dislike of troublesome things as they keep on staying and interacting with him.

Leo really wanted to decline such a troublesome invitation, but seeing how enthusiastic Mayor Jong and the rest of the people in the Sandy Town look, he decided in the end to just go up to the podium and say a few friendly words.

"Everyone, please welcome Prince Leo of the Lionheart Kingdom!" Mayor Jong introduced Leo to his people.




The crowd immediately welcomed Leo along his way to the center of the podium.

"Quite!" Mayor Jong exclaimed to everyone.

Leo nodded his head to Mayor Jong to express his gratefulness before turning to look at the people of Sandy Town.

Observing the people of the Sandy Town, it was very obvious to see that they already know him, certainly because those men that Mayor Jong had quickly sent to the Sandy Town to prepare their welcoming had informed them.

"Majority of you here right now should have long already heard or even knew about the news that the Silver royal family and the Silver Kingdom have lost the war. Now, the new royal family is the Heart royal family, and the territory is now called the Lionheart Kingdom," Leo proudly proclaimed

"The war wasn\'t really that hard," Leo turned to look at Ethan and Edward with a mischievous smile on his face, "Since the Silver royal family was EXTREMELY WEAK!"

The faces of Ethan and Edward immediately began twitching hard after hearing Leo calling their family \'Extremely weak!\'

Leo then turned to look at Elizabeth and Veronica, "Even their so-called Major Noble Household was AN INSULT to their great name!"

Elizabeth and Veronica shoot Leo a hateful look.

Leo then turned to look at Cassandra, Angel, Ash, and Charlotte, "I even made their most beautiful woman as my SLAVES!"

Cassandra, Angel, Ash, and Charlotte can\'t help pointing at Leo while saying, "You...", expressing their disbelief at his words. Though three of them were indeed Leo\'s slaves, but they never used such a term as they knew that the appropriate term to use was Leo\'s woman.

Lastly, Leo turned to look at the rest that he hasn\'t insulted yet, "In the end, with how great and powerful the Mischievous Lion organization was, even those who swore alliance with us became my SLAVES as well."

Elaine, Chief Lago, Sebastian, Dan, Sele, and old man Torre can\'t help themselves rolling their eyes at Leo.

Everyone finally understood that this was Leo\'s way of revenge, as they have pushed him to do something that he hated the most.

In their minds, they can\'t help but label Leo as a "Vengeful man!"

On the other hand, the people of Sandy Town immediately looked at Cassandra and the others as they soon after saw that they have actually removed the necklace they have given them, implying that every word that Leo had said was actually the truth. Since it was like that, they all silently agreed to label them with \'Extremely weak\', \'Insulting\', and \'Slaves\'.

Only Mayor Jong knew the truth about Cassandra and the others\' real identity as he has seen with his own eyes just how close they were with Leo during the tour. But even if he does, would he try to help Cassandra and the others defend their names, knowing that Prince Leo had introduced them in such a way? Of course, he won\'t! This was clearly the part where he should not involve himself.

After he was done with that, Leo then turned to look at the people of the Sandy Town once again as he said, "Anyways, my intention of visiting the Sandy Town today is to give another alliance contract to your great Mayor Jong, inviting the Sandy Town to become allies with the Lionheart Kingdom."

"Unlike the \'Extremely weak\' Silver royal family and those \'Insulting\' Major Noble Households, the Heart royal family has also officially promised the people of the Sandy Town that once we are done rebuilding the Lionheart Kingdom, we would then expand our territory to the Sun Desert and make your territory a part of our great and powerful Lionheart Kingdom!" Leo pointed his fingers to his front as he finished his speech with, "Lastly, I will also help all of you against the Sandstone Mother Spider\'s nest and reclaim again the three rivers you once owned!"


Seemingly like an explosion sounded, the people of Sandy Town immediately erupted into a very loud cheer.

"Long live, Prince Leo!"

"Long live, Lionheart Kingdom!"

"Down with the \'Extremely weak\' Silver royal family!"

"Down with the \'Insulting\' Major Noble Household!"

"Down with those \'Slaves\'!"

Leo retracted his hands before walking down the podium. He then shoots Cassandra and the others a mischievous smile on his face.

"Next time, you shouldn\'t make me speak to the people!" Leo said before passing by them, straight towards Mayor Jong\'s manor. He didn\'t bother waiting for Mayor Jong as he invited himself inside.

Cassandra and the others looked at each other before shaking their heads and following after Leo.

They all know deep inside them that they can\'t blame anyone that they are now being called as \'Extremely weak\', \'Insulting\', and \'Slaves\' since it was them that had caused Leo to do it in the first place. If only they didn\'t push Leo forward and acted like they were not in any way related to him, then there wouldn\'t have been any misunderstanding.

"Next time, let\'s all agree to let Ethan or Edward, or even someone else, instead make a speech on a stage whenever there is indeed any." Cassandra proposed to everyone.

"I agree!" Elizabeth gave a thumbs-up.

"Seconded!" Angel nodded.

"Okay!" Veronica facepalmed.

"Yes!" Ash smile wryly.

"No problem!" Charlotte shook her head helplessly.

"Then, I guess that we are all Leo\'s representative now," Ethan heaves a long sigh.

"That\'s the only thing we could do if we don\'t want our names to be tainted with \'Extremely weak\', \'Insulting\', and \'Slaves\'," Edward explained.

Elaine, Chief Lago, Sebastian, Dan, Sele, and old man Torre expressed their agreement.

Right now, it was only the people of the Sandy Town that call them \'Extremely weak\', \'Insulting\', and \'Slaves\'. But if they keep forcing Leo to do something troublesome like this, then it would certainly be possible that the entire Human race would start calling them in such a way in the future.

Since they now knew that they would be paying a price in forcing Leo to do something really troublesome for him, then whenever such a thing comes up, they should make the others do it instead rather than letting Leo do it.

After finishing with that agreement, Cassandra and the others then followed after Leo.

Mayor Jong also followed behind them after dismissing everyone in front of his manor.

When the door of Mayor Jong\'s manor closed, everyone inside immediately started planning on what to do in order to successfully eliminate the Sandstone Mother Spider\'s nest.

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