
Chapter 87 - Artem - Rescuing My Captive Mate




Once there was nothing standing in my way I finished closing the distance between me and the door leading to my mate. I pulled on that door so hard that it was ripped from its hinges. With a quick glance around the room I threw the door at a wolf that was running toward Bailey, hitting the vile beast in the side of his head.

After that, I ran up the stairs, taking them two and three at a time as I spun around and around. I was ascending up to that tower I had noticed. I knew that this was where I was going to find my love.

At the top of the stairs I found another door, one that appeared to be locked. I wasn\'t going to let that stop me. I ran the last few steps up the door and rammed into it with my left shoulder.

There was a loud bang that sounded as soon as I hit the large metal door, but still I hear the sound of the hinges breaking. I grabbed the handle of the door and slammed it with my shoulder once more, so that the door wouldn\'t go flying and hit Star by accident.

After the second hit the door fell inward.

I let the large heavy barrier fall to the ground as I was already leaping over it to enter the room. There was my target, my prey. He was leaning over my mate with his lips pressed against her. It was as if he hadn\'t heard me coming through the door or he had ignored it thinking his stupid fucking door would keep me out.

I didn\'t hesitate another fucking second. I ran across the room and grabbed Howard by the back of the head. I yanked him off of Star with such force that his scalp tore. With a swing of my arm I sent the man flying toward the wall at the far side of the room, a place where I happened to notice a white dress and a set of all black clothes.

That was when I took a really good look at what was in front of me. Howard was laying on the floor in a pair of black briefs, they would be considered tighty whities if they were white instead of black. And my Star, my beautiful Star, was laying on the bed with her light black panties and bra from last night fully visible. I could tell that the bra was unhooked but thankfully the cups were still in place.

\'The son of a bitch had had his grubby little paws on her, he had been kissing her, he had been about to have-.\' I couldn\'t bring myself to finish that thought. I needed to stop it or I would lose all control again.

I went to Star then and lifted her into my arms, rehooking her bra as I held her close.

"Star? Sweetheart, are you OK?" She didn\'t move or even look at me. It was like she was lifeless but I could see her breathing and hear her heart beating so clearly. "Come on Star, baby, please talk to me. Look at me. Do something honey, please."

That was when I heard Howard get to his feet while laughing. I turned to look at him while laying my mate back down onto the bed.

"What did you do to her, you son of a bitch?"

"I\'m afraid she won\'t respond to you at all. You see, she is completely mine now." Howard was laughing smugly as he finished getting to his feet and looking at me.

I saw the spot on his forehead, the place where his scalp that had torn when I yanked him off of my Star, was already healing with a faint hissing noise as smoke slowly rose out of it. 

"What the fuck are you talking about." I growled at him. "And what the fuck are you?"

"I am the man that married your mate." He grinned at me. "And I am the great Edmond\'s son."

"Who the fuck is Edmond?"

"You are such a fucking nuissance. Do you not know the name of the warlock who rules this pack?"

"He may have ruled it a long time ago but he doesn\'t now, this is my pack and I will not let Gannon back into it."

"So you do know my father\'s name?" Howard laughed. "That\'s good."

"So what, you\'re a half warlock half wolf?"

"Not exactly. My mother was something much further away from humanity."

"What the hell are you saying?"

At those words Howard bent the top half of his body forward and seemed to be in great pain. His body was shaking and there was sulfurous yellow and black smoke coming off his body.

As I watched I noticed the left side of his body begin to change. It was getting bigger and changing colors. A horn was growing out the left side of his head that curved and curled on the end the longer it got. Long talons and claws began to grow out of his left hand and left foot. His pale skin started to change color, but only on the left side.That part of his body was becoming black with red fur growing in patches on his legs, arm and chest. He looked like a beast.

When he was done changing, a process I was too mortified to move through, he lifted his head to look at me. When I saw his face I saw that the black skin and red fur were there as well. Half a goatee, stupid looking sideburns, and one big bushy red eyebrow and red eyelashes were the only red on the face, but that half of his hair had also turned red. 

The left side of his mouth had changed as well, large pointed teeth that didn\'t fit into his mouth spilled past his lips from his mouth that now looked much wider. His left ear was pointed and there was now a black bone earring dangling from the lobe.

"Can you guess what I am now?" He looked like it was hard for him and a few of his words were slurred. 

"You look like a cliched version of a devil. Well half of one."

"Yoo dare to be condescending to me you assh." Again his words were slurred, it was like every S became SH and other sounds were elongated. "But you are not that far off. I am a demon."

"Great, then I get to tell everyone that I killed a demon, then I will take my mate home with me."

"She will never be yours again. She is my slave now."

"Slave?" That word made my heart speed up and my blood boil. "What do you mean slave?"

"She has a special taliman. One that is unlike the others. You taking her almost ruined it for me, but I was able to reset it. She is now my slave and will only act if I tell her to." Howard the half demon was laughing again now. He thought this was just great apparently. "She would even kill you if I told her to. That is how strong the bond with us really is."

"No, she wouldn\'t do that, she loves me." I screamed those words at him.

"She did not love you, it was all the talisman that made her accept you." He sneered at me then, telling me the one thing I never wanted to hear. My love doesn\'t love me at all.

"Then I will stick by her side until she does love me." I roared at him. "I will kill you, rescue her and stay by her side always."

"You are a fool."


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