
Chapter 783 - The Four Equipment Series

Chapter 783: The Four Equipment Series

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Ancient King Party-level Dungeons were open to all now, so even if Tyrant Sword King the Fifth completed it, he would not get the first kill prize.

However, the first kill did not seem to matter to Tyrant Sword King the Fifth at all, because all he had been doing lately was attempt the Lostland Instance Dungeon over and over again. If anything, it was his lack of progress that was getting to him — he had yet to get past the second boss.

Along the way, Tyrant Sword King the Fifth had looked to countless people for assistance. He had even invited the Fluttering Snow Continent’s number one main tank, Amber Sword Heart, but even that did not help. He still could not defeat the boss.

The male and female bosses appeared at random, but for him, the female boss appeared more often and the male boss more rarely. Tyrant Sword King the Fifth’s luck was horrendous, and he only encountered the male boss a couple of times. Every other time, he crashed straight into the female boss.

If it was the female boss, even the Fluttering Snow Continent’s number one main tank, Amber Sword Heart, would die with one hit. They did not have the chance to attack at all.

Tyrant Sword King the Fifth had bought every Holy Light Talisman available on auction, and the reward money he offered increased time and again. It was now up to 10 million.

The Cat that Sings had blacklisted Tyrant Sword King the Fifth ages ago, but he persisted and even got his subordinates to contact her instead. That had been going on for a few days now.

“That retard keeps messaging me and asking me to get The Mountain to help him. He even said he’d give me 10 million! The f*ck?! I ain’t that rich, but if there’s one thing I f*cking hate, it’s people using money to f*ck with me.”

Li Yi was intrigued. “Doesn’t The Mountain answer to your beck and call? You can help Tyrant Sword King the Fifth quite easily, so why don’t you take the easy money?”

“What do you know? Money’s nice and all, but it all depends on how you earn it. Take me for example, what do you think of my looks? They ain’t half bad, right? During the last game I played, before I started wearing this mask, countless rich b*stards sought me up and offered me big bucks for a one-night stand. F*ck, what do they take me for? If they wanna find a b*tch in heat, go back and pay their mommas!”

Li Yi was exasperated. “Don’t tell me, do you really think that Tyrant Sword King the Fifth is offering you that money... to buy you for a night?”

The Cat that Sings harrumphed. “Even if that’s not what he meant, I’m still not gonna take his money. He ambushed me once in the past, and that makes him my enemy. Tryna offer me money to help my enemy? Pah, in your dreams!”

An idea occurred to Li Yi. “Don’t overthink it. What’s wrong with some free money?”

They did not announce their first kill of the Strength and Glory Dungeon, taking the Hall of Fame Achievement and the 5 Skill Points on the sly. After that, Li Yi and The Cat that Sings left the dungeon.

Li Yi logged off, and The Cat that Sings obeyed his instructions, contacting Tyrant Sword King the Fifth of her own accord. She asked him to pay up front, and then she went to The Mountain, asking him to join Tyrant Sword King the Fifth’s party.

At first, The Cat that Sings had intended to join the party for fun too, but at The Mountain’s insistence, she was relegated to swearing his head off and leaving in a huff.

The Mountain would rather die than join a party with The Cat that Sings in it...

Tyrant Sword King the Fifth used 10 million to hire The Mountain, and he got lucky at the same time. Within two hours, they had taken down the second boss.

Lostland’s gatekeeper boss was much easier to defeat than its second boss. Tyrant Sword King the Fifth just had to try it twice before he took it down.

After he completed Lostland, Tyrant Sword King the Fifth did not stop there. Instead, he went straight to the first Ancient King Party-level Dungeon, Hellscream.

Unlike with Lostland, Tyrant Sword King the Fifth did not seek out any party members when he attacked Hellscream. He simply went in alone...

Hellscream’s unique features meant that no one would ever be able to solo it, so Tyrant Sword King the Fifth’s actions caught Li Yi’s attention.

Five days passed in an instant, and Tyrant Sword King the Fifth was still stuck at the Hellscream Dungeon.

By then, Li Yi had begun attacking the third Ancient King Party-level Dungeon.

Half a month later, Li Yi successfully completed the third Party-level Dungeon, but Tyrant Sword King the Fifth was still stuck at Hellscream.

In that mere half a month, most of the players had completed the eighteen five-man dungeons, and they were now moving in on City in the Sky and Lostland.

As someone who was living this life for the second time, Li Yi had a huge advantage, but even so, all he had was a little time ahead of the others. If he stopped where he stood instead of pressing forth, even that advantage of his would be devoured without a trace.

Faced with the terrifying army of players, even gods had to tremble at their power!

That was why he had to quicken his pace.

Li Yi had already an inkling as to why Tyrant Sword King the Fifth insisted on staying in Hellscream, but he could not be too sure. After all, in the past life, Tyrant Sword King the Fifth was nowhere near that lucky.

However, many things had changed in this life. Although he did not know how Tyrant Sword King the Fifth’s life would change, Li Yi could be certain about one thing: some things had changed from the previous life to this one.

The King of Pantheon game had many types of peak-level equipment. Aside from the rare god-tiered equipment that only dropped on Mount Pantheon and the Orange Quality Legendary Equipment, there were four other main equipment series.

