
Chapter 48 Otome love system means...

Chapter 48 Otome love system means...

Lexi squinted her eyes as she anticipates Churu\'s explanation. Churu, on the other hand, only stared back at her as her eyelids blinked numerous times. She responded,

"Didn\'t I told you, I\'m following them, chu?" Churu tilted her head sideways. She recalled that she left most hints earlier of what attracts her and the purpose of her disappearance. Hence, Churu was quite confused by her question.

"Yes, I know that but why did you seem excited with the thought of chaos and how did you know it will happen? Also are you sure that they weren\'t bad people?" Lexi briefly spouted series of questions. She can\'t put her worries into words as her safety might be in danger in the future. Thus, she was inclined to confirm if she and Ethan should be at ease or not.

"Hmm, because I\'m a fairy and I have a keen smell of dangerous people, chu~! But don\'t worry, those men who captured you and Mr. Initial task don\'t harm people without any reason -- even though it\'s still wrong, chu~!" Churu as usual with her high pitch and energized voice explained in one go. Alas, every word that came out from her mouth perceived to have a double meaning which didn\'t go unnoticed by Lexi.

"Fairy? Aren\'t you a \'fairy guide mother\' when we first met? Then, why is the guide of this system has such an odd interest?" Lexi probed further. She hadn\'t realized it yet but Lexi only knows little information regarding the system and Churu. Though she wasn\'t interested at all and only planned to turn her attention to it after she settled her family business.

Alas, after everything that occurred, Lexi\'s curiosity was piqued due to Churu\'s ambiguous behavior and unorthodox engrossment.

"Initially, Fairies were fallen angels, chu~! And I happened to land before the gates of hell after I was cast out of heaven, chu! So, my occupation before this is a death fairy who transport souls to the land of suffering, chu~!" Churu didn\'t hold back since Lexi finally took interest in her kind which will entangle her to listen to the stubborn system.

Lexi just heedlessly stared at Churu as she listened to her unbelievable statement. She was gravitating whether to believe her or not but knowing the little adorable dumpling, she never lied to her.

"Fallen angel… death fairy?"

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"Yes, chu! But don\'t be afraid I\'m not as rotten as those who landed inside the gates of hell, chu~!" Churu meekly smiled seeing that Lexi was unmoving as she repeated Churu\'s words in a low tune. In her perspective, Lexi might distant herself or won\'t treat her just like before since she can\'t feel Lexi\'s emotion at the moment. Alas, Lexi doesn\'t have that thought in mind.

"Are you sure?" After some time, Lexi asked earnestly which baffled Churu.


"Are death fairies looked like dumplings? Shouldn\'t they looked horrendous and evil?" Indeed, Lexi couldn\'t imagine hell having dumplings as the torturer. Glancing slightly above, a sudden reenactment of Churu laughing evilly with a whip in her hand. However, the thought immediately vanished as if it didn\'t appear in the first place.

"No, chu~ I\'m the only one." Churu frowned recalling the beautiful fairies and \'good-looking full-grown demons feeling a little insecure.

"Ughh, then… what kind of atmospheric pressure that made you change your job?" Lexi inquired. In her mind, it was quite odd that the world Churu came from doesn\'t seem any difference on how this world of hers works -- its just that, they have different entities and races.

"It\'s not my own decision, chu~! It\'s just the final gamble of my life, chu!" Churu who\'s back on her usual happy-go-lucky self briefly explained.


"Yes, chu! Whether you complete all its tasks or failed, that\'s where we know our end chu," Churu soaked half of her body on the bubble aromatic bath with a satisfied smile on her face.

"You mean we\'ll both die?"

"Yes and no, chu! I cannot clarify as of yet because of the restrictions on your level."

Lexi slowly nodded in understanding. "I\'ll get my answers if I accomplish a task, correct?"

"Correct, chu~!" Churu showed a thumbs-up upon hearing Lexi\'s last remarks. Finally, Lexi began reconsidering the almost forgotten system that she was ignoring from the beginning.

"What\'s the name of the system? Otome love system?"

"Yes, chu~!" Churu\'s eyes shone brighter than the day as Lexi inquired further. Hence, she answered the very instant Lexi\'s question came out from her mouth.

"Otome? Like the otome games?"

Churu: "Ha?"

"What I mean is Ethan isn\'t the only man the system will ask me to seduce, no?" Lexi looked at Churu as she anticipates the answer she hoped she\'d not hear. After all, her initial task was hard enough for her to stomach; what more if there are other targets?

Churu\'s forehead creased as she looked at Lexi as if she heard the dumbest joke in her life. It took the little dumpling to answer as she tried to analyze the games that Lexi spoke off.

"Woah, humans are really creative, chu~! But, the otome love system within you means an innocent maiden\'s love system, chu~! I won\'t root for Mr. Initial task if he\'s not your Mr. right, chu~" Churu explicate alas, every word in her last sentence came out as a \'chu\' sentence -- indicating that she was restricted to reveal it to Lexi.

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