
Chapter 311 - Bisecting The Triangle

A little while ago...

On the same night, Kurt called up Wilbur, informed him to convince Jasper's parents and bring them directly to Andrew's house. The matter to be settled as soon as possible. Probably, he might not be able to sleep without ironing out.

He then drove to Andrew's house. At the entrance, Lily welcomed him inside with a warm hug.

''I expected you would visit us more often after you started working from New York,'' Leon said as he descended from the stairs.

''You are well aware that Kurt is the true definition of a workaholic.'' Lily's softly spoke voice entered into their ears.

''Alright, I will listen to your remarks later. First, bring me something to eat.'' 

''I will bring it.''

As Lily went into the kitchen, Leon turned to Kurt. ''What is that you wanted to discuss with us?''

''I will tell you in a while,'' Kurt said and texted Wilbur to know his location. Within a minute, he received a reply from Wilbur stating he is five kilometers away from the destination.

Kurt's serious voice put Leon's heart in alarm. When he received a call from Kurt, he stated it's related to Andrew. Does he want to talk about his son's love interest? Anyway, he will wait until he reveals it. He likes suspense.

Leaving the matter aside, while leisurely having snacks, Kurt was having a casual talk with Leon and Lily when Wilbur arrived with Jasper's parents on the tow.

''Lily,'' Jasper's mom waved her hand as she walked inside along with her husband.

''Oh my! Mabel and Louis!'' Lily smiled, and rushed to hug her friend. ''What a surprise to see you both. We haven't seen each other after Devin's accident.''

''Indeed, Lily,'' Mabel said, a smile on her face. ''I was thinking of meeting you this weekend, and you see, Wilbur brought us here in advance.'' Turning to the four men sitting on the couch, Mabel stated. ''You guys can talk,''

''And we both will make dinner,'' Lily suggested, holding Mabel's hand. ''Let's go, Mabel. We have lots to talk, and gossip_''

''Wait..wait..'' Kurt stopped both the impatient woman causing them to frown. ''We also need your presence, Aunt Lily and Aunt Mabel.''

''Why?'' Mabel questioned. At first, Wilbur was acting suspicious, and now Kurt added for him. What's going on with these two?

''Please.'' Kurt signaled all the four to sit so that he can drop the bombshell at once.

''You are scaring us, Kurt.'' Louis voiced laced with fraught. ''What exactly you want to discuss?''

''It's about Andrew and Jasper,'' Wilbur revealed, looking at the pair of couples, clearly having no idea what's about to sit on their plate.

Lily and Mabel tightly held each other's hands at the mention of their sons. They knew where the issue is heading. Kurt and Wilbur also found out now. Lily and Mabel knew Jasper and Andrew are in a love-hate relationship; infact, they wanted to discuss with their husbands but were scared of the consequences.

''Umm..It's actually..'' Kurt's voice stammered to come up with the right words. He didnot feel any trouble explaining it to his friends, but he was feeling a little anxious with the elders.

''Andrew and Jasper are in love!'' Wilbur took the initiative and dropped the bomb, causing a dread of coldness to pass over Louis and Leon.

''What!'' Louis screamed and hollered at Wilbur.

''W_hat kind of rubbish are you talking, Will? It can't be.'' Leon shook his head, denying Kurt's and Wilbur's false assumptions. ''Just now, Andy called and told he likes someone. He even asked for my help to sort out the complications.''

''And that someone is Jasper,'' Wilbur held to his thought. So, finally, Andrew has taken the initiative in their relationship.

''Wilbur, this is not a childish game.'' Louis chided, his forehead creased with sweat in dread. ''I believe in my conscience. I know Andy and Jasper are not on talking terms, but that doesn't mean they are in a_''

''Will you still believe your conscience after seeing this picture?'' Kurt showed the half-naked pictures of Andrew and Jasper he took a while ago. ''I went to Hillcrest to have a chat with Andrew, and I witnessed this scene. Jasper came out of Andrew's house without a shirt.'' Kurt pressed. Sometimes, people don't believe in words; they believe only in proofs, and he shot their pictures to show the reality.

Leon placed a hand across his chest in shock. He didnot expect this twist. Is that the reason his son kept reciting his love is a little complicated?

While all the four were in engaging thoughts, neither a single word nor concern was heard from the two women. Leon and Louis snapped at their wives. 

''Lily, why aren't you not commenting?'' Leon whispered in a low voice. He feels his spirit flew out of his soul, listening to the bitter truth.