The first was Dungeon Series Equipment, such as the earliest Fire Equipment Set, the Light Equipment Set, the Dark Equipment Set, and the current mainstream standard, the Emperor’s Equipment Set. All of these were under the Dungeon Equipment Series.

Next was the Quest Series Equipment, widely known as equipment that could only be obtained after a player completed a set of difficult quests for certain NPCs. The Hall of Fame Equipment Set that Li Yi was gunning for fell under this category.

There was also the Ancient Series Equipment. The equipment fragments one could collect from Deathwing, the Ancient Map Dungeon that was currently available, would eventually form an Ancient Equipment Set.

Lastly, there were the Boss Equipment Sets that one obtained from defeating world bosses. The most unique thing about these equipment was that they could be used as soon as they were dropped, no complicated steps involved. The Demon God Equipment that Li Yi was currently using fell under this category.

The four main equipment series each had their own strengths, and to collect a complete set of any of them would be a great boon to any player.

For players who did not have a Territory, it was best to wear a Dungeon Series Equipment Set, because these sets came with a ‘faux Territory’ so that players without Territories could have a taste of what a Territory felt like.

For players who sought power, Boss Equipment Sets were the way to go, because these increased all of their skills and attributes. It was most common for Boss Equipment Sets to provide such holistic attributes.

For players who prioritized survival, Ancient Series Equipment was the best, because these equipment sets usually included a high boost to their endurance and a few formidable damage reduction attributes.

Compared to the other three, however, Quest Equipment was a little harder to place. It was not that these were not strong, it was just that there was nothing particularly special about a Quest Equipment Set’s strengths, unlike the other three series.

Quest Equipment could boost any and all attributes, but the only problem was that compared to other equipment of the same level, all of its attributes would be slightly slower.

There was something that Quest Equipment Sets had that the other three could not emulate, though, and that was that these sets had many parts. While the others had six, Quest Equipment Sets had ten parts. Aside from the tools and items that had to be kept in the Backpack, a Quest Equipment Set would have a piece for every other equipable slot.

In other words, once one put on a Quest Equipment Set, there was no need to wear any other piece of equipment. In fact, the players simply did not have the space for any other piece of equipment.

Since it was troublesome and difficult to get a Quest Equipment Set, not many players were dedicated to collecting them, and even fewer actually got their hands on one.

Most players received the quests for the Quest Equipment Set back when they were clearing the Pinnacle of the Fire Quest Series, but most players had not even gotten their Fire Equipment Set by the time the Light and Darkness Instances were introduced...

“Get a Quest Equipment Set? What good is that? It can’t keep up with the meta.”

Doing the quests for the equipment took too long, and if one wanted to keep up with the rest, they had to press forward with every new update. After all, this time, Li Yi had even resorted to the Nourishment Chamber, all so he could complete his Hall of Fame Equipment Set as soon as possible.


Tyrant Sword King the Fifth stayed in the Hellscream Dungeon alone for over twenty days, but he definitely did not do it to defeat the final boss, Hellhowl. The way Li Yi saw it, chances were high that he was attempting to get the King’s Series Equipment Set.

The King’s Series Equipment Set was only produced in the Ancient King Dungeons, but unlike the Emperor’s Set that had to be pieced together from fragments, the King’s Series Equipment Set could be obtained the same way Li Yi was trying to obtain the Hall of Fame Equipment Set. That meant completing a series of quests to obtain the equipment as the final prize.

Players of any class could obtain the King’s Series Equipment Set, but not everyone could try, because it was extremely difficult to unlock the quest series needed to obtain this equipment. Only a small handful of players were lucky enough to receive the qualification.

Li Yi vaguely remembered reading a forum post during his past life that said a Werewolf Warrior called Tough had grinded in the Hellscream Dungeon for a month and a half, emerging with a King’s Blazefire Equipment Set. That was also how he became champion of that year’s seasonal arena champion.

Tyrant Sword King the Fifth was no fool. He would not leap to his death in the Hellscream Dungeon all by himself for nothing. Even if he was not trying to get the King’s Series Equipment, it had to be for something else.

There had to be a secret behind this!

While Tyrant Sword King the Fifth was camping out in Hellscream, Li Yi continued to attack the Ancient King’s fourth Party-level Dungeon, but he never attempted to defeat the boss. He just stayed at the dungeon entrance, killing monsterlings and leveling up.

The Ancient King’s fourth Party-level Dungeon was called Kannon’s Heart. Its backstory was about the once-prosperous Kannon Empire that had existed before Aragon established the Luo Lan Empire. The dungeon’s gatekeeper boss was the last emperor of the Kannon Empire, the Sword of Kannon, Bahanuq, who had died by Aragon’s hand. Unlike the monsterlings in the previous few Party-level Dungeons, every monsterling in this one was human.

The invasion of the evil influence had revived Bahanuq and his Kannon army of millions. Upon entering the dungeon, players would find that the place was filled with deadly resentment, and they could even hear Bahanuq’s furious howls in the distance.

Unlike the previous three ten-man dungeons, Kannon’s Heart was a 50-man dungeon, so be it the map itself or the dungeon’s difficulty, they were completely different from the previous dungeons.

Li Yi did not come alone. Farming monsterlings alongside him were his friends and the Iron Alliance elites.

Jiaojiao, Qian’er, Little Elf from the Magical Realm, Confused Fox, and even the Ninth Continent’s Windcloud Nine couple... all of them were here.


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