
Chapter 63 - Family First


"Reth," Aaryn growled.

"What." The older male bit the word off, every line in his massive body tense.

"I don\'t want to fight you… but I will if I have to. The disformed are not yours. You lost any right to lead them when you pulled that stunt to get Elreth to challenge you." But then he blinked. Not because his resolve wavered. But because it hit him… all Reth would have to do to win a fight was shift and he, Aaryn, would lose everything.

The same thing must have occurred to Reth, because his eyes flashed the deep gold of his lion. But even as Aaryn\'s adrenalin spiked, Reth blinked and… to Aaryn\'s stunned disbelief, he dropped his eyes, giving an understanding of submission that…

Aaryn almost choked. "What are you doing?" he gasped, shocked completely out of his anger.

Reth huffed, shaking his head, then lifted his head to meet Aaryn\'s eyes again—all sense of challenge gone. "One thing you\'ll learn, Aaryn, is that the difference between a good leader and a poor one isn\'t their ability to win. It\'s the strength they have to show humility when it\'s needed for the greater good.

"I don\'t agree with your decision for a number of reasons. But you\'re right. This is between you and your mate. Whether you want my advice or not, I\'ll give it: Tell her. Don\'t risk her finding out from someone else, because if she does, she\'ll fear what else you may have hidden. But that\'s yours to take or leave." He got to his feet. "But for the Creator\'s sake, Aaryn, tell her before you walk the Flames and Smoke. Don\'t risk that something might happen to bring her against the Outsiders, and have to learn that that means going against her own mate."

"I will never stand against her!"

"And I thought my mate would never stand against me. But today I learned that\'s not true. I speak from experience, Aaryn, don\'t let your mate learn your secrets from someone else. It cuts deep."

Heart deflating, Aaryn swallowed and stood too. "I will tell her. I promise."


"When the time is right."

Reth sighed and shook his head. When their eyes met, Aaryn could feel his disapproval. "I will not breach your confidence… yet. But do not leave her flailing, Aaryn. If she is blindsided by the disformed and it could threaten her rule—"

"Impossible," Aaryn snapped. "I would see anything from them coming and stop it—or at the very least, be in a position to warn her."

Reth shook his head again. "I hope you\'re right," he said, sounding not at all hopeful. Then the older man sighed. "Beyond this point, I am truly glad that you and Elreth finally found your way to each other. It has been frustrating to watch her keep you away, to say the least," he said with a grim smile. "Welcome to the family, son. Again."

Aaryn smiled hesitantly. "Thank you."

"Now, do me a favor and get a damn lock on that door. Better yet, see if you can get Gar to settle down. He might listen to you. Then maybe Elreth\'s mother and I can finally have some peace. Apparently it wouldn\'t hurt you two either if he\'s going to keep pulling stunts like tonight."

Aaryn forced a chuckle, but he wanted to roll his head on his neck to release the tension there. "I\'ll do my best, but Gar\'s almost as hard-headed as Elreth, and you see how far I get there."

"It\'s true, my offspring are remarkably stubborn. They get it from their mother."

Aaryn blinked and looked at Reth. He was joking, right? But Reth was already turning for the door.

"I\'m going to venture out and make sure Elreth hasn\'t actually killed him this time. Do you want to come, or wait here for the dust to settle?"

"I\'m coming," Aaryn said. "Beating you has emboldened Elreth," he said. "I can\'t wait to see her take on Gar."

Reth grunted. "I pray I won\'t be planning a funeral tomorrow."

He was joking. But Aaryn could feel the tension in him. And he knew where it stemmed from, and knew he was responsible. As they passed out of the door to the mouth of the cave, he sighed. "Reth, I\'m sorry for throwing that dig at you about Elia. She was protecting Gahrye and me and… well, all of us. We asked her to."

Reth\'s jaw rolled. "My question is why any of you thought you needed to be protected from me. But especially why my mate would believe that."

Aaryn didn\'t look at him as they walked shoulder to shoulder out into the meadow. "I\'m sorry, Reth. It\'s not my story to tell."

"No. She will tell me herself," Reth said, his voice hard as iron.

Aaryn swallowed. It wasn\'t that Reth and Elia never fought—he hadn\'t been entirely joking about Elia\'s stubbornness—but their fights were usually brief, and rarely over anything of serious significance. At least, as far as Aaryn knew.

He prayed he hadn\'t just thrown a wall between them.

"When will you tell the people?" Reth asked a moment later.

It took Aaryn a moment to realize he meant about taking Elreth as mate. The memory of what had occurred that day rocked him to his core, and his pace picked up. He needed to see her again, to reassure himself that it was real. "I\'ll leave that decision to her. But it can\'t be long. They\'ll smell it on us if they\'re paying attention."

Reth nodded. "Are you prepared for the… backlash?"

"I am. I doubt that she is," he said honestly. "But at this point, there\'s nothing we can do but walk through it. I\'m not giving her up, Reth."

"What the Creator brings together, let no male pull asunder," Reth recited.

Aaryn snorted to cover his sudden chill. "They can\'t. The problem is, they\'ll try. And I don\'t want to be the reason her rule is in chaos." He needed to see her. Remind himself that she was real, and really his.

"Have you considered… waiting to complete the bond until after the Flames and Smoke?"

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