
Chapter 426


"So it is." Joey nodded in agreement. "Anyway, I have a job, and I don\'t worry about myself. Hey, who let me have such a good backstage as my husband? "

"You know what I have now? Who didn\'t like my good backstage? Do you still dislike me as a backstage? "

"It was the beginning. I disliked you because you did something wrong first."

Lu Jingyun opened his mouth and bit her finger Now you know there\'s backstage, right? Or you\'ll lose your job again. "

"Who said that? I\'m not the same as Xiao Xue. You also said that I\'m easy to satisfy. I can\'t find a good job. I can\'t find it in general. There\'s no problem feeding yourself. Moreover, I am flexible. You see my life is so good now, I\'m getting used to it. Now even if let me back to the original Jiangcheng small life, I can still live very well. What do you say? "

"Yes, yibabe is the most flexible."

Joey is right. It\'s hard to go from extravagance to frugality. I\'m afraid no woman can be as satisfied as Joey.

"In the future, we will let our children do the same. At that time, give them hard training and make sure they become good children. "

"Good, Yi Ying Ming." The son can. The daughter can talk about it.

"Our house in Jiangcheng can be a good example for children to experience. Then it will be our love Memorial. "

"Good." I listen to my wife.

Joey suddenly sighed with deep emotion. Zhengse said to Lu Jingyun,

"happiness can be enjoyed, and difficulties can be taken. I\'m so wise. How many good things did you say in your last life that you got me such a good wife?"

Joey lifted her chin and said with a smile.

"Yiyiweiwu, I must have accumulated a lot of good fortune for my life."

"Absolutely. I\'m so happy for you. You\'re lucky Joey patted Lu Jingyun on the back of his hand and said with a smile.


He\'s just lucky, there\'s no doubt about it.

After all, Joey couldn\'t help laughing and fell in Lu Jingyun\'s arms. He was so serious about his words, which made Joey feel a little embarrassed.

Lu Jingyun caresses Joey\'s hair and smiles fondly. He wants his baby Yi to be happy forever.


Joey didn\'t expect to see Sister Zhang after a long time. Obviously, now she did not seem to be happy, some haggard face, let her look more old.

Joey looks at Lu Jingyun, but he just pats Joey on the back of his hand.

To think of it, Lu Jingyun is to listen to her plea and let Sister Zhang go. However, it is not easy for her to leave Lu\'s Sister Zhang.


Sister Zhang walked into the ward, her expression was very cramped, her eyes full of guilt. She held the bag hand and held the bag tightly. With an embarrassed but seemingly squeezed smile, she walked around Joey\'s bed.

He opened his mouth and called Joey\'s name, only in a low voice.

"Sister Zhang, you are here. Sit down. "

Joey didn\'t have much dissatisfaction and hatred for her. After all, she might be more dangerous without Sister Zhang. Sister Zhang is not bad enough, not to mention she is forced to helpless.

"No, no more."

Sister Zhang waved her hand, and then seemed to feel at a loss. Her fingers lifted the bangs in front of her forehead. Her eyes slightly penetrated through her hair to see Lu Jingyun, and her body became more and more stiff.

Joey can see that Sister Zhang is really afraid of Lu Jingyun.

"Husband, you go out for a walk first."

Lu Jingyun is here. Sister Zhang and Joey don\'t have to talk.

Lu Jingyun frowned and disagreed with joy\'s request.

"Come on, you\'re all thin out here." Joey rebukes people, but Lu Jingyun is helpless. He pinches Joey\'s palm and gets up.

"I\'ll go down the corridor."

"Whatever you want."

Joey looked at Lu Jingyun after he left, and then gave a slight smile, "Sister Zhang, please sit down. To be so reserved. "

Zhang was embarrassed to sit by the bed, looking at the arm hanging, the forehead injury just right, the face is not that day coma when pale, face with some pale pink hair, look very good.

"I didn\'t expect that you were..."

Sister Zhang\'s tone is a little exclamation, as if there are other things.

But Joey didn\'t think about it. He just laughed.

Sister Zhang sighed slightly, changed her tone, and said, "I\'m here today to apologize to you. I know I made enough mistakes to put me in jail. But now I\'m just fired. It\'s your kindness that let me go. "

She has self-knowledge, today\'s down and out follow-up prison compared, is already the best result.

"I\'m really sorry, Joey. I\'m sorry for you. I\'m guilty."

This time, Zhang Shufang took the deepest confession. She had never done such harm, but now she has tasted it. It\'s not the punishment from the outside world, but the pressure in my heart. I almost want to suffocate myself.She was ready to go to jail, but when she was released and came home in a muddle, she found that she owed Joey an apology and a thank-you.

She knew she had no face to see Joey, but she couldn\'t let her muddle along like this. Even if it\'s hard to be ashamed, even if it\'s disgusted, she has to face Joey and face her own mistakes.

So she came with a heavy sense of guilt. She doesn\'t ask Joey to forgive herself. She just hopes she can have a chance to say her confession to Joey.

Zhang Shufang\'s apology, Joey did not immediately respond, silent for a moment, looking at the pain on her face, shook his head.

"Sister Zhang, it\'s all over."

Joey held Sister Zhang\'s hand. As soon as he finished, the back of his hand was burned by hot tears.

Sister Zhang quickly wiped away her tears and turned her face away. She did not dare to look at Joey.

Joey didn\'t know what to say. She would not have comforted people. Besides, this elder sister came to apologize, and she couldn\'t say anything comforting.

After a while, Sister Zhang calmed down her mood, and then she looked at Joey sheepishly.

"Joey, I\'ve been holding a big stone in my heart since I contacted Miss Lu. I know that what she did was wrong, but at that time, it was when my daughter was ill and my husband was in danger of being dismissed. I had no choice but to live on my own. So, I accepted Miss Lu\'s money and her help. My husband not only didn\'t resign, but also got promoted. I was very grateful to Miss Lu at that time for watching the family get better and my daughter can survive healthily after the operation. "

Speaking of this, Sister Zhang seems to think of those difficult past, her face a bit bleak.

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