
Chapter 440 - Noisy Baby

\'You are the key to his locked memories\' The words keep ringing in Leena\'s ears, influencing her unconsciously. Her mind turned by fear like a lost child cluelessly wandering the house.

\'\'The secret of his memories is buried under your tattoo,\'\' Morvena said. \'\'The key is in your hand.\'\'

Why? Leena wanted to ask but very well knew Morvena would turn down her question. Her clueless mind went blank to think about anything at the moment. Rather than questioning Morvena, Leena glanced around the room. 

A glass mirror slowly rose to the ceiling from the bottom of the terrain, revealing her reflection in the mirror. Leena stared at the heart-shaped tattoo on her back. \'\'Aren\'t we in the memories of my past?\'\' Leena suspiciously questioned Morvena before trudging towards the mirror. \'\'This incident never happened in my life.\'\'

\'\'Present has returned to the past. These are the projections of your present in the past. Any idea you feed to subconscious mind, it emerges into a thought. Your mind is constantly thinking of every possible way to open the lock.\'\' Added Morvena as she gazed at Leena and her reflection in the mirror. She is quite good at imagining, Morvena thought.

Leena grazed her fingertips over her tattoo. Her own skin shuddered at the touch. \'You are the key to his memories!\' Morvena\'s words again ringed in her ears, pushing her towards the edge. Her inner self demanded her to find the connection between her tattoo and Devin\'s memories. Taking the plunge, Leena arched the key into the opening of her tattoo. The moment she did so, the glass cracked, shattering into pieces, before pulling her into the secret world.


Countless confessions, numberless fans, nothing brings me happiness except for her smile. She came into my life and then became my life. This is my story, my book that has no edits. There is no agony than bearing an untold story of mine. 

First meeting...

I was cycling on the lawn on my new bike my dad gifted after I perfected walking. But my happiness was short-lived because my mama bear called me. \'\'Devin, come and get ready. We are going to the hospital.\'\'

\'\'I am not coming. I want to play.\'\' I screamed intensely, but no mom will listen to the kid\'s rants. My mother practically dragged me to the hospital, although I threw tantrums at her. 

My dad helped me sit on the chair, my short legs dangling off the ground. I hated these tall chairs. Mom and aunt Sharon went inside the hospital room, abandoning me. Nurses and doctors passing by would either ruffle my hair or pinch my cheeks, calling me adorable. I hate them more than the tall chairs.

I waited in the corridor, accompanying my grandfather and dad. The ear-splitting cries of a baby from the opposite room reverbarated into my ears. The ambulance siren I hear in the movies was a little bearable compared to that baby\'s noisy cry.

I wish I had cotton in handy to plug into my ears. I closed my ears, but the cries still echoed. \'\'What a noisy baby,\'\' I grumbled. With the utmost difficulty, I got off the chair and ran inside the room. Now, the noisy baby cries are more abundant.

Around five people surrounded in a group, consoling the noisy baby, but she wouldn\'t stop her cries. 

\'\'Baby, look at me. I will bring you a toy if you stop crying.\'\'

\'\'Oh, my. Don\'t cry, sweety!\'\'

I tiptoed on my heels to peek, but the baby\'s face was practically invisible, considering my height. My curiosity to see the baby heightened. \'\'Mom,\'\' I called my mother, tugging her dress from behind.

My mom turned around and smiled at me. \'\'Ah! my baby Devin is here.\'\'

I looked past my mom, and my eyes straight away landed on the baby. The noisy baby was wrapped like a cocoon in something blue, but I saw the tiny head. It looks like a kiwi fruit that my mom feeds me every day.

\'\'I am afraid her throat hurts, Eve. She had only stopped her cries once. It was when she slept.\'\'

\'\'Don\'t worry, Heather. It\'s nothing serious. She must be sore from the trauma of birth.\'\'

My curiosity piqued. I walked towards the bed and stood in front of the noisy baby. Her head looks like a kiwi. I want to know if her face looks like a pineapple.

I tugged Aunt Heather\'s hospital gown, and I almost jumped in happiness when she tilted the baby in my direction.

I glanced up and stared at her teary eyes. OMG! She is not a pineapple. She is a hairy monkey I recently saw on the TV. Without my knowledge, my hand went to hold her tiny hand, soft to touch. The noisy baby stared at me, her teary gaze more focused than any toddler could be. Like magic, her siren slowly came to a stop.

\'\'Woah!\'\' My mom ruffled my head. \'\'Look, Heather. My son stopped the cries of your daughter.\'\'

\'\'My son-in-law came to claim her wife.\'\' Aunt Heather playfully said. \'\'Little Devin, will you marry my daughter?\'\'

I didnot know how to answer Aunt Heather\'s question. So, I gazed at the floor sheepishly. Marriage with this hairy monkey? Maybe I need to think tonight.

\'\'Look, Eve! He is ready for marriage.\'\'

\'\'So, when are we holding the wedding?\'\' Like always, my dad started his drama.

Suddenly, I was jolted out of my thoughts when someone held my ear. It was none other than uncle France. 

\'\'Little brat.\'\' I cried in pain when he twisted my ear. \'\'You have not even completed three years, ready for a marriage, and even blushing?\'\'

\'\'Francis!\'\' My mom yelled and pulled me into her embrace. \'\'Do you have to be harsh on my kid? We are just making fun.\'\'

\'\'Fun? But I don\'t trust your son.\'\'

While they argued with each other, I seized the chance and ran to the noisy baby. She seems to be happy around me. Although she is ugly, I like her.

\'\'Is she cute,Devin?\'\' Aunt Heather asked me. \'\'Does she look like me?\'\'

\'\'She looks like a hairy monkey,\'\' I admitted innocently.

And everybody in the room burst out laughing, except for one.. Uncle France wore a predatory expression on his face as he stared at me. Why is he angry? Is he upset that I did not call her kiwi head?

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