''What is there to comment when we knew it already,'' Lily muttered, tightly gripping her dress.

''What!'' It was Louis's turn to scream. He turned to his wife as he spoke. ''Mabel, do you know it already?'' Louis questioned, to which Mabel answered with a slight nod.

''Why didn't you both tell us?'' Leon roared, slamming his fists on the table. ''How long you have been keeping_''

''Uncle, it's not the time to fight.'' Wilbur interrupted the raging Leon. ''We need to talk with them.''

''I will call them right away.'' Before Leon grabbed his mobile, Kurt stopped him. ''Not now. It's already late. Let's go to HillCrest tomorrow directly.''

Leon and Louis gave a slight nod as they looked at each other, silently communicating with their eyes. It is not how they wanted their relationship would turn out to be. But somewhere, Louis and Leon still keep their hopes open. Until they hear from their sons, they don't want to rely on pictures.

There was only bitterness as everyone left for their homes.


The next day..

In the room full of familiar people, Jasper and Andrew were glaring at each other. If not, they have to maintain their image, both would be at their necks. Suddenly, their parents and friends brought them here for a talk. Both knew it must be related to the incident that happened when they were teenagers. But they are not going to open their mouths if it is related to it.

''How long are you going to keep mum?'' Andrew sighed, yawning. He played video games for the whole night, and when he thought of waking up a little late in the morning, his parents and surprised at the doorstep. To his annoyance, his mortal enemy is sitting next to him, and it irked Andrew.

''What do you want to talk, dad? I am getting late to the office.'' Jasper's frustration was evident in his face.

''Umm..son..the thing is..'' Louis pondered to come up with words, but hell no... How can he ask if his son likes Andrew?

Just then, the doorbell ringed, silencing their thoughts. Kurt got up to open it, and his face looked as if it was hell-shocked as he saw Leena and Reese. He didnot invite these two. Why did they come here? ''You..here?''

''Why are you here?'' Leena questioned and stormed into the room along with Reese. On the other hand, Devin blinked his eyes to confirm it was Leena that just entered. Why did she come here?

While all the eyes were on Leena, Andrew's were on Reese. His eyes shone like night stars. Their eyes met, and Reese bashfully looked away. Andrew's movements didnot go unnoticed by Jasper. He has the gall to sight his sister in front of him. If not for his parents, he would have dealt with him in his way.

''Hi, Leena, Hi, Reese.'' Lily warmly smiled at them. 

''Hi, aunty.'' Reese smiled back at her.

''Why did you come early in the morning, Leena?'' Mabel asked.

''Actually, aunty, I..'' Caught red-handed, Leena didnot know to respond to her question. ''I_I liked the dish Andrew told when we last spoke. I thought of learning the recipe from him before he goes back to work.''

Devin raised an eyebrow at Leena's dense alibi. She might have come here with a purpose, but what is it?

''By the way, why are you all gathered up?'' Leena questioned, looking at Devin, demanding an answer, but he shook his head. He decided to enjoy this show as a spectacular.

''That's what I have been asking them since they dragged me here,'' Jasper added, his voice mocking as she turned to his parents. ''Mom and dad, I am going. I can't stay in a place shit is sitting.'' Jasper got up to walk out. He didnot care if Uncle Leon or Aunt Lily are hearing the curses directing at Andrew because they are used to it by now.

''You sound better with your mouth closed, feces maker,'' Andrew darkly chuckled.

''I would have kicked you down, but I am afraid I would lose my shoe.'' 

''What did you say?'' Andrew rose from his seat and held Jasper's shirt. Without any shame, both started fighting.

''Stop with your childish antics.'' Kurt and Nick tried to free them, but nothing could stop them at the moment.

''You are the first piece of bread, everybody touches you. but nobody wants you.'' Andrew yelled.

''Aunty, you should have swallowed this stupid when he was born.'' Jasper said, looking at Lily.

Lily: '' ''

''Stop with your love drama, Andrew and Jasper,'' Leena screamed at the top of her lungs. She had enough with the two love birds.

Jasper and Andrew suddenly halted their movements. Did they hear correctly?

''You act like cold-blooded enemies in front of everybody.'' Leena continued when she successfully gathered their attention.''But inside the closed door, I know you will be bisecting your triangles."

''I have never witnessed such kind of love-hate relationship. Do you think we are fools not to notice your bedroom rodeos?'' 

Bedroom Rodeos? The news from Leena came as a complete shock to Jasper and Andrew.

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