
Chapter 424 - 424 The Notorious Butcher Appears!

"You seem to have a very big problem on your hands right now, young man." The cloaked lady known as Gwen Landor said towards the prime orchestrator of this drama.

"This is because of your appearance, Lady Gwen. Not mine." Jake retorted with a smart one.


Alas, it did not work on the lady who was up there in the air with no use of any wings whatsoever. Gwen Landor shrugged before she uttered her reply.

"I have nothing to lose in this world and even if the Lord of Astro banish me from his lands, I highly doubt that he would be capable of barring my entrance for long."

There was an obvious smile on Gwen Landor\'s words.

"While you, however, have much at stake in staying here. I hear that the Final Assessment is coming soon. I wonder how your parents will react once they know of this little affair of yours."

Gwen Landor continued to add salt to the wounds.

\'Bitch!\' Jake Hansen could only curse the cloaked lady in his thoughts. In the end, he decided to act fast before things got out of hand quickly.

"I need your help, Uncle Ivan." Jake whispered in a low voice and his body turned rigid in the next moments.

He was fully expecting something to happen to him and he was not disappointed at all in his calculated guess.

"PAK!" An unseen slap arrived mercilessly on the face of Jake Hansen. Flesh and blood watered the earth and one eyeball rolled at the crowded streets.

It was obvious that there was much traffic caused by this event already. It was only odd to see no panic in the hearts of the people.

The audience just stood there as if they were gripped by some unknown power at the moment.

They could think and scream inside their minds all they wanted but they could never move a finger, much less run away from this circle of power.

It was clear that something very mysterious and powerful was at play here.

"Did i not tell you not to disturb me and my experiments, boy?"

"Or do you want to volunteer and become one of my test subjects?"

"I would love to take my time with you. Dissect you like a frog and study your flesh and blood until there\'s nothing left for me to use."

An extremely unkempt man said after he taught Jake Hansen a hard lesson about proper etiquette.

This man had long dirty black hair and a butcher\'s apron which appeared to be wet with blood and other gory materials.

Below the man\'s feet were jagged lines and symbols that occupied at least 1 mile in all directions.

From the skyline, it was amazing to see a vast forbidden art that took the shape of a perfect circle with this man called Ivan at the center of this impressive formation.

"It was not totally my fault, uncle. If not for..." Jake Hansen tried to shift the blame towards the woman in brown cloak overhead but same as the last, he was met by another heavy hand.

"PAK!" The only remaining eyeball shattered into liquid paste that left our poor Jake Hansen blind in the spot.

Ivan did not even move at all but it was shocking to see a perfect replica of himself, standing over the fallen figure of Jake Hansen.

The replica vanished in the next breath but the damage had already been done towards the real victim in this very eventful Friday afternoon.

"..." It was also at this time when Jake Hansen decided to say no more. There was nothing he could say or do that could assuage the great vehemence that his uncle Ivan personified in full.

Jaken Hansen stood up and his wounds were visibly healing at a slow pace. It would take him a few hours before he could fully regenerate the missing eyeballs on its sockets.

"Well... well... At least I can see some good results in my coming."

"It\'s a pleasure to be in your presence, Lady Gwen."

"Please excuse my troubled family affairs."

Ivan bowed deeply and if he appeared more presentable and cleaner, there was no doubt that he could pass as a perfect gentleman in awe before a beautiful Queen\'s elegance.

Unfortunately for this man Ivan, Gwen Landor could see well behind the veil of this deception.

"To appear weak when you are in a very strong position."

"You even used your infamous Circle of Immortality at first meeting."

"I expected nothing less of the Notorious Butcher, Ivan Hansen." Gwen Landor replied in praise.

"Your reputation precedes you, Lady Gwen. This junior made you laugh while looking at my inferior technique."

Ivan Hansen did not boast but offered the same humble personality as always. It was folly to be careless in front of someone who has lived for many many thousands of years more than him.

There were even rumors that Gwen Landor has already reached the apex of power in this world. A True Immortal in body and soul!

This was the reason why Ivan Hansen has fully deployed the entirety of his might the moment he appeared on the surface of this world.

This was his respect to any eventuality but more than that, this was how highly Ivan regarded Gwen Landor as a terrible adversary.

Based on his calculations alone, there was only a 10 percent chance of him surviving should he clash skills against the Void Paragon of Northstar, Gwen Landor.

"You are a smart one. And smart ones live long in this life." Gwen left with these words and then her form vanished as mysteriously as she appeared.

It did not need telling that she also brought our bored gamer away from the scene. Ivan Hansen paused for a moment before he took a deep breath of relief.

It was not everyday that he could get face to face with someone as famous as Lady Gwen.

"Memory Cancellation." Ivan then murmured in order to alter the memories of the people. The Lord of Astro was quite a unique expert who was fond of weird things.

He did not wish to see the people in this world to witness the magical side of reality.

Thus, Ivan could only erase the people\'s memories about a flying woman in a brown cloak and a fat senior high school student along the ride.

"Don\'t meddle with the Klara Family affairs, boy."

"There will be no next time... because i shall kill you myself should this happen again."

"Your father can sire more bastard children after all. I\'m hoping that they will be not as dumb and witless as you are." These were the last words of Ivan unto the young boy Jake Hansen.

After that, he disappeared alongside the 1 mile wide otherworldly formation at his feet.

"Why the hell are we here?!"

"What happened?!"

"BEEPPPPPPPP!" The cars and people moved once more and it would take a little more time before everything will return to normal once again.

Even the hired goons wondered on sight before they scrambled out of the scene completely. Before long, only two souls were left unmoving.

This was of course none other than the Hansen twins.

"Tell me where I\'m wrong, sister." Jake Hansen said in a low voice. He was already wearing a mask at this time in order to hide his destroyed face from the people around him.

"..." To this, the other Hansen twin has no good answer whatsoever. In the end, she merely stood there and kept her silence.

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