
Chapter 65 - A Face Of Dismay

"Are you all in? is there anyone who wants to quit their spot? None?" Tan Shan crossed his arms and looked at them. "Alright, we will begin regrouping the rest of your squads by tomorrow. For now, relax and stay inside the barracks. Or train your weapons for those who don\'t have weapons.

You are a player buy a weapon we are not allowing pistols to be used outside of the walls. This is no longer simulation."

Tan Shan and the fat officer in charge walked out of the classroom. After the two officers left the room the whole place was cold silent.

No one was speaking but someone breaks the silence when he stood in front and looked at Jin. It is the Squad leader from the 8th Squire Squad. Jin never had talked with that guy but then he said while looking at Jin,

"I know you don\'t know me but I will introduce myself I am Yi Bo and I am the Squad leader of the 8th Squire Squad. And also I am a swordsman. And with that being said I just want to tell you Mr. Ru Jin that I too share your view as we are all unprepared that is why we are trying our best to be one of the tops. And that is all I want to say"

After that, the whole class stood up and left the room. Sun Xue and Jin was the only one left inside.

"Hey, woman why aren\'t you leaving this room?" Jin shouted as he was in a far back seat so he needed to shout a bit louder so that Sun Xue can hear what he is saying. And Sun Xue replied as she looked back,

"Why are you yelling geez you could have walked here and told me why am I not leaving. And to answer your questions is that I am waiting for you to leave as well" faced the board again after replying to Jin.

"You know you are one of the stubborn women I personally know" Jin stood up and walked towards the door. And when Sun Xue saw Jin stood up she too also followed. Both of them left the room as they walk down the hallway Sun Xue was following Jin, Jin felt that someone was following him. But he cannot blame Sun Xue because they are both walking in the same direction of the candidate quarters.

But as he was near the entrance of the quarter\'s Jin turns left towards the firing range. And from there he wants to know if Sun Xue will still follow her. And what it turns out he was not being followed. After a few steps, he reached the firing range. Jin looked at the settings at the side and he scrolls down from the options listed. Jin tap the option [Create enemy targets]

Jin whispered "Open Inventory" And a blue window opened in front of him, he saw the ammo and the weapon that was given to him by the bullet throne the FXR-Raven. Jin tap the FXR-raven icon and a blue tab appeared, [Do you wish to equip the FXR-Raven] {Yes] [No] Jin taped the [Yes] and the rifle materialize in front of him.

Jin aimed it at the target and its scope was being adjusted not by the scope adjustment but by the mind. And when Jin thought that he wants to zoom in the scope of the FXR-Raven is also zooming in. But there is still the maximum scope of the FXR-Raven. 

Jin looked at its magazine count [50/70] ``Well that is not bad I can still fire a couple of rounds at practice my rifle shooting at this created enemies in front of me. Jin tap at the settings beside the board that the targets may freely move. And Jin taps the start. And the siren sounded, and the targets began to move sideways up and down and around the range. 

Jin aimed his FXR-Raven and soon enough he slowly put his point finger inside the trigger. The barrel of the FXR-Raven lightens up to blue while flashing orange.

Jin pulled the trigger, and a blaster-like bullet came out from the barrel. The sound of the bullet being fired was like a blaster but it\'s more compact power than being fired from the barrel. 

in a single pull of the trigger the bullets that were being released from the barrel were 6 bullets per click which means he can pierce a hole into a type 2 ghoul and can pierce the flesh of a lone spiked wolf dealing critical damage.

While Jin was practicing his precision and accuracy. There are people who are watching him from behind and they are also marksman but they are not yet part of any squad or they are also not part of the support unit. They are new recruits that are under the marksman class and they want to try out the range. But when they entered the range they saw Jin practicing his weapon.

They were amazed at how cool the flashing light of the weapon that the FXR-Raven emits. And when they saw the scoreboard. Every time that Jin clicked the trigger the score kill count above also increased. "What the heck he was able to kill that many targets in that single click of the trigger?" one of the recruits exclaimed as he was amazed at what he seeing. 

"What the 230 targets out of 240 he only missed 10 targets. What the that is awesome" the recruits are eye-opening to what they have just witnessed. So at first, they were all scared to approach Jin. But one of them Regas gets some confidence after exhaling heavily. To get his composure. He walked towards Jin and saluted and said

"Sir, please help us gain some tips regarding your way of firing your weapon." Jin was not shocked as he already noticed them earlier when they come that is why he missed 10 targets is because they were watching earlier.

"Tips regarding precision and accuracy?" Jin smiled and looked at the recruit that is standing in front of him.

"Well let me tell you this if you practice every day and increase your intelligence stat that could be a big help. To add to that you need to know about what weapon you are using. There are many class types of weapons, such as submachine guns, rifles, and others that are dependable to its owner."

Jin put down his rifle and place it on the table and turned to the recruit. "Are they your friends or colleagues?" Jin asked as he also looked at the 3 more others that were at the back and they are all looked scared because of how Jin was very intimidating when a person sees him for the first time.

"They are my peers from the new batch that is being recruited." The recruit said as he looked at Jin. "Well then that is all the tips that I can give, and the others are basic knowledge such as studying the bullets. You will get to know more when you increase your studies in this facility. So work hard." 

After that, Jin left the firing range and entered the quarters he saw a group of Squad leaders. That is talking at both sides of the hall. Jin walked past it as they were all talking. And when Jin passed by one of the candidates then said, "Not because you are considered the best it doesn\'t mean you can just walk through us like we are nothing. Try saying excuse me alright?"

the squad leader from the 90th looked at Jin with an angry face. He wants to intimidate Jin a bit, But because Jin also bored at that time. He then said while turning around.

"You know you guys have been a pain in the ass. You can\'t even fight a volcanic minion, so if I am disrespecting well then show some skills inside the dome. Will ya?" 

Jin smiled and the squad leader from the 90th got even more pissed so he charged towards and was about to punch Jin in the face. But likely Jin has good reflexes and he was able to dodge the incoming punch and then sling his FXR-raven to the front and smashing its butt on the spinal cord of the 90th squad leader.

The 90th Squad leader dropped to the ground as he did not expect that his punch will be dodge easily. And when Jin did that the other Squad leaders also charge Jin all of them were in a fight stance.

They were all angry and like always Jin aimed his FXR-Raven at them, some of them stopped but there are 2 that proceed on. But Jin doesn\'t wanna click the trigger because if he did both of the Squad leaders will surely be dead. 

So when they were close enough Jin moves forward making a fake charge as he wanted both of them to lunch their punches. And that is what happened Jin was able to excellently perform the fake and both of the Squad leaders lunch their punch, But Jin has already gotten ahead of them. Jin kicked the left leg of the other one which made the trajectory of the punch going towards the other squad leader. 

And with that, the punch that was released by the left squad leader was directed at the Squad leader that was on the right. And both of them dropped to the ground. The other squad leaders that were at the back did not expect that to happen.. As if Jin was so fast that they did not see that he was able to dodge that two punches that were direct at him.

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