
Chapter 828 - Three Tactics

Chapter 828: Three Tactics

After he had distributed everything, Feng Qingyang and Yin Mei then looked for a room to live in.

Both of them had just gotten plenty of herbs and they could be used to improve their physique, Combat Rating, and Inner Chi rating. They could spend the time to increase their powers.

As for Jiang Feng and the others, they were waiting in front of the Tianji Gateway, waiting for the competition to start.

The contestants in the top ten matches were not determined by random and were no longer through elimination. Instead, the format had switched to a round-robin format. Which meant that they had to fight with all the Squadrons. They would fight three times each day, for three days.

After three days, they would look at who won the most. The two squadrons that won the most could then enter the Finals and fight for the championship.

“The ones we encounter from now on will be all elites. Seeing that we still have some time before the competition begins, I have arranged three tactics. Everyone should get familiarized with them.”

He had thought a lot about fighting in a team after the previous matches.

When they were fighting, many Squadrons were only using basic tactics which were quite conservative.

This meant that the DPS would go against DPS, the tank would go against the tank, crowd-controller against crowd-controller while the assassins would go after the supports. Meanwhile, the supports would take care of the DPS.

That was the most basic of tactics. They would look at which member was much more powerful. Those who were much more powerful could win after gaining some advantage.

It was quite a safe tactic, but it wasted a lot of time.

Just like when they were fighting with the Xiuluo Squadron earlier. They were at a standstill for almost an hour. In the end, they only managed to win thanks to him using the Dragon’s Offering to quickly recover his Inner Chi.

When facing the other nine Squadrons in the top ten, Jiang Feng’s newly formed squadron did not have enough experience in terms of cooperation with others or fighting as a team. This was before the fact that their power was in Earth Realm, and only he had formed an Earth Soul. Once their Realms had been suppressed, he could not even use his most powerful skill, the Earth Soul.

If that was the case, no matter which Squadron they would face, they would be at a disadvantage. It would be quite difficult to win unless there was a suitable tactic for them.

A good tactic. An unexpected tactic. That would allow them to gain some advantages and obtain victory.

Support would fight against the tank, the assassin would fight against the crowd-controller, the tank against the assassin, the crowd-controller against the DPS, and the DPS against the support.

Jiang Feng had set up such a tactic.

“Seriously, Captain? You want me to fight against the tanks? They would easily take me out, won’t they?” Huang Xiaoyu said in surprise as he looked at the second tactic that Jiang Feng had drawn out on the paper.

“The captain’s quite smart. This is a good tactic,” Wanke said after giving it a glance. He admired Jiang Feng’s tactic.

“What do you mean?” Sus looked at Wanke in confusion.

Jiang Feng did not say anything as Wanke explained, “Xiaoyu is a support and he can’t deal any damage, similarly a tank doesn’t have much damage as well. They won’t be able to kill each other within a short period of time. Not to mention that Xiaoyu had the sh... the Speed-Reduction Array Pallette. Tanks are normally quite slow, and they would become even slower once they have been affected by the Array Palettes. Xiaoyu can then slowly chip their health away.”

“Kalosi’s speed is quite fast. With the Wind Elemental Secret Treasure, her speed would become even faster. It might be quite difficult for the crowd-controller to affect her. Meanwhile, if Kalosi manages to get close to the crowd-controller, she could immediately kill them if there are any windows of opportunities!”

“As for me, while I’m a tank, I can fulfill any role. You have seen me in the Tianji Tournament. Your speed is meaningless against me. I can easily take out the opponent’s assassin!”

“As for Sus dealing with the DPS, that’s an even easier prospect. Sus himself is also a DPS, so he can take on both roles. As long as he has enough mastery on how to be a crowd-controller, he can easily kill off his opponents.”

“As for our captain going out on the enemy supports, with our captain’s personality and power, he is already as good as dead!”


“Wanke’s right. That’s what I was thinking when I set up these tactics. But there’s one thing I want to remind you. It’s fine if you’re running out of health, but you must protect yourself. We only have a 20% chance of winning a battle as soon as any of us is out of the match. That’s why you must survive so that we can win the competition!” Wanke’s explanation was perfect, but Jiang Feng still wanted to remind them about one thing.

In a 5 versus 5 battle, as soon as one side had lost one member, it would be quite difficult to win.

Jiang Feng was fine with Sus, Kalosi, and Wanke, but not with Huang Xiaoyu.

It was too late to train Huang Xiaoyu, but he did not say much to him since he also had a few techniques that he had saved up.

They would not receive any support if they were to use the second tactic. His healing skills would be important if they decide to use this tactic.

That was also why he had not used them earlier as he did not want to show all his powers.

“Captain, what’s the third tactic?” Huang Xiaoyu asked.

“The third tactic is quite extreme, but it’s only used when the previous two tactics cannot be used. It’s called ‘3 Seconds to Victory,’” Jiang Feng said to the four of them as they gave them a hand sign.

“What do you mean?” Sus and the others looked confused.

“What I mean is that once we use this tactic, we only have 3 seconds. If we cannot kill anyone in 3 seconds, we’ll most likely lose,” Jiang Feng said and explained the tactic.

The tactic was indeed quite extreme. All five of them would attack one of the members of the opposing Squadron.

Of course, they would not do that as soon as it starts. Even if they did, the opposing team would not give them that chance. This tactic was to be used in conjunction with the other tactics, making sure to kill one of them before they could react.

For example, when they were using the basic tactics and both sides were fighting individually, Jiang Feng and the others would suddenly attack one single person at a critical moment. Then, that person would be in great danger. As long as he was dead, then their chances of victory would increase to 80%.

“How should we do this?” Kalosi asked.

“So this is the gist of it. All of us will move around 5 meters per second as our fastest speed. During the contest, I will tell everyone who to focus their attacks on. And when we are fighting, we will make sure that the person is within a range of 5 meters. As soon as I say attack, all of us will attack that person with our full power in the one second. In the remaining two seconds, we have to scatter even if we didn’t kill the person so that all of us wouldn’t be killed in one shot.”

“If we succeed in our hunt, we would lose a fair amount of our Inner Chi. We will then have to scatter and retreat. That is because we would not be able to defend against the other four. We will need to scatter and create some distance between us. Once we have recovered some of our Inner Chi, we can then start a long fight against the other four who should have fallen into confusion. I will then focus on recovering my Inner Chi. Once all of you have almost expended your Inner Chi, I will become invincible. It is a very easy way to win!”

Jiang Feng had described the inner workings of the third tactic and also drawn a simple graph on the paper, explaining and analyzing for the others to see.

After their analysis, they knew that if they focused fire on one person with their most powerful attacks, their chance of killing the opponent was about 80%. And their chances of winning were also 80%. If there was no accident, they would have basically won.

“Captain, after listening to your analysis, I feel that we’re invincible.” Huang Xiaoyu said excitedly as he listened to Jiang Feng’s analysis.

